07-11-12 PR1 \-e Vv. 3 . � .
July 11, 2012
7:00 PM
Call to Order.
Vice Chair Vonberg called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.
Roll Call: Vice -Chair Charles Vonberg; Commissioners; Kathy Roberts, Triste Freeberg,
Rose Cassady and Mike Brumm. Absent: Chair Peter Torresani; Commissioners; Susan
Krekelberg and Jim Kjendle. City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp and Councilmember
Doug Schroeder. City Staff: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager and Sandy
Lindenfelser, Special Licensing.
1. Open Forum.
No items.
2. Consider Agenda Approval.
Commissioner Roberts motioned to approve the agenda. Seconded by
Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Motion carried.
3. Consider the Following Minutes.
3.1. June 13, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes.
Commissioner Freeberg motioned to approve the minutes. Seconded by
Commissioner Brumm. All in favor. Motion carried.
4. Unfinished Business.
No items
5. New Business.
5.1. Move Sliding Hill.
5.2. Establish a skate rink East of Public Works.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant presented the plans to move the sliding hill from
its current location in Prairie Park to the East side of the Public Works building and to
install a skating rink to the South of the sliding hill. Parks and Recreation Manager
Demant said that City staff thought it would also be a good idea to use the sliding hill
as the backdrop for movies on movie night. Lighting will be installed by Wright
Hennepin Electric. The installation of a skating rink south of the sliding hill will be done
this fall and then taken down again in the spring. There is no plan at this time to put
up a warming house. Benches will be installed for use at the sliding hill and skating
rink. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant will have maintenance costs for the
skating rink at the next Parks and Recreation meeting. City Staff would like a
recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Commission to move forward to City
Council for approval of these projects.
Commissioner Roberts motion to recommend that City Council approve
moving the Sliding Hill to the East side of the Public Works building and
approve the establishing of a skating rink to the South of the sliding hill.
Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Motion carried.
6. Parks and Recreation Manager Update.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant updated the Commission on the following items.
The sails structure was approved and will be installed the second week of July, this will
take approximately one week to complete. A disc golf course is proposed to be
installed in Prairie Park with costs being covered by grant money. City Hall will be
moving to the Public Works building and the current City Hall building will become a
Community Center. New play equipment consisting of a new swing set and web
crawler will be installed in Prairie Park with completion by the end of next week.
7. City Council Reports.
No items
8. Information.
9. Adjourn by 10 PM.
Commissioner Cassady motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by
Vice Chair Vonberg. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM.
Written by Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing