ITEM 5.1Item 5.1
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TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission
FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director
DATE: April 15, 2016
RE: Pobuda Family Special Event Request
Judy Pobuda contacted Staff on April 12, 2016 about a request to host a walk/run event
at Prairie Park on June 4t" from approximately 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. with an estimated 100
people in attendance. Mrs. Pobuda is requesting to hold this event at the park with
possible use of a shelter from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m..
If approved, this event is being put on by Mrs. Pobuda's daughter to raise money for
the Children's Hospital & Clinics of MN. This would be her 4t" year raising money for
the hospital with her goal to raise $10,000 in 2016. A local news station did a story on
her last Thanksgiving about her journey and has plans to provide updates has she
moves closer towards her goal. Mrs. Pobuda has secured a local restaurant to provide
food for this event.
Mrs. Pobuda is not requesting an exclusive use of the park, nor is she requesting any
shelter fees be waived. This event does fall under City Code 7-5-6 subsection C. which
addresses exemptions to the City Code regarding special events, the section grants an
exemption the specials event permitreads as follows: The grounds of any school,
playground, place of worship, hotel, conference center, stadium, athletic field, arena,
auditorium, or similar permanent place of assembly when used for regularly established
assembly purposes.
Staff is requesting that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the material
included in this memo and provide and recommendation to allow Mrs. Pobuda to host
her walk/ run event at Prairie Park on June 4