ITEM 1.2ELK RIVER AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT ONE MISSION. OUR FUTURE. ISD 728 2012 LEVY Indepenen dt 5`h°°' °'`�2P Cnc FACT SHEET MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS NOVEMBER 6 Our mission calls for all learners to be educated, empowered and inspired; we as a greater community are committed to shape every learner's future. Consistent with our mission and Strategic Plan, the ISD 728 School Board placed two questions on the November 6, 2012 ballot. To make informed decisions, please use this fact sheet and our web site as references for levy information. The School Board's first ballot question asks voters to renew an expiring levy. This levy is in the amount of $386 per student, or a total of $5.75 million. Because Question 1 extends an expiring levy at the same dollar amount, it is not expected to cause any significant changes in property taxes. Our mission is to educate, inspir � empower The School Board's second ballot question asks voters to approve a new 10 -year levy. This levy is in the amount of $400 per student, or a total of $6 million. Passage of this it levy will result in new taxes. For Question 2 to be enacted, Question 1 must also be approved by voters. Even with passage of both questions, ISD 728 will still need to address a projected $2 million deficit. If the first question passes and the second does not (the second cannot pass on its own), the deficit climbs to $5 million. If both questions are not passed, our district will reduce the operating budget by a total of $12 million. Impact of a "NO" vote on Question 1 The Gap Widens $126 .---- $126 $124 --- -_ _ ---e-- .Protected Expenditures $122 —_. --- -_-- _ $120 $118 p C $114 _-_.__.. -----"-- Projected Revenues =0 S112 silo 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 Projected Revenues & Expenditures do not include capital & health & safety QUESTION 1 This is a renewal of taxes approved by voters in 2003. Because Question 1 extends an expiring levy at the same dollar amount, it is not expected to cause any significant changes in property taxes. With voter approval, the $386 per student ($5.75 million) will help: existing curriculum and programs, services, class and staffing. ing state assessment mandates. student achievement gains on the five percent of the district's current operating budget. The board of Independent School District No. 728 (Elk River Area Public Schools) has proposed to renew the $386 per pupil portion of the school district's existing referendum revenue authorization, which is scheduled to expire after taxes payable in 2013. The proposed referendum revenue authorization would be applicable for ten years, beginning with taxes payable in 2014, unless otherwise revoked or reduced as provided by law. QUESTION 2 This request of voters is for a new 10 -year levy that will result in new taxes. Question 1 must be approved by voters for Question 2 to be enacted. With voter approval, the district will provide: ($2.2 million) directly impacts the classroom ($400,000) the classroom ($400,000) 3 million) The board of Independent School District No. 728 (Elk River Area Schools) has proposed to increase its general education revenue by an additional $400 per pupil. The proposed new referendum revenue authorization would be applicable for ten years, beginning with taxes payable in 2013, unless otherwise revoked or reduced as provided by law. ELK RIVER AREA Why are these questions important? Learners: Every learner, from early childhood to a graduating senior, deserves a quality education. Without this funding, and despite our best efforts, our public school system will not be able to fully deliver what every learner deserves. Curriculum: Ten years is too long for curriculum to be updated; we must shorten the cycle to increase the knowledge our learners need to be competitive. Our district must be positioned to integrate tomorrow's technology into present and future curricula. Funding: Without passage of these questions, we will be unable to provide the comprehensive, quality education every learner deserves. We will have no other choice than to make reductions that will impact every classroom. Community: Passage of these questions benefits not only all learners, but all of our communities. The research is substantial; quality schools positively impact their communities with increased property values, safe neighborhoods and attractive places to raise families. How does ISD 728 compare in funding? OPERATING LEVY PER STUDENT #1 funded school district $1,946 W$698 $1,251 $0 $500 $1,000 $1.500 $2,000 GENERAL FUND REVENUE PER STUDENT $11,291 $10,538 $9,548 $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $12,000 How does ISD 728 compare in student achievement (MCA proficiency rates)? 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 ISD 728 S STATE MATH READING SCIENCE SCHOOL DISTRICT How much will these levies cost me? Question 1: Because Question 1 extends an expiring levy at the same dollar amount, it is not expected to cause any significant changes in property taxes. Question 2: This is for a new levy; your taxes (commercial or residential) are based on your assessed property value. Here is a sample of the tax impact of Question 2. ASSESSED PROPERTY VALUE ANNUAL TAX INCREASE MONTHLY TAX INCREASE Use our website to specific olly calculate your taxes. How is ISD 728 fiscally responsible? We have... Restructured regular school bus transportation, resulting in annual savings of $1 million. » Implemented a voluntary retirement incentive plan to reduce salary expenditures with annual savings of more than $500,000. » Achieved a savings of $500,000 in the renewal of health insurance plans. » Realized a 34 percent premium cost decrease in long- term disability insurance. Negotiated a 23 percent cost decrease in life insurance premiums. Asked state lawmakers the past three years to pass legislation that would provide equitable funding to ISD 728. » Reorganized administrative personnel cost to 3.41 % of the budget; the state average is 5%. Our financial operations have been recognized at the national and state levels and each independent audit has verified sound business practices. What can you do? Make informed decisions November 6. r a Learn the facts and share these with your family, friends and neighbors. Contact the i ISD 728 Community Engagement Director Charlie Blesener at charles.blesener@ isd728.org or 763.241.3522, or your local school principal for additional information. scan the QR code for more information The enduring fundamental principles of our organization; our common ground. We BELIEVE that... 1. ALL people have value. 2. Valuing and respecting differences strengthens the individual and the community. 3. People thrive when they feel connected, supported and affirmed. 4. Everyone can learn. 5. Hope inspires and empowers. 6. Lifelong learning is essential for personal growth. 7. Change is an opportunity for growth. (. ZMISSION �l^ OSEVEN CORE VALUES • ALL LEARNERS v 2012-2017 STRATEGIC PLAN VOLUNTEER TEAMS CORE • Jeffry Anderson • John Anderson • Lora Arnott • Hailee Athman • Steve Barone • Mark Bezek • Dolly Bina • Charlie Blesener • Dusty Bredlow • Joel Brott • Jane Bunting ACTION • Heidi Adamson -Baer • Rod Barnes • Terry Bizal • Monte Bloom • Michael Daugs • Cory Franson • Tiffani Glew • Ryan Johnson • Melissa Jordan • Alyssa Klein MEASUREMENT • Greg Heinecke • Andy Hillebregt • Bruce Jean • Pauline Knox • Nikki Nordmeier • Hannah Gibson • Elizabeth Golden • Kristin Hanson • Curt Hinkle • Jana Hennen-Burr • Judy Johnson • Jack Hines • Bill Hjerstedt • Bob Kluntz • Mike Matter • MCKayla Kroll • Sandy Langer • Kristen Larson • Brian Menth • Carolyn Mitzuk • Kristine Niznik • Paul Olson • Ruma Padukone • Megan Reppen • John Olson • Pete Pouliot • Eno Rasmussen • Joe Samek • Jason Paurus • Jamie Plantenberg- Selbitschka • Tim Rybak • Kari Sampson • Kristen Schrader • Tom Sterneman • Jessica Stockamp • Holly Thompson • Gail Weber • Sue Romane • Tricia Sanford • Kathy Simonson • Tami Soens • Debra Utsch • Lisa Van Eps • Sara Weis • Gabriela Wirz • Melany Wynn • Phil Schreifels • Barb Schwab • Joe Stangler • Darren Wolf • Jolene Jorgensen • Sue Farber • Jane Bunting • Tony Walter • Holly Thompson • Shane Steinbrecher • Dr. Mark Bezek I Superintendent • Janelle Henry ISD 728 Elk River Area School District 815 Highway ) 4 lover, MN 55330 1 763-241.3400 I www.elknver.kl 2.mn.Ds/strategicplan EM ELK RIVER AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT Independent School District 728 R: Our mission is to educate, inspire & empower our diverse learners, to shape theirfutums, to accomplish their dmams and to contribute positively to our local and global communkles. n$ g01r,$g Alf l� L1: The measurable checkpoints and outcomes to which we will be held accountable. Each LEARNER will... 1. Choose to continually engage in experiences that benefit the community. 2. Intentionally choose to acquire and apply knowledge and skills consistent with their goals and passions. 3. Articulate their dreams and create and carry out plans to achieve those dreams. STRATEGIC PLAN YEAR 1. Educate employees on the strategic objectives, why they are important to learner success and how learner progress will be measured. 2. Train the ISD 728 Collaborative Leadership Team(CLT) on a shared vision of the skills, knowledge and dispositions necessary for successful leadership. 3. Research implementing an all -day, every- day kindergarten program for every child. 4. Study the concept of flexible scheduling to address the diverse needs of all learners. 5. Enhance Professional Learning Communities (PLC) and Response to Intervention (RTI) to increase all learners' achievement levels. 6. Approve a new district name that unifies ISD 728 communities and increases support of the mission. 7. Create a welcome center for new learners that showcases ISD 728 and its diverse populations. 8. Improve upon a committed, organizational culture that values collaboration with parents and community organizations and agencies to achieve the district's mission. 9. Create a "cradle through retirement" mission -supported, integrated community council that helps facilitate the achievement of strategic objectives. 1 STRATEGIC FLAN YEARS 2-5 1. Integrate strategic objective rubrics into the district's 15. Initiate a comprehensive instructional outcomes and standards. technology plan. 2. Implement, evaluate and refine pilot programs for 16. Approve professional learning standards gathering data on learner progress. with differentiated professional standards 3. Educate stakeholders on the strategic objectives, delivered through multiple methods. why they are important to learner success and how 17. Continue to share district success stories learner progress will be measured. that support the ISD 728 mission. 4. Implement an integrated learner profile database. 18. Open a comprehensive welcome center 5. Develop collaborative, data -based learner- that provides new families with personal progress systems that guide strategic decisions. and online registration services. 6. Create individual leadership development plans for 19. Institute a new employee orientation program that provides commitment training all (CLT) members. to the district mission. 7. Integrate E-12 curriculum standards using essential 20. Provide community members resources and student leadership best practices. services from a new welcome center. 8. Provide leadership development opportunities for 21. Integrate the district mission into employee emerging leaders. evaluations. 9. Collaborate within the ISD 728 communities to 22. Develop a demonstrated system of create leadership development opportunities. employee commitment to the ISD 728 10 Implement and evaluate instructional strategies mission. programs and schedules, resulting in higher levels of learning. 11. Implement no fee, all -day, every -day kindergarten. 12. Develop and implement a comprehensive early education foundational skills plan. 13. Ensure a knowledge, skills and programming system is integrated that prepares all students for success. 14. Implement and evaluate the cost/benefits of flexible scheduling pilot programs. What we must do as a system to achieve the strategic objectives. WE will... 1. Continually identify, develop and empower current and future leaders to carry out our mission and strategic objectives. 2. Refine educational delivery services to meet the needs of present and future learners so they achieve our mission and strategic objectives. 3. Do whatever is necessary to create and sustain a culture in which all members of our community understand, support and contribute to our mission and strategic objectives. 4. Collaboratively engage all resources of our community necessary to achieve our mission and strategic objectives in ways that are mutually beneficial. 23. Strengthen existing community resource and partnership databases. 24. Work to ensure E-12 parents are active partners in the success of their learners. 25. Create parent and community literacy collaborations. 26. Ensure a system of career planning and career pathways is in place for all ISD 728 learners. To remain focused on achieving the strategic objectives: We will not adopt any new program or service unless it is: 1. Consistent with our Core Values and contributes to our mission. 2. Accompanied by the alignment or reduction of current practice. We will not allow current practice or tradition to interfere with the consideration of new ideas.