ITEM 3.7 Adoption of Wright County-All Hazard Mitigation PlanotSV Tr sego MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works, Street Department Kevin Lamson, Street Operations May 9th, 2016 Manager PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda Lori Johnson, City Administrator 3.7 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the Wright County All -Hazard Mitigation Plan. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The Wright County Emergency Management Coordinator and the University of Minnesota Duluth Geospatial Analysis Center have combined efforts to update the 2009 Wright County Multi -Hazard Mitigation Plan. This is a multi -jurisdictional plan that covers Wright County, cities/townships, school districts and other entities participating in this plan. Members from each of these jurisdictions actively participated in the planning process by attending workgroup meetings, providing information, suggesting mitigation strategies and reviewing the plan document. The Multi -Hazard Mitigation Plan (MHMP) is a requirement of the Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA 2000). The development of a local government plan is required in order to maintain eligibility for certain federal disaster assistance and hazard mitigation funding programs. In order for communities to be eligible for future mitigation funds, they must adopt an MHMP. This plan does not outline emergency management plans or response to critical events but it outlines potential hazards that Wright County and it's cities/townships are exposed to in order to be considered for potential funding. Street Operations Manager Lamson and City of Albertville Fire Chief Bullen have actively been involved with the creation of this plan and recommend that it be adopted as the City of Otsego's MHMP. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: x ATTACHED NONE • Wright County Multi -Hazard Mitigation Introduction • Resolution 2016-44 MOTION: Motion to adopt Resolution 2016-44 Wright County All -Hazard Mitigation Plan. BUDGET INFORMATION h, �Ihl BUDGETED: YES ACTION TAKEN Wright County A/lulti-Hazard Allhigotion I'lon, 20J5 Hazard mitigation is defined as any sustained action to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to human life and property from hazards. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has made reducing hazards one of its primary goals; hazard mitigation planning and the subsequent implementation of resulting projects, measures, and policies is a primary mechanism in achieving FEMNs goal. Hazard mitigation planning and preparedness will be the most effective instrument to diminish losses by reducing the impact of disasters upon people and property. Although mitigation efforts will not eliminate all disasters, each county shall endeavor to be as prepared as possible for a disaster. The Multi -Hazard Mitigation Plan (MHMP) is a requirement of the Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA 2000). The development of a local government plan is required in order to maintain eligibility for certain federal disaster assistance and hazard mitigation funding programs. In order for communities to be eligible for future mitigation funds, they must adopt an MHMP. According to an analysis by the Multihazard Mitigation Council (a public/private partnership designed to reduce the economic and social costs of natural hazards), for every dollar spent by the federal treasury on FEMA mitigation grants, $3.65 is saved: "The present value of potential annual savings to the federal treasury because of the FEMA grants studied is approximately $970 million compared to an annual budget expenditure on these grants of $265 million" (Multihazard Mitigation Council, 2005). Thus, every dollar spent on mitigation grants leads to an average of $3.65 in avoided costs post disaster and increased federal tax revenues. Wright County is vulnerable to a variety of potential disasters. These hazards, both natural and human - caused, threaten loss of life and property in the county. Such hazards as tornadoes, flooding, wildfires, blizzards, straight-line winds, ice storms, and hazardous material spills have the potential for inflicting vast economic loss and personal hardship. In 2013, Minnesota had some of the highest weather -related disaster claims in the country (MN Environmental Quality Board, 2014). This Multi -Hazard Mitigation Plan represents the efforts of local agencies in Wright County to fulfill the responsibility for hazard mitigation planning. The intent of the plan is to reduce the actual threat of specific hazards by limiting the impact of damages and losses. 1A.1 Scope The Wright County Emergency Management Coordinator and the University of Minnesota Duluth Geospatial Analysis Center have combined efforts to update the 2009 Wright County Multi -Hazard Mitigation Plan. This Multi -Hazard Mitigation Plan evaluates and ranks the major natural and technological hazards affecting Wright County as determined by frequency of event, economic impact, deaths, and injuries. Mitigation recommendations are based on input from state and local agencies, public input, and national best practices. Page 19 Wright County Multi -Hazard illitigation Pluo, 2W The University of Minnesota Duluth Geospatial Analysis Center (GAC) performed a hazard risk assessment for 100-year floods using the Hazus-MH GIS tool. In recognition of the importance of planning in mitigation activities, FEMA created Hazards USA Multi -Hazard (Hazus-MH), a powerful geographic information system (GIS)-based disaster risk assessment tool. This tool enables communities of all sizes to predict estimated losses from floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and other related phenomena and to measure the impact of various mitigation practices that might help reduce those losses. The Minnesota Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM) office has determined that Hazus-MH should play a critical role in Minnesota's risk assessments, and therefore the 100-year flood hazard analysis is introduced in this plan. This is a multi -jurisdictional plan that covers Wright County and the cities of Clearwater, Monticello, Otsego, Albertville, St. Michael, Hanover, Buffalo, Maple Lake, Annandale, South Haven, Rockford, Cokato, Howard Lake, Waverly, Montrose and Delano. The Wright County risks and mitigation activities identified in this plan also incorporate the concerns and needs of townships, school districts, and other entities participating in this plan. Members from each of these jurisdictions actively participated in the planning process by attending workgroup meetings, providing information, suggesting mitigation strategies and reviewing the plan document. Each jurisdiction will adopt the plan by resolution after approval by FEMA. Copies of the resolutions can be found in Appendix D in the back of the plan. Wright County has specified the following goals for this Multi -Hazard Mitigation Plan: • To evaluate and rank the hazards that impact Wright County. • To determine the extent of existing mitigation programs and policy capabilities within Wright County. • To create a detailed, working document that will establish a standardized process for ensuring coordination of hazard mitigation efforts and to implement an ongoing and comprehensive hazard mitigation strategy. • To familiarize state and local officials and the general public about comprehensive hazard mitigation in Wright County and obtain their support. i.1.2 HazardJ Mitigation Definition Hazard mitigation may be defined as any action taken to eliminate or reduce the long-term risk to human life and property from natural and technological hazards. Potential types of hazard mitigation measures include the following: • Structural hazard control or protection projects • Retrofitting of facilities • Acquisition and relocation of structures • Development of mitigation standards, regulations, policies, and programs • Public awareness and education programs • Development or improvement of warning systems Page 110 Wt-ight Cauniy Multi -Hazard Mitigation Plan, 2015 1.1.3 Benefits of Mitigation Planning The benefits of hazard mitigation planning include the following: • Saving lives, protecting the health of the public, and reducing injuries • Preventing or reducing property damage • Reducing economic losses • Minimizing social dislocation and stress • Reducing agricultural losses • Maintaining critical facilities in functioning order • Protecting infrastructure from damage • Protecting mental health • Reducing legal liability of government and public officials 1.2 Sate Mitigation Flee Overview FEMA currently has 3 mitigation grant programs that are administered by the State of Minnesota: the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), the Pre -Disaster Mitigation program (PDM), and the Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) program. The HMGP, PDM and FMA are administered through the Department of Public Safety, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. Page 111 CITY OF OTSEGO RESOLUTION NO. 2016-44 ADOPTION OF THE WRIGHT COUNTY ALL -HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has participated in the hazard mitigation planning process as established under the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, and WHEREAS, the Act establishes a framework for the development of a multi - jurisdictional County Hazard Mitigation Plan; and WHEREAS, the Act as part of the planning process requires public involvement and local coordination among neighboring local units of government and businesses; and WHEREAS, the Wright County Plan includes a risk assessment including past hazards, hazards that threaten the County, an estimate of structures at risk, a general description of land uses and development trends; and WHEREAS, the Wright County Plan includes a mitigation strategy including goals and objectives and an action plan identifying specific mitigation projects and costs; and WHEREAS, the Wright County Plan includes a maintenance or implementation process including plan updates, integration of the plan into other planning documents and how Wright County will maintain public participation and coordination; and WHEREAS, the Plan has been shared with Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency for review and comment; and WHEREAS, the Wright County All Hazard -Mitigation Plan will make the county and participating jurisdictions eligible to receive FEMA hazard mitigation assistance grants; and WHEREAS, this is a multi -jurisdictional Plan and cities that participate in the planning process may choose to also adopt the County Plan. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Otsego supports the hazard mitigation planning effort and wishes to adopt the Wright County All -Hazard Mitigation Plan. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 9t" day of May, 2016. CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk