01-12-16 Heritage Preservation Commission Minutes1-12-16 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission
Present: Toni Seroshek, Gail Anderson, Zonja Matushenka and Mayor Jessica
Meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm. Agenda was unchanged except that we
will wait until Zonja is present to approve minutes.
Book revisions/rebinding for The Farm Years: Gail received the revisions from Lisa
Fahey today and will proceed to check the revisions with Toni. They will then be
returned to Lisa for the final corrections and rebinding.
Jessica explained that Tami Loff now has a back-up assistant who is Kathy Grover
In City Hall.
Meeting rescheduling:
Because of the primary election on 8/09/16 our meeting will be rescheduled to
6:00 pm on 8/16/16. Because of the election on 11/8/16 our meeting will be
rescheduled to 6pm on 11/15/16.
Zonja arrived late as she had informed us she would, and we voted on the
minutes of the last meeting which were approved.
Easter Egg Hunt:
We will once again offer the cutouts for self-taken photos which have an Easter
scene. We will also put out the Easter facts Zonja had prepared last year We will
not plan any additional activities at this time.
Native American focus for this year’s study and Prairie Fest:
We clarified what we wanted to accomplish in studying about Native American
history in Otsego. We did endorse this study as our focus for this year. Gail will
send a note to Dan Licht about this and a possible outreach to interested citizens
who might wish to do some research on this area coming through the Otsego
View. She will also notify the Star News inviting those persons who may wish to
participate or offer sources for this study and/or join the committee in this
endeavor. Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 9, 2016.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm.
Gail Anderson, Recorder