ITEM 3.9B PSC 3.8.2016 MinutesITEM 3_9B Public Safety Committee Meeting Minutes 3/8/16 1) Meeting called to order 6:30pm Roll call: Chuck Schauss, Tina Driste, Paul Fields, Jim Breitbach, Gregg Hubbard, CM Warenhime, Mayor Stockcamp, Chief Feist, Chief Bullen, Wright Cty Sheriff —Eric Thole Absent -Mark Driste, Mark Lucht, Elf River Chief/Deputy Chief 2) Meeting agenda approved motion Greg Hubbard; 2"d Paul Fields motion approved 3) February meeting minutes approved motion Jim Breitbach; 2nd Greg Hubbard motion approved 4) Open Forum: nothing 5) Public Safety: Rogers Fire -1 call in Otsego -cancelled, another quiet month Albertville Fire- 8 calls, 1 barn fire that was knocked down quickly Elk River Fire- They dropped off the 2015 year-end report; it also included the fire -academy calendar. Wright Ctv Sheriff- routine types of calls nothing really unusual 6) Annual Business — Election 2016 A motion was made by Jim Breitbach to table the election until April's meeting; 2nd by Greg Hubbard motion approved —we will hold election at the April 12, 2016 meeting 7) Old Business: Paul Fields suggested we do road clean up next month; committee agreed, Chuck will notify Tami Loff that Fire/Sheriff do not need to attend Safety Camp is July 13, 2016 1-4 pm in Otsego 8) New Business: Steve Berg —Wright County Emergency Management spoke to the committee re: Delano CERT Reviewed benefits for the city, how to get up and running, how Delano got started, what they use their CERT members to help with Committee discussed presenting the CERT idea to City Council —work session with Dennis (State) and Steve Berg (Wright County) to answer questions the Council members may have —Motion made by Chuck Schauss; 2nd by Tina Driste motion approved 9) City Council Update Feb 22 — Mark D-unable to attend, Paul F. attended — nothing to report March 7 — Paul F. attended nothing to report 10) City Council meeting Assignments March 14 — Chuck Schauss March 28- Paul Fields April 11—Paul Fields NEXT MEETING APRIL 12 , 2016 @ 6pm *** NOTE TIME CHANGE*** elections/spring road clean up Written by: Tina Driste