ITEM 3.9A OHP 3.8.2016 MinutesITEM 3-9A 3-8-16 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission Present: Toni Seroshek, Chris Wilson, Zonja Matushenko, Gail Anderson, Mayor Jessica Stockamp. Meeting called to order at 7:05pm. Chris has two items to add to the archives. Minutes of the last meeting were approved. Book Revision/rebinding: Toni has sent corrections to Lisa Fahey from The Farm Years update. In order to print we need to have 25 books, so Lisa will copy and upgrade enough for our total to be 25 books of The Farm Years. Gail moved that the OHPC accept the proposed cost of $221.60 for The Farm Years corrections and copies; it was seconded and passed. Research on Native American people in the Otsego area prior to and during white settlement: The Commission discussed how to proceed with their research on Native Americans in this area. We decided our information will have to be general rather than specific because we do not have specific information. We all had researched from different sources and discussed possibly, for instance, focusing on the migratory patterns, ways of sustenance and territories of the dominant tribes in this area. It appears that this area was on the edge between the Ojibway's territory and the Dakota territory and Otsego was within the buffer area. But there were probably two dominant tribes, Dakota and Ojibway; and Winnebago later from the Wisconsin area. There were probably three lesser tribes in and out of the area. Native Americans lived a mobile lifestyle within their areas depending on the season, hunting, fishing etc. We discussed a possible field trip to Mille Lacs Museum on Mille Lacs Lake for more history. There was a major battle between the Dakota and Ojibway in 1800 and a major battle between Native Americans and whites (US Army) in 1862. We envisioned a possible display of a Native dwelling (teepee or other) and a craft or survival skills being taught at our location at the Otsego Fest. Chris will ask Joel Coles of the local martial arts business if he is interested in working with us on this research. He has some interest and knowledge of Native American history. Jed Dotterer does own a teepee he has used with youth in scouting. We may wish to use photographs from the MN History Center re: early tribal life of MN Native Americans. We may wish to have a banner produced on this subject. Arcadia's letter to Chris Wilson as co-author of the book Otsego: Chris has received a letter from the publisher of the book she co-authored with Paulie Skaja-Bell on Otsego. It offered to sell her 80 books for $5 each. We had a discussion about how record -keeping has been done, or has not been done, by our Commission on what books have been sold. Jessica will check on whether the City has records of these sales. We feel that 80 books is too many for us to buy at this point and Chris will call Arcadia and see if they will sell us 20 books, or what exactly would be their minimum at that price or another price. We do need more of the books, but we agreed that 80 is too many and we do not have any way to pay for them. Chris will also ask about the royalties which she has never received, nor has the City, Jessica thinks. Jessica will check on that also. Decision is post- poned to acquire more information. Election of Officers: Chris moved to keep the same slate of officers as previously serving. Motion seconded and passed. They are: Chair: Toni Seroshek Vice -Chair: Zonja Matushenko Secretary: Gail Anderson Treat Supply: Chris Wilson Meeting adjourned at 8:36pm. Next meeting scheduled for April 12 at 7pm. Gail Anderson, Secretary