ITEM 4.1 Public Hearing James Addition0tCITYg o MINNESOTA CDP DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works Ron Wagner, City Engineer March 14, 2016 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Engineer Wagner City Administrator Johnson 4.1-Public Hearing AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Hold public improvement hearing regarding improvement of streets within James Addition — 88th Street NE (Page Ave. NE to West Plat Line), 87th Street NE (Page Ave. NE to Packard Ave. NE) & Packard Ave. NE (87th Street NE north including cul-de-sac). ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No Yes — At this meeting BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The streets within James Addition are paved. The existing roadway was constructed of a 3" of bituminous surface over 4" of Class 5 approximately 24' feet wide. The pavement is 26 years old and is experiencing block, alligator, and thermal cracking due to its age. The value of existing housing is positively benefited by accessing a bituminous paved street in good condition. The existing street surface has a PCI (Pavement Condition Index) Rating of 42, well below the average in the City of Otsego. Typically, pavements within PCI Ratings of 50 or less are in their final stages of useful life and will need to be reconstructed or overlayed in the very near future. City Council authorized the preparation of a Feasibility Study to determine what needs to be completed to remedy the issues, determine a cost estimate and allocate costs. A public hearing is being held to present the study to the residents. The council will hear resident's comments or concerns regarding the possibility of continuing toward a project with regard to the potential for assessments in accordance with MN State Statue 429. At the next meeting, March 28th, the City Council will consider approval of plans and specification and decide whether to advertise for bids. Estimated assessments could vary some, dependent on a City Council decision on four secondary accesses. The feasibility report includes the four properties in question and sets the proposed assessments at $2,483.87 per unit. If the four properties are removed the feasibility report would be amended and the proposed assessment would rise to $2,851.85 per unit. Residents have been sent notice only of the project cost estimate and not their estimate individual assessment amount, which will be described to them during the presentation. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED ❑ NONE List: Feasibility Report Current Project Cost Estimate Proposed Construction Summary Drawing Attachment POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. N/A BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: X YES Assessments Ei NO Pavement Management Fund - 201 ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR PROPOSED STREET OVERLAY STREET WITHIN JAMES ADDITION CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA February 2016 Prepared by: Hakanson Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 Telephone: 763-427-5860 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under State of Minnesota Statutes Sections 326.02 to 326.16. '; .� el- / " Ronald J. Wq§der 26052 Reg. No. Date S:\Municipal\AOTSEGO\392\2016\Feasibility Report\ot392-2016 Feasibility.doc TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................1 II. PROPOSED PROJECT............................................................................1 111. INITIATION................................................................................................ 2 IV. FEASIBILITY.............................................................................................2 V. RIGHT-OF-WAY / EASEMENTS...............................................................2 VI. PERMITS..................................................................................................2 VII. COMPLETION...........................................................................................2 VIII. PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE....................................................3 IX. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST.................................................................4 X. PROPOSED FUNDING.............................................................................4 XI. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT.....................................................................5 XII. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION..............................................6 EXHIBITS LOCATIONMAP..................................................................................................A PHOTOS.............................................................................................................. B PROPOSEDSTREET SECTIONS....................................................................... C BENEFITING PROPERTIES MAPS..................................................................... D PROPOSED STREET OVERLAY STREETS WITHIN JAMES ADDITION CITY OF OTSEGO, MN INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Feasibility Report is to present the City of Otsego with a preliminary examination of municipal street improvements for Streets within James Addition in Otsego, Minnesota (see Exhibit A — Project Location Map). The report discusses the proposed scope of improvements, preliminary cost estimates and a project schedule. The report has been prepared in compliance with Minnesota State Statutes 429 for projects resulting in special assessments. Some of the residents of James Addition have contacted the City regarding street issues over the past several years. Last year a major patch was required to keep the street drivable. The patch was full width and over 100' long. The existing street surface has a PC[ (Pavement Condition Index) Rating of 42, well below the average in the City of Otsego. Typically, pavements with PCI Ratings of 50 or less are in their final stages of useful life and will need to be reconstructed or overlayed in the very near future. James Addition streets have been included on the Street Renewal list and included in the Capital Improvement Plans (CIP) for several years. Due to this, the City Council authorized a Feasibility Report be completed to determine costs and potential sources of funding. The existing roadway consists of a 2 Y2" of bituminous surface approximately 24' feet wide. 2 1/2" thick bituminous does not meet the current requirement for residential streets which is a minimum of 3 Y2". The pavement is 26 years old and is experiencing extensive block and thermal cracking due to its age. The value of existing housing is positively benefited by accessing a bituminous paved street in good condition. (see Exhibit B — existing photos) II. PROPOSED PROJECT The proposed street improvement project consists of improving streets within James Addition, specifically 88th Street NE (from West plat line to Page Ave. NE), 87th Street NE (from Packard Ave. NE to Page Ave. NE) and Packard Ave. NE (87th Street NE north including the cul-de-sac). Improvement work includes full depth patching in required areas and placement of a 1 1/2" overlay and shouldering. The proposed street typical section would be in general conformance with City Street Standards. The street section would be a paved rural section with no curb and gutter (see Exhibit C). Surface water within the project area will be conveyed the via the existing storm sewer system through a combination of driveway culverts, ditches and cross culverts. Center line culverts will be reviewed for structural integrity and replaced if needed. No ditch work or driveway culvert replacement is included as part of this project. III. INITIATION The feasibility report was initiated by the City Council due to issues regarding the age, pavement condition, and residents' concerns regarding the street. IV. FEASIBILITY From an engineering standpoint, the project is feasible, and will benefit the properties being served. It can be accomplished as proposed, and need not be constructed in conjunction with any other project. The City and the persons assessed should review the project for benefit to determine the economic feasibility of the proposed improvements. V. RIGHT-OF-WAY / EASEMENTS The existing streets and proposed street improvements are located within the existing 66 foot wide right-of-way. VI. PERMITS No permits would be required to accomplish the work. VII. COMPLETION This project is proposed to be completed during the 2016 construction season. 2 Vill. PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE The preliminary project schedule for the street improvements for Streets within James Addition: Table I City of Otsego Streets within James Addition Preliminary Project Schedule 2016 1. City Council Receives Feasibility Report and Schedules Public Hearing and Feb 8 Orders Plans and Specs 2. City Council Holds Public Hearing for March 14 Improvement Project 3. City Council Approves Plans and Specifications and City Council Approves March 28 and Authorizes to Advertise for Bid 4. Open Bids April 19 5. City Council Considers Award of April 25 Contract or Discontinues Process 7. If Awarded, Contractor Completes By August 31 Construction 8. City Council Holds Assessment Hearing September or October and Adopts Assessment Roll Q IX. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST Included in this report is a detailed estimate of construction costs for the street improvements. The costs quoted herein are estimates only and are not guaranteed prices. The quantities are estimates also. The contractor will be paid only for work completed. The cost estimates are based on previous projects costs. Table II estimates the cost for the paved rural section. Table II City of Otsego Overlay of Streets within James Addition Preliminary Cost Estimate Rural Section Item D- 1/2" Overlay Estimated •Type] 1050 Tons Cost $ p e ]r 65.00 Extended $ Total Per Unit 68,250.00 3 1/2" Patch 350 Tons $ 100.00 $ 35,000.00 Full Depth Saw Cut 100 LF $ 5.00 $ 500.00 Mill 1 1/2" Deep 250 SY $ 5.00 $ 1,250.00 Remove Pavement 1675 SY $ 5.00 $ 8,375.00 Tack Oil 620 Gallons $ 3.00 $ 1,860.00 Subgrade Prep 6 RDST $ 180.00 $ 1,080.00 Class 5 500 Ton $ 15.00 $ 7,500.00 Culvert Removal 50 LF $ 5.00 $ 250.00 Culvert Replacement 50 LF $ 50.00 $ 2,500.00 Shouldering Construction Total00 Overhead Project Total 290 15% Ton $ 25.00 $ $ 7,250.00 20,072.25 X. PROPOSED FUNDING The funding for this project is expected to be provided by two sources, the City of Otsego and the benefiting property owners. The project costs could be split between the City of Otsego and the benefiting properties (Exhibit D). The benefiting property owners is proposed to be assessed approximately $77,000 and the City would provide the remaining 50% of the cost approximately $77,000. IH XI. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT By dividing the total benefiting property assessment cost ($77,000) by 31, the number of assessable units, an assessment value is obtained. The estimated cost per unit was determined to be $2,483.87 for the rural section (Table III Benefiting Property Assessment Summary). The per unit method of assessment was used due to all the benefiting properties are single family homes and use the street in much the same manner. Table III Benefiting Property Assessment Summary Streets within James Addition Rural Section The assessment portion of the project would be approximately 50% of the total project. Ref# PID# NAME ADDRESS PROPOSED ASSESSEMENT 1 118-0480-01090 John M & Theresa A Kornberg 15159 87th St NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 2 118-0480-01100 William J & Joy M Dowzak 15135 87th St NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 3 118-0480-01110 Daniel J. Fietek 15117 87th St NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 4 118-0480-01120 Darren L. & Doreen E. Jackson 15073 87th St NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 5 118-0480-01130 Brent E. & Linda J. Lien 15061 87th St NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 6 118-0480-01140 Donald & Connie Streeter 8721 Packard Avenue NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 7 118-0480-01150 Deanna L. & Travis D. Mayer 8731 Packard Avenue NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 8 118-0480-01160 Timothy A. &Jennifer A. Brey 8743 Packard Avenue NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 9 118-0480-01170 Michael Dahlheimer 8759 Packard Avenue NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 10 118-0480-01180 Brian J. Rahn & Cindy J. Bethany 8775 Packard Avenue NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 11 118-0480-01190 Richard W. & Pamela L. Lampson 8793 Packard Avenue NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 12. 118-0480-03130 Tori K. & Ly L. Vue 8809 Packard Avenue NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 13 118-0480-03120 Tracy Lindquist 8827 Packard Avenue NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 14 118-0480-03110 Jason C. Will 8841 Packard Avenue NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 15 118-0480-03100 Dean H. Lowe & Debra K. Ahlberg 8957 Packard Avenue NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 16 118-0480-03090 Troy L. & Amanda G. Hanson 8971 Packard Avenue NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 17 118-2730-01010 Zeigler Custom Homes Inc. 8850 Packard Avenue NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 18 118-2730-01020 Anthony J. & Julie L. Siegler 8836 Packard Avenue NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 19 118-0670-01010 Keneth W. & Jill L. Paige 15108 88th St NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 20 118-0480-03070 Larry L. Larson 15136 88th St NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 21 118-0480-03050 Steven R. & Eileen A. Schuck 15170 88th St NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 22 118-0480-02070 Byron D. Bethke 15171 88th St NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 23 118-0480-02120 Thomas J. Kerchner & Mary Ann Norrie 15107 88th St NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 24 118-0480-02110 Stephanie J. Jesberg 8783 Packard Ave NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 25 118-0480-02100 Mike Gervais & Kayla Summerland 8719 Packard Ave NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 26 118-0480-02090 Matthew R. & Michelle R. Beck -Weidner 15140 87th St NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 27 118-0480-02080 Jacob K. & Janine M. Wcja 15170 87th St NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 28 118-0480-02010 Scott & Jennifer S. Kasper 8719 Page Ave NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 29 118-0480-01080 Earl W. & Doris Lieske 15216 85th St NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 30 118-0480-01070 Sherry Darlene Hult 115194 85th St NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 31 118-0480-01060 1 Kevin M. Rudek 115160 85th St NE Otsego MN 55330 $2,483.87 ` PID, Names, Addresses checked against County Beacon Tax Records as of 02/2/2016. 5 XII. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION This report analyzed the feasibility of improving streets within James Addition. The proposed improvements are necessary, cost effective and feasible from a technical and engineering stand -point, and benefit the properties proposed as shown on Exhibit D. The project is proposed to be funded by assessing the benefiting properties as well as receiving funds from the City of Otsego. L•9 EXHIBIT A 97s S T ST. NE W 0o z 87th w Q CIR. z w 00 0 Pq C 0 f1C�i T. i a �, (-V/ Y . LiJ 0 Q nL 90th ST. NE CSAH 39 — 89th ST. NE Li I—z-' I I I I I111 I I I 8gth 'sT� w ; I N E 88th >— ST. L`-I z w z Q _w w o' z Q o Q U- w Q <�, j NE i 87th� ST. w z w— _ r o �— 84th 85th ST. F w w w z oLU � 83rd < � Q Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors 3601 Thurston Ave., Anoka, Minnesota 55303 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-0520 www.hakonson—anderson.com LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT A STREET IMPROVEMENT - JAMES ADDITION CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA XSHEEM _ OT392-2016 K:\cud_e g\PROJECTS\MUNICIPAL\OT392\2016\James Add1U--Lac U—dwg EXHIBIT B _ � a • -` - "' ids � -- - s�.�. 'fir _ •:.� . - EXHIBIT C 2' 12' PROPOSED OVERLAY 1.5" BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE (LVWE45035B) 12' TACK 2 FOOT WIDE — 2" CL 2 GRAVEL SHOULDER ;• PER FT. — — — I"�PERFT. SEED ---`EXISTING GRAVEL BASE TOPSOIL EXISTING BITUMINOUS ROADWAY — 2Y" 2' 2 FOOT WIDE — 2" CL 2 GRAVEL SHOULDER SEED L TOPSOIL PROPOSED PATCH/OVERLAY 12' I 12' 2' 2' 1.5" BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE (LVWE45035B) TACK PER " PER IT / ` EXISTING GRAVEL BASE 2" BITUMINOUS PATCH AFTER REMOVAL OF FAILED ASPHALT h VERIFICATION OF SOLID BASE MATERIAL 2 FOOT WIDE — 2" CL 2 GRAVEL SHOULDER i SEED TOPSOIL 1 2 FOOT WIDE — 2" CL 2 GRAVEL SHOULDER � SEED TOPSOIL 1 Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. TYPICAL SECTIONS SHEET Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors EXHIBIT C 3601 Thurston Ave., Anoka, Minnesota 55303 STREET IMPROVEMENT - JAMES ADDITION DF 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-05201 —ill www.hakonson—anderson.com CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA Pm OT392-2016 K:\cad enq\PROJECTS\IAUNICIPAL\OT392\2016\James Addl flan—Lacgllon.tlwq EXHIBIT D 16 i _ 15 17 14 20 21 s- � 13 18 � _ r 19- 12 r 23 10 22 3 3 �. 9 r g, , - 24 Y 3 26 7 -`"27 3� F, 6 25 If 28 4 F f;r7l! r Liu ! 5 E`-�' 4 3 2 1 li 30 29 ..� 31, z -- - - - -� _ �I•�t,,1 � i� � I t � L � 7r,1�,Tyr,�c���7rD��YTrC-r<�}��',i's�3'�aiLm°�ti ° • i Y � y x3 N ZG W J Z Z � Z j U � W � � N F- N U O Z U � O U I I I I 1 O I I l l s >I,,6 U � O 4 I I 1 " �Nc I --- I aoanc I I I Nr js cc¢„y opont I Y� �t � J U¢NZ v0 3 I 14- I I I t a66 9 8 ¢ o _a6_v mZQ� L9'� I I I k� I _ _ m PHO, . uG �U3uoU I sdf sloz-xKta\9IGY\xK�O\lydoxM\SlfYoef\E+iaa\� a� i � I r' ♦ �TI ; w0 9 +�� a z o I ,♦ , I I � z o ' • "wry_ .1 z z w 1i i 2 ' If /I )OT I I ' u Vi S OLL T _ -� �•. I DEPTH _ PATCATC H ♦ r-Y 3N 133NI5 Hlyt '�• - w,�y � inn 0 Y I 3-2 C <<n l I n�� 0 Ttj •', ;fie =E�'e It - I jjI ATCH, SUBGRI (e RE&IR J yn�LLr V ?noew I vty''' 3N 13.3NLS KUR ; a wsr oz �[, ♦ oi3G�. ii _ CITY OF Ot e 0 ry e, MINNESOTA g 2016 Renewal Project James Addition Overlay Estimated Cost�per Extended Tot) Item Description Quantity Unit Type Unit Per Unit 2" Overlay 1400 Tons $ 72.50 $ 101,500.00 2" Patch 100 Tons $ 100.00 $ 10,000.00 Full Depth Saw Cut 72 LF $ 5.00 $ 360.00 Mill 1 1/2" Deep 285 SY $ 5.00 $ 1,425.00 Remove Pavement 780 SY $ 5.00 $ 3,900.00 Tack Oil 620 Gallons $ 3.00 $ 1,860.00 Subgrade Prep 160 sy $ 10.00 $ 1,600.00 Class 5 175 Ton $ 20.00 $ 3,500.00 Shouldering - Top Soil 200 Ton $ 25.00 $ 5,030.00 Turf Establishment 16000 SF $ 0.20 $ 3,200.00 TotalConstruction 00 Overhead 15% $ 19,851.75 Project Total Parcels 31 $ 2,454.79 EA Hakanson Lori I looked through our old files here. 85th Stand Page residents accessing or receiving 2ndary accesses were all assessed $4,186.72 over 10 years @ 6% for the reconstruction of the collector streets. This was in the fall of 2003. Ron H�k�.il�rt ilde rs-on Ronald J. Wagner, Otsego City Engineer 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763-427-5860 Direct: 763-852-0478 Cell: 612-919-9657