04-27RESOLUTION NO. 2004-_2 2 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT TO OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST, FOR TRUNK UTILITY AND CITY STREET IMPROVEMENTS. WHEREAS, the City Council did on the 24`h day of May 2004, order the preparation of a feasibility study for the improvement; and WHEREAS, such feasibility study is being prepared by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. and will be presented to the Council in the near future; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council to hereby direct the firm of Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. to prepare the plans and specifications for such improvement project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council to hereby require the Petitioner, LandCor, Inc., submit an escrow with the City in the initial amount of the cost to begin the preparation of the Plans and Specifications ($20,000.00) and agree to pay any costs in excess of that amount as per the City of Otsego and Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. contract until such time that the report on improvements is accepted by the City Council and LandCor, Inc. executes an agreement with the City. ADOPTED by the Council this 24"' day of May 2004. L Fournier, Mayor G AMun is ipa1\Aotsego2xxx\2272\ot2272resorderp I ans. DOC