ITEM 3.2_attachment1April 12, 2016 To: Otsego Planning Commission and Otsego City Council By signing this letter, we are giving notice that we disagree with and are opposed to the planned "Multifamily Residential Facility," also referred to as "Multi -Family Extended Stay Hotel," that is being considered for development at: 118-161-000010 Outlot A Vintage Golf Course Within Section 14, Range 24, Township 21 Signatures: Gail Anderson and Toni Seroshek 10410 Kahler Ave NE Monticello, MN 55362 LMV CUSTOM BUILDERS, LLC 6811 Mason Ct NE Otsego, MN 55330 (612) 490-3603 April 15, 2016 City of Otsego 13400 90th Street NE Otsego, MN 55330 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is in regards to property # 118-161-000010. We have received a letter of a possible multifamily hotel coming to a property almost right next to us. We oppose this plan because we believe that it will bring down value of our property as well as cause disturbances. This property backs up to a lot with a house. There is no space or barrier between this house and the "hotel". The hotel is to be 3 stories high and looks exactly like apartment housing. Since this is extended use, families can "stay" for years. All of the houses around are required to be 1 acre lots and only 1 house per lot. In essence, I believe this is a way to get in housing into a very small space. If anything goes in that area, it should blend in with the neighborhood. Our neighborhood that only has 1 house and usually only 1 family living on an acre. The property should have multiple high trees planted to be blocked from the residential neighborhood. The building should be a 1-2 story property that looks like a nice, big house. At the current proposed plan, there is no space or trees high enough that can be planted to put a buffer between a "hotel' and a quiet residential neighborhood. Thank you for considering our concerns when making a decision on this plan. Sincerely, Rita Volkov LMV Custom Builders, LLC (612) 490-3603