09-12-12 PRITEM 3-1
September 12, 2012
7:00 PM
Call to Order.
Chair Torresani called the meeting to order at 7:OOPM.
Roll Call: Chair Peter Torresani; Vice -Chair Charles Vonberg; Commissioners; Kathy
Roberts, Triste Freeberg, Rose Cassady and Susan Krekelberg; Absent: Commissioner
Mike Brumm. City Council: Councilmember Doug Schroeder. Mayor Jessica Stockamp
arrived at 8:22PM; City Staff: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager and Sandy
Lindenfelser, Special Licensing.
1. Open Forum:
No Items
2. Consider Agenda Approval:
Commissioner Krekelberg motioned to approve the agenda. Seconded by
Commissioner Freeberg. All in favor. Motion carried 6-0. Commissioner
Krekelberg abstained.
3. Consider the Following Minutes:
3.1. August 8, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes.
Commissioner Cassidy motioned to approve the minutes. Seconded by Vice
Chair VonBerg. All in favor. Motion carried.
4. Unfinished Business:
4.1. Karla Muller — Dog Competition.
Kayla Muller 9009 Naber Avenue NE, Otsego updated the Parks and Recreation
Commission on the Dog Competition she is having October 6, 2012 at Otsego Prairie
Park. Ms. Muller stated that the entrance fee is a recommended but not required
donation of $3.00 for the training time, $5.00 for the competition or $7.00 for both.
The Minnesota Board of Health has been contacted and the only requirement to enter
the competition is that all dogs must have a rabies vaccination. Paperwork for the
rabies vaccination is not required although the name of the veterinary clinic must be
entered on the application. Flyers for this event will be place in neighborhood parks.
Vice Chair VonBerg motioned to recommend that City Council waive the park
rental fee for this event. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts. All in favor.
Motion carried.
4.2. Joshua Teesdale — Eagle Scout Project.
Mr. Teesdale was absent. Councilmember Schroeder and Parks and Recreation
Manager Demant have discussed this project with Mr. Teesdale. It was brought to their
attention that Mr. Teasdale is on a limited budget. The project will be delayed until
further funding can be secured.
4.3. Recycling Containers.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant presented a summary on Big Belly/Smart Belly
trash and recycling containers from the City of Elk River for city parks. Discussion
included a variety of different recycling containers and costs. The Parks and Recreation
Commission directed Parks and Recreation Manager Demant to get pictures and costs
from various cities of the recycling containers they use and bring this back to the next
Parks and Recreation meeting.
5. New Business.
5.1. Work session with Harvey Feldman, Consultant.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant presented information regarding a possible work
session with the Parks and Recreation Commission and consultant Harvey Feldman.
Councilmember Schroeder said that the work session would involve Mr. Feldman
advising the commission on developing a vision and core values for the Parks and
Recreation Commission. Commissioners are concerned that this is a way to phase out
the Commission. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant assured the Parks and
Recreation Commission that Mr. Feldman is only here to help facilitate a direction and
vision. After a lengthy discussion it was decided that a work session will follow the next
Parks and Recreation meeting on October 10, 2012.
5.2. Funding for the Disc Golf Course.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant gave an explanation for the proposed Disc Golf
Course in Prairie Park stating that a grant for $2,500 was already received but a grant
to cover the remainder of the cost of $11,964 was turned down. Therefore he is asking
that the Parks and Recreation Commission recommend City Council approve the use of
up to $11,964 from the Community Facilities Fund #208 be used to complete this
course. The Parks and Recreation Commission discussed putting in place a process
where the commission can review grants before they are submitted. The commission
advised Parks and Recreation Manager Demant that the grant for disc golf was not
brought to the commission before it was submitted. Parks and Recreation Manager
Demant agreed that there does need to be a better process developed and will work on
developing a process for commission review at a future meeting.
Chair Torresani motioned to recommend City Council approve the use of up
to $11,964.00 from the Community Facilities Fund #208 for completion of
the Prairie Park Disc Golf Course. No second. Motion dead.
5.3. Funding for the Sliding Hill and Skating Lights.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant presented the staff report. The area for the
skating rink has been graded by City Staff as part of the parking lot project. The sliding
hill will not be relocated this year as previously discussed. This will be reviewed again I
in the future by the Parks and Recreation Commission and will need City Council
approval before moving forward. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant presented the
Commission with a quote from Wright Hennepin Electric for the purchase and
installation of a single pole with four (4) flood lights that would operate on a timer. The
use of the lights at this time will be for the skating rink. Once the sliding hill is
relocated to this area, the four (4) flood lights can be used to illuminate the skating rink
with two (2) turned to illuminate the sliding hill once that project is approved. Quote to
install the lighting is $7,100.00.
Commissioner Krekelberg motioned to recommend the approval of the quote
for installation of a pole and four flood lights for the skating rink and
proposed sliding hill in the amount of $7,100.00 based upon the quote
received from W -H Electric Co -Op. Seconded by Commissioner Cassady.
All in favor. Motion carried.
6. Parks and Recreation Manager Update.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant gave an update on the following items.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant has been working on reaching out to businesses
to be in a partnership instead of a sponsorship noting that the Bank of Elk River is given
a $4,000 cash donation to the City as a sponsorship with $2,000 of that going to
purchase the movie screen for movies in the park. Other businesses have been
approached as well including Cold Stone Creamery and Klein Bank. The canoe trip
scheduled for September 29, 2012 has been a hit with twelve (12) couples signed up.
There will be a Monster Mash Dash 5K Walk/Run and a 1K Kids Fun Run scheduled for
the morning of October 20, 2012 on City streets and trails in and surrounding Prairie
Park. The final cost of the shade structure was $35,120. $22,891 was the amount
approved by the City Council for the project. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant
stated that approximately $7,500 of that was for staff time which does not come out of
the Community Facilities fund, it will come out of the parks and operating b udget. The
project was over budget by #12,229.11.
7. City Council Reports.
Councilmember Schroeder updated that the City Council has just finished up the budget
for 2013.
8. Information.
No Items
9. Adjourn by 10 PM.
Commissioner Cassady motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Vice
Chair VonBerg. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM.
Written by Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing