ITEM 3.6F OHP 2.9.2016 MinutesITEM 3-GIP 2-9-16 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission Minutes Present: Toni Seroshek, Gail Anderson, Zonja Matushenko, Mayor Jessica Stockamp Meeting was called to order at 7:15pm. No changes were made to the agenda. Minutes of the last meeting were approved. Notification of our Choosing Native American theme for 2016 focus: Gail states she contacted Dan Licht re: our chosen theme of Native American history in the Otsego area for this year and he has responded that he will put notice in the Otsego View that we are looking for persons who may be interested in joining us on that study and/or suggesting references. We agree that Zonja will review the study Otsego Historic Context, Gail will visit the Wright County History Center and Toni will visit the Sherburne History Center before next meeting to gather history of the early Native American people of the Otsego area. We discussed the scope and scale of what we want on the history of Native Americans in the area. Our goal is to have a banner timeline if information suffices. The title might be: Native Americans in early Otsego area. We want to include Native American battles on the Mississippi and other and burial mounds. Book Revisions/rebinding: Jessica contacted Lisa Fahey who states that she will get the second set of revisions to Gail this week for the book The Farm Years. Meetings Rescheduled: Due to scheduling conflicts the meeting on 8/9/16 will be changed to 6PM one week later, 6/16/16 and the meeting scheduled for 11/8/16 will be changed to 6PM one week later: 11/15/16. Archiving: We need a tech person to figure out if we may need to upgrade our computer to use the scanner. Jessica will ask Rob Snavely to check. Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.