07-09-12 SCCP ots11.1 o MINNESOTA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Lori Johnson, City Administrator DATE: July 5, 2012 SUBJECT: Strategic Planning: Objectives and Action to Achieve Goals The next step in the strategic planning process the City started earlier this year is to review the objectives the City's management team identified to achieve the four strategic planning goals approved_ by the City_ Council. _At the workshop we will begin reviewing the objectives to gather_ Council input, set priorities, and prepare for implementation. One might think this is a simple, straight forward process given that there are only four goals. To the contrary; these goals are very broad, intertwined, and complex when implemented properly. The department heads and I met many times and spent many hours to develop objectives, measures, action plans, timeframes, and assignments for each of the goals. We will also likely need several Council meetings of discussion before the Council is comfortable adopting the implementation plan (goal template objectives) before we move to the next phase of implementation. The first attachment to this memo is background information from the previous planning sessions for your review including a diagram of the strategic planning process and a sample of the strategic planning goal template. The goal templates will be the focus of our discussion on Monday. If you have additional questions on the previous strategic planning meetings or action taken by the Council, please let me know. Second, attached are the completed goal templates. As I stated earlier, the management team has taken this task very seriously and has put much thought into how to achieve the City's four goals. For our initial Council discussion, we will focus on the first part of the template; the objectives, measures and actions. The remaining three, assigned responsibility, targeted completion date, and budget adjustment, will be presented after the Council has reviewed and approved the objectives. When reviewing the objectives, please understand that staff included as many objectives as possible to achieve each goal. This was done with the knowledge that some are more desirable than others, the Council may not agree with all of them, some may not be feasible from a resource perspective, both time and money, and some are less realistic than others. However, as staff, it was our task to provide as many options as possible and to think of all angles of how to achieve each of the goals. It is the Council's prerogative to determine which ones will be implemented. Staff's list, although long, is not exhaustive; the Council will have more to add as we go through our discussion. Additionally, as I stated earlier, you will see when you review the objectives list that there are many objectives for each goal; in fact, there are too many. In order for this endeavor to be a success, we need to have achievable goals and objectives. On Monday, we will start the process of narrowing down the list of objectives to the ones that the Council feels are the highest priority and most desirable. Finally, on Monday I will begin the meeting with an overview of progress thus far on our strategic planning efforts and then begin discussion of staff's proposed objectives and actions that will enable the City to achieve these goals. It is highly unlikely that we will have time to complete our discussion, but we can get a good start. If you have any questions or would like additional information prior to Monday's meeting, please contact me. 2 CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA STRATEGIC PLANNING Strategic Goals Goal No. 1. Expand the City's commercial -industrial tax base. Goal No. 2. Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of City services. Goal No. 3. Review public safety services Goal No. 4. Define and manage the City's image and identity Goal No. 1. Expand the City's commercial -industrial tax base. • Use incentives to actively encourage increased commercial development • Activate the City's Economic Development Authority (EDA) - - - -- --- o Conduct work sessions-- - -- - --- ---- - - — - --- - --- --- - o Develop strategies to recruit businesses • Evaluate the use of tax increment financing • Explore the use of a revolving loan fund Goal No. 2. Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of City services. • Determine what City services will we provided by City staff o Review staffing allocations to determine capacity and efficiency o Determine growth or financial thresholds that will trigger a review of how services are provided • Identify opportunities to continuously improve services Goal No. 3. Review public safety services • Analyze the adequacy of law enforcement and fire services o Define the baseline of services currently provided o Establish a process to ensure City oversight of services provided ■ Schedule times during the year for the County Sheriff or his designee to provide service overviews to the City Council ■ Review adequacy of law enforcement and fire services reporting ■ Explore City representation on fire departments City of Otsego, Minnesota. Strategic Planning Workshop • Increase public information on public safety services • Include a review of public safety needs in the City's long range planning o Identify when and where future fire station locations will be needed • Explore interest in creating a fire district with neighboring communities Goal No. 4. Define and manage the City's image and identity • Develop a communications strategy o Identify key messages to be communicated to citizens, businesses and stakeholders ■ Familiarize all City staff with the key messages o Increase the professional image of City staff o Increase web presence o Explore the use of social networking • Create opportunities to promote the City's identity and image in high visibility programs, such as recreation offerings and business recruitment/expansion efforts • Create opportunities for citizen engagement and building identity with the City • Continue to sponsor community events City of Otsego, Minnesota. Strategic Planning Workshop Strategic Planning Process Mission • Purpose • Values Stakeholders Public Sector advisors External & Internal Assessment • SWOT *1* Define Strategic Issues Goals Plan of Action 1T e. Implementation & Assessment Vision 5 5pringsted Strategic Goal Templatel� GOAL 1: i ASSIGNED STAFF: Objectives Measures Actions Assigned Responsibility Targeted Completion Date Actual Completion Date I PUblic Sector Advisors 16 i SGC` CITY OF I �) sego MINNESOTA STRATEGIC PLANNING GOALS IMPLEMENTATION Proposed Objectives and Action Steps For Council Review July 9, 2012 Goal 1: Expand the City's commercial and industrial tax base. Proposed July 9, 2012 Objective to achieve goal Measure Action(s) needed 1 Evaluate development fees Compare to other similar cities. Survey Determine cost Financial analysis Park Dedication Storm Water Street Access SAC WAC 2 Partner on a rental bay building Requests for rental space Contact Developers 3 Offer new/enhanced development incentives Develop Policies EDA Approval Council Approval 4 Promote Otsego name Entrance signs Identify Land Include in budget Utilize logo Otsego Unit on Wright County Squad Cars Work with Sheriff Hagerty Light pole banners in retail areas/boulevards Council Approval Create/Identify Downtown Work with Otsego Business Group East West Central City vehicle identity Newspaper ads Include in budget Increase frequency of newsleter Include in budget Promote Otsego for all zip codes Business stickers Community events 5 Identify development uses and locations Update Comprehensive Plan Complete Comprehensive Plan Process Council Approval 6 Otsego Business Group Increased participation Continue meetings Interesting Topics Achieve Business Group Goals 7 Start service organizations Find residents/business willing to champion this effort Lions Rotary Jaycees 8 Promote City's amenities Include in ED marketing Transportation infrastructure Access to freeway Location Goal 1: Expand the City's commercial and industrial tax base. Proposed July 9, 2012 Objective to achieve goal Measure Action(s) needed 9 Build amenities Identify current amenities/services Consider with CIP review and adoption Identify areas for improvement Survey Community Goal 2: Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of City services Proposed July 9, 2012 Objective to achieve goal Measure Action(s) needed 1 Compile list of all services List of services 2 Compile list of services not provided List of services not provided Determine which services residents/business want 3 Gather revenue and expenditure data by Run financial reports program/service/department 4 Labor and staff time review Review ADP reports Reinforce importance of accurate allocation reporting with staff 5 Review activity codes Ensure costs are allocated correctly Finace department review 6 Review in-house versus contracted services Inventory contracts for service Determine cost benefit analysis for each to determine which method is best 7 Evaluate customer satisfaction Survey Council approval of Community Survey 8 Determine if adequate and proper resourses are Compare staffing level to similar size Comparison of methods available communities Review equipment needs Outcome/results Need detailed reports from Department heads 9 Review Technology Compare to industry standard Budget for and install efficient technology in a timelv manner 10 Define expectations at all levels Discussion of service levels and programs desired Determine resources needed to achieve expectations Match resources with outcome expectations it Review delivery methods Complaints and compliments Inventory Interviews with staff members Internal External Up Down 12 Define roles and responsibilities of staff (employee Review position descriptions and contracts Create consistency and consultant) Enhance communication Assign "project leader" for each project 13 Review WebQA actifity How many times a request is reassigned Run reports and analize data Time to complete a request Goal 2: Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of City services Proposed July 9, 2012 Objective to achieve goal Measure Action(s) needed 14 Develop process for assigning Council directives Inefficiency in past Council discussion Use chain of command Goal 3: Review public safety services Proposed July 9, 2012 Objective to achieve goal Measure Action(s) needed General Public Safety 1 Public perception of the City's public safety Survey Council approval of survey services Increase communication to public through View and Website 2 Send consistent message from staff to public What does staff tell the public when Staff training about public safety services questions are asked? Police 3 Monitor existing services Determine if coverage is adequate Continue to meet with Sheriff and his staff Number of calls 4 Discuss station needs Add signage to building and squads 5 Establish office hours Determine volume of administrative type request Meet with Sheriff Make connection to public Fire 6 Acquire land for West station Density, population, C/I development Identify sites 7 Decrease response time Distance Identify physical barriers Review response times from three Open stations in City limits departments serving the City Improve transportation routes Adjust district boundaries 8 Reduce number of departments serving Review contract boundaries and City Otsego stations 9 Review fire inspection process Number of inspections completed Timeliness Use of inspection information - were respective fire departments notified? Cost analysis of contracted versus inhouse 10 Review fire service contracts Are they consistent and comparable? Rewrite contracts if necessary Does the contract provide adequate coverage? City representation in management of contracted department(s) Goal 3: Review public safety services Proposed July 9, 2012 Objective to achieve goal Measure Action(s) needed it Plan for Otsego department substation Population Insurance cost savings to residents and business vs cost of department 12 Improve ISO rating Track current ISO rating Extend water service Construct fire stations Emergency Management 13 Practice Exercises Include funds in budget Identify training needs and schedule training 14 Define Organization Refine emergency management Council adoption organizational structure 15 Dedraft emergency management manual Review current manual and make changes to reflect changes in staff and City needs 16 Appoint appropriate emergency management Evaluate staff roles and responsibilities director in a disaster Ambulance 17 Decrease response time Review existing response times 18 Review service districts Review coverage areas relative to response times 19 Explore City ambulance service Review statutues authorizing ambulance service districts 20 Explore first response unit Meet with current providers to determine benefits and feasibility Goal 4: Define and manage the City's image and identity Proposed July 9, 2012 Objective to achieve goal Measure Action(s) needed 1 Enhanced Code Enforcement Council action to be proactive instead of reactive Level of enforcement Weed control Private property 2 Maintain City Property at a high level Include in budget requests Review City and contract mowing 3 Educate public Newsletter and website 4 City signage Are City bounaries identified at entrances? City Campus Informational (changeable) City sign Logo signs at entrances Obtain quotes 5 Parks Maintain at a high level MRPA Gold Standard in Park Accredication 6 Fire Station on 85th Add sign stating "Future home of Otsego Fire Station." 7 Business stickers Council approval for additional funding due to increased cost 8 Staff Logo Clothing Review Uniform Policy Vehicle condition/consistent color/logo Update logo on new vehicles and purchase consistent color Otsego name on Wright County Squad Idenitfy type of magnet/sticker that will cars meet need Otsego name on PeopleService vehicles Idenitfy type of magnet/sticker that will meet need 9 Press releases Utilize more newspapers (North Crow Write press releases and submit to River, Monticello and others) newspapers Write letters to residents that are positive Goal 4: Define and manage the City's image and identity Proposed July 9, 2012 Objective to achieve goal Measure Action(s) needed 10 Design standards for development Promote/require high standards to attract quality 11 Recreation Special events and programming 12 Recognition programs Nice yards, Christmas light displays, Develop programs other Identity 13 Public speaking Speak to community organizations and schools - Council and staff 14 Community Center City gathering place 15 Recreation programs Offer recreation programs as an ammenity to retain and attract residents 16 Downtowns - identify to create community Name "downtown" areas feel 17 City Open House Advertise and host open house 18 Continue Otsego Business Group Provide staff resources to coordinate 19 Otsego Festival City participation and promotion Have City booth and promote City 20 Beautificaiton program Master gardner program City facilities - landscape Community garden City grounds - maintain to high level