Item 3.5Y 0 UtkF O MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Utilities Kurt Neidermeier 13 November 2012 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda D. Daniel Licht 3.5 — Biosolids Site Lori Johnson AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends designation of 15 acres within a parcel at the northwest corner of River Road (CSAH 42) and 65th Street as a biosolids application site related to operation of the municipal waste water treatment facilities. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No The City of Otsego has requested approval from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) to apply biosolids generated by the City's two waste water treatment facilities onto portions of the 22.91 acre property located at the northwest corner of River Road (CSAH 42 and 65th Street owned by Mr. Denise Bouley. The subject site is an agricultural parcel located within the east sewer district that is guided for future low density residential uses. However, the subject site is zoned A-1 District consistent with the interim land use policies of the Comprehensive Plan and there is no urban development within one-half mile. The City is proposing application of biosolids to approximately fifteen acres of land within the parcel. The application of biosolids by injection to the soil within the parcel is subject to the setback requirements listed below. There is adequate area within the subject site to comply with the required setbacks for biosolid application and make the parcel a viable location for the City's use. The property will continue to be used for agricultural crop production after the application of the biosolids to take up the materials from the soil. Distance to residences: 100ft Distance to residential development: 300ft Distance to public contact site: 300ft Distance to residential wells: 200ft Designation of these sites for the City's application of biosolids requires City Council approval pursuant to Section 7-8-7.13.5 of the City Code. The request is also subject to MPCA approval following the agency's review and a 30 -day comment period expiring on 9 November 2012. The MPCA has approved the application pending expiration of the comment period. No comments were received as of the date this RCA was drafted and City staff will verbally update the City Council at the meeting on 13 November 2012 if any are received. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: (X)ATTACHED A. Map of Subject Site B. PeooleService Letter Dated October 8. 2012 MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes.) Motion to approve designation of a biosolids application site on PID 118-500-362400 related to operation of the City's Wastewater Treatment Facilities. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: NA NA ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: Jessica Stockamp Mayor, City of Otsego 13400 90th Street NE Otsego, MN 55330 October 8. 2012 Bili Stephens Wright County Solid Waste Officer 10 2n° Street NW Buffalo, MN 55313 This letter is written to provide you with information about our intent to obtain approval from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPGA) for the application of biosolids on land owned by Denise Bouley located in the SE'/, of the NW'/4 of Section 36, T121N. R23W on behalf of the City of Otsego. This site is currently farmed by Keith Weber. Biosolids are reclaimed through wastewater treatment and are beneficial to crops and soil because of their fertilizer value and organic matter content. Reports on our land application program are submitted to and reviewed annually by the MPGA. At this time, we are forwarding this letter and a site application to the MPCA for approval of the site and management practices. Enclosed for your reference is a table of general management practices and conditions which apply to the land application of biosolids. The site application has been prepared by Jill Rymer who is certified by the MPCA as a Type IV operator for the handling of biosolids. She has reviewed the site characteristics and determined acceptable management practices for compliance with the State of Minnesota's rules for the land application of biosolids. If you have any questions or want additional information about our program, please contact Jill at 320-420-7937. If you have comments or questions about the approval of the sites, they should be directed to Jorja Dufresne of the MPCA Water Quality Division within thirty days of the mailing date of this letter at 651-757-2320. This letter was mailed to all persons noted in it, on the same date. The MPCA will approve or deny the utilization of this site in writing after the thirty -day comment period. You will receive a copy of that letter. Sincerely, Jill Rymer PeopleService INC 7551 Lancaster Ave Otsego, MN 55301 Enclosure Cc: Jorja Dufresne, MPCA St. Paul Office Denise Bouley, Land Owner Keith Weber, Farmer City Biosolids Application Site Date Created: 11/8/2012