04-23RESOLUTION NO. 2004-23 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION CONDITIONALLY APPROVING MNDOT CONCEPT LAYOUT NUMBER ONE FOR PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO TRUNK HIGHWAY 101 WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has reviewed a proposed MNDOT Concept Layout Number 1 transmitted to the City by correspondence dated April 7, 2004 and received April 12, 2004 in which MNDOT seeks City concurrence with Concept Layout No. 1; and WHEREAS, said concurrence in principle with Concept Layout No. 1 is not a step in an established statutory procedure, and in no way binds the City; and WHEREAS, MNDOT must provide the City with further documents and layouts and follow the established statutory procedure under Minn. Stat. 161.164 related to "Official Municipal Consent"; and WHEREAS, the information provided at this point consists of said Concept Layout No. 1 and the very preliminary cost estimates contained in correspondence from MNDOT; and WHEREAS, the City has been provided information regarding projected traffic flows, and is aware of current development, as well as substantial proposed future development along the corridor, and has observed the present congestion at times along Trunk Highway 101; and WHEREAS, the City of Otsego agrees with the general concept that State Highway 101 should be upgraded from an expressway to a freeway; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes that said upgrade would be in the long term best interests of the City and its residents and would promote safety and increase convenient access to and from the City of Otsego. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA THAT THE COUNCIL GENERALLY CONCURS WITH MNDOT CONCEPT LAYOUT #1, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING: 1. The conditional concurrence herein does not constitute "Official Municipal Consent" as set forth in Minn. Stat. 161.164, nor does it in any way imply that said "Official Municipal Consent" will be granted by the City after evaluation of the final proposals. A decision on whether or not to grant "Official Municipal Consent" will only be made after the City has reviewed an official preliminary design plan, final cost estimates, and can properly evaluate the State's financial expectations for City contribution to the project. 2. The City Council requires access to State Highway 101 at the CSAH 42 intersection. The City requested and MNDOT provided, a design alternative for this intersection which was acceptable to the City but was rejected by the affected landowners. The City continues to support any reasonable plan for an interchange at the intersection, subject to safety and financial concerns. The City of Otsego encourages MNDOT to continue discussions with the landowners at the CSAH 42 intersection in hopes that an agreement can be reached that is satisfactory to all parties. The City of Otsego encourages both MNDOT and the landowners to think "outside of the box" in considering alternative designs for access at this intersection, and to consider the consequences if they cannot reach a compromise. 3. The City of Otsego objects to any attempt to close Quaday Avenue at CSAH 39 as part of this improvement. City officials have been told by representatives of MNDOT that Wright County wants it closed and have been told by County officials that MNDOT wants it closed. The City objects to each party's attempt to blame the proposed closing on the other, and requests that direct and truthful communication take place between both parties and the City of Otsego on this issue. The City of Otsego also requests that the proposed Stormwater pond at the southeast corner of the CSAH 39 interchange be moved to a location more suitable to the City and the property owners and that MNDOT work with the City and the property owners on street alignment issues. 4. The City of Otsego requests that the proposed interchange at CSAH 36 and Highway 101, and particularly the frontage road on the northeast corner of that intersection, be moved as far to the west as possible consistent with good design. The City also requests as part of the design process that a visual/noise barrier be located between the existing residential neighborhood to the east and the relocated frontage road. 5. The City of Otsego requests that MNDOT make every effort to develop an interchange at CSAH 37 and Highway 101 in which the Quaker Avenue intersection with CSAH 37 remains a full access intersection and is not converted into a right in/ right out. The City also requests that full access be maintained to the Anoka Equine business located in the southeast corner of the proposed interchange. 6. The City objects to the proposed cost sharing policy requiring local funding of a portion of a State project. The City Council has not yet received final estimates or an in depth explanation of this policy, so they are presently in no position to evaluate the proposed City share of the project. Accordingly, the City reserves all rights to withhold "Municipal Consent" to the project if they determine that the 40 City is unable, for whatever reason, to comply with any local share required. ADOPTED this 26`" day of April, 2004. CITY OF OTSEGO L-farry Fo ier, Mayor