10-10-12 PRITEM 3.1
October 10, 2012
7:00 PM
Call to Order.
Chair Torresani called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.
Roll Call: Chair Peter Torresani; Vice -Chair Charles VonBerg; Commissioners; Kathy
Roberts, Triste Freeberg, Rose Cassady, Mike Brumm and Susan Krekelberg; City
Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp and Councilmember Doug Schroeder; City Staff: Ross
Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager, Dan Licht, City Planner and Sandy
Lindenfelser, Special Licensing.
1. Open Forum:
No Items
2. Consider Agenda Approval:
Commissioner Krekelberg motioned to approve the agenda. Seconded by
Vice Chair VonBerg. All in favor. Motion carried.
3. Consider the Following Minutes:
3.1. September 12, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes.
Commissioner Brumm motioned to approve the minutes. Seconded by
Commissioner Freeberg. All in favor. Motion carried.
4. Unfinished Business:
4.1. Recycle Containers.
As requested, Parks and Recreation Manager Demant presented recycling container
options to be placed in Prairie Park noting that these containers are not budgeted for
2013. If a recommendation is made to City Council to purchase the containers, funding
would come out of the Park Capital Fund #205.
Commissioner Brumm motioned to order a quantity of four (4) recycle bin 1
option with the pyramid lid. One to be placed at the skate park, one at the
pavilion, one at the splash pad and one at the shade structure. Seconded by
Commissioner Roberts. All in favor. Motion carried.
4.2. Joshua Teesdale — Eagle Scout Project Update.
Mr. Joshua Teesdale presented his Eagle Scout project plans and specifications to the
Parks and Recreation Commission. Mr. Teesdale will begin construction of his fire pit on
October 20th. Mr. Teesdale has obtained the funds and materials needed to completed
his project. Mr. Teesdale presented several location options for the fire pit. The
Commission decided on the option that allowed for easy accessibility and was near the
Prairie Center parking lot. Chair Torresani recommended that Mr. Teesdale install a
French drain in the bottom of the fire pit to keep it from freezing and heaving.
Commissioner Brumm asked if there was going to be a sign installed with rules and
regulations for using the fire pit. Vice Chair VonBerg also voiced concern about wood
being brought in. Parks and Recreation Manger Demant said he would check with local
campgrounds to see what their regulations are pertaining to wood allowed and see if
those regulations would apply here also. "Burn Local Wood Only" was decided to be
included on the rules and regulations sign. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant
stated that a rule sign could be made in the sign shop at Public Works. Mayor
Stockamp stated that since City Council does not meet again until after the date of the
proposed construction, this could be brought to the Public Works Subcommittee
meeting on Wednesday, October 17, 2012 for approval, allowing Mr. Teesdale to begin
work on this project October 20, 2012. Vice Chair VonBerg motioned to
recommend City Council approve the construction of a fire in Prairie Park.
Seconded by Councilmember Roberts. All in favor. Motion carried.
5. New Business.
5.1. Comprehensive Plan Presentation — Dan Licht.
City Planner Licht updated the Parks and Recreation Commission on the Future Land
Use Plan, noting where commercial, residential and industrial areas will be located in
the City along with the City's projected population growth and new homes over the next
ten (10) to twenty (20) years. These totals will be considered when planning future
parks. City Planner Licht said the growth at this time is on an upswing and is estimated
to continue to grow. City Planner Licht also updated the commission on future roads
and trails in the City noting the has City received a grant for the 70th Street extension
from O'Dean Avenue NE west to Lambert Avenue NE. The City Council is looking for
general feedback from the Parks and Recreation Commission tonight on the
Comprehensive Plan with a formal recommendation at the next Parks and Recreation
meeting. Commissioner Krekelberg asked if it was possible to work with Hennepin
County to get a pedestrian bridge crossing over the Crow River Riverpointe Addition to
Rogers. City Planner Licht said the long term plan is to have Brockton Avenue come all
the way up.
5.2. City Code — Dog Leash Requirement.
City Planner Licht said Mayor Stockamp and City Councilmember Heidner received a
complaint regarding the City's leash law. Otsego's City Code requires dogs to be leashed
or under the control of a responsible person by command, with the exception of areas
designated off leash. City Planner Licht stated that a resident is requesting the City
Council consider amending the City Code to remove the provision allowing dogs not to
be physically leashed if the owner believes the dog is under control. With the Parks and
Recreation Commission already having identified development of a dog park as a
priority, there are also opportunities for off -leash dog activities in Prairie Park and
Waterfront East. City Planner Licht said City Staff suggests that the City Code be
modified to require dogs be leashed within City parks and trails except for those
specifically designated as off -leash areas.
Commissioner Roberts motioned to recommend that City Council prepare an
amendment of the City Code that requires dogs to be physically leashed or
under electronic control in City parks except for those designated areas in
Waterfront East and Prairie Park. Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All in
favor. Motion carried.
Chair Torresani inquired as to the installation of signs along the walking path in
Waterfront East, requiring dog owners to clean up after their dogs. Also included on
these signs would be a bag dispenser available for this purpose.
5.3. Temporary Prairie Center Use Policy— Ross Demant.
6. Parks and Recreation Manager Update.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant updated the commission on the events that
have taken place since September's meeting. The couple's canoe trips were a big
success for the summer with eleven (11) couples on the first trip and eighteen (18)
couples on the second trip. There has been interest in scheduling adult cross country
ski trips in January at Elm Creek Chalet. Other programs anticipated are junior archery
classes taught by Midwest Archery which is located in St. Michael, indoor soccer clinic,
tumbling and gymnastics. With the overall use of the splash pad this summer, which
was considered to be maintenance free, there was an increase in garbage and
bathroom cleanup. Friday movies in the park have begun with the showing of "The
Lorax" shown inside Prairie Center. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant said there
was about seventy (70) people that attended. The Bank of Elk River, as a sponsor, was
pleased to be receiving positive feedback on this event. Future planned events to
mention a few, could possibly include adult golf outings, Lacrosse, a day at the Holiday
Inn water park located. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant said that it is important
to watch the City's website for upcoming recreation events noting that program
booklets will also be available.
7. City Council Reports.
Councilmember Schroeder said the Council has had a lot of meetings lately including
EDA, CIP and Strategic Planning. Commissioner Roberts asked if the Council is going to
put something together about the budget to be presented to the Parks and Recreation
Commission sometime in March. Councilmember Schroeder stated that there would be.
Mayor Stockamp said that the Heritage Preservation Commission is moving forward with
the history signs for each park. It was noted that Cowboy Jack's is now open.
8. Adjourn by 10 PM.
Commissioner Krekelberg motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by
Commissioner Freeberg. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM.
Written by Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing