08-08-12 PRZ.kev. 3A OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL August 8, 2012 7:00 PM Call to Order. Chair Torresani called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM. Roll Call: Chair Peter Torresani; Vice -Chair Charles Vonberg; Commissioners; Kathy Roberts, Triste Freeberg, Rose Cassady and Mike Brumm Absent: Commissioner; Jim Kjendle and Susan Krekelberg. City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp and Councilmember Doug Schroeder. City Staff: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager and Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing. 1. Open Forum. Kayla Muller, 9009 Naber Avenue NE has started a nonprofit organization to raise money to assist animal shelters in finding homes for animals. Ms. Muller is planning to rent the Prairie Park shelter on Saturday, September 29, 2012 to put on a dog competition and is asking the Parks and Recreation commission to waive the rental fees for this event. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant said that he and Ms. Muller will meet to go over the required paperwork to set up for this event and Ms. Muller will present it to the Parks and Recreation commission at their September 12, 2012 meeting for approval. Joshua Teesdale, 13780 89th Circle NE approached the Parks and Recreation commission at their February 8, 2012 meeting regarding the Commission's approval of an Eagle Scout project regarding construction of a fire pit in Prairie Park. Councilmember Schroeder noted that Mr. Teesdale already has the approval for this project from his Scout Council. Project funding will come from grant money and other cash donations. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant will meet with Mr. Teesdale to go over possible locations for the project and bring it back to the Parks and Recreation Commission on September 12, 2012 for approval. 2. Consider Agenda Approval. Commissioner Roberts motioned to approve the agenda. Seconded by Vice Chair VonBerg. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the Following Minutes. 3.1. July 11, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes. Vice Chair VonBerg motioned to approve the minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Unfinished Business. 4.1. Turn A Round in Prairie Park Parking Lot. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant said they will be painting the curb in the loading/unloading zones yellow to prevent people from parking in the turnaround. Total cost is estimated at $180.00. Commissioner Roberts motioned to paint the curb in Prairie Park turn around loading/ unloading zone. Seconded by Commissioner Freeburg. All in favor. Motion carried. 4.2. Annual Maintenance Cost for Skating Rink. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant presented information as to the annual maintenance cost for a skating rink at Prairie Park. Commissioner VonBerg asked if a warming house is in the picture anytime soon. Parks and Recreation Manager said this would be participant dependent. 5. New Business. No Items. 6. Parks and Recreation Manager Update. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant updated the Park and Recreation Commission on the completion of the shade structure in Prairie ParkInformation regarding the total cost of installation will be brought to the next Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. Two new "My Little Library" houses have been constructed and donated by Councilmember Schroeder, one to be installed at School Knoll Park and one installed at Beaudry Meadows Park. Comissionmember Cassady thought it a good idea to display one of these library houses at the Otsego Festival. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant updated the Parks and Recreation Commission on the proposed purchase of a movie screen for movies in the park events to be located in Prairie Park. October 5, 2012 is the date for the first "Movies in the Park" event. 7. City Council Reports. Councilmember Schroeder said the City Council has been working hard on strategic planning and the 2013 Budget over the last month, noting that things are going very well. Council Member Schroeder also noted the move of City administrative offices from City Hall to Public Works is complete. Mayor Stockamp reminded the Parks and Recreation Commission to get their event cards ordered for the Otsego Festival listing future events. 8. Information. Discussion of recycling containers in placed in the parks. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant will bring back options and pricing to the next Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. 9. Adjourn by 10 PM. Commissioner Cassady motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Vice Chair VonBerg. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:02 PM. Written by Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing