ITEM 3.3CITEM a-3(-- Otsego -3C Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission August 16, 2012 Present: Commissioners Toni Seroshek, Chris Wilson, Tom Constant, John Noll, Jamie Plantenberg-Selbitschka, Gail Anderson. Mayor Jessica Stockamp. Toni called the meeting to order at 7:05pm and the minutes of the last meeting were approved. A discussion was held re: the Rothaus report; Toni collected corrections from the Commissioners which she will send to Dan Licht. He will contact Dr. Rothaus with the corrections of City staff and the Commissioners. Jamie just received her report tonight and she will email Toni with her corrections within one week. Attendees to the State Preservation Conference in Fergus Falls will be John Noll, Toni Seroshek and Gail Anderson on September 13 and 14. We are searching for pictures to accompany the Park signs. Several pictures have been chosen and Commissioners will bring any other pictures which are candidates for inclusion to the next meeting. The pictures need to be linked with appropriate quotations, probably from Elaine Norin's collective works. We will ask Tami if she has the CD of the Otsego book Chris Wilson co-authored which contains several excellent photos; Chris states the City has a copy of it in their files. The 2012-13 grant applications are not yet available but Toni hopes to get started on this for Sept. -Oct. Tom brought two display easels he made for the Festival for OHPC. The remainder of the evening was spent working on the displays for the Otsego Festival. Times for booth duties are as follows: John: 8:45-11am; Gail 8:45-11am; Chris 8:45am-fpm; John, Toni and Tom, 12 noon to closing. Next meeting is Tuesday, Sept. 11 at 7pm at Prairie Hall. Meeting adjourned. Gail Anderson, Secretary