ITEM 3.9 Water Tower #1 Reconditioning� #s OtSe CITY F O MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Utilities City Utilities Manager, May 9, 2016 Neidermeier PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Finance Director, Flaherty 3.9-Water Tower 1 Specifications approval for bid AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of specification and request bid notification proceed for Water Tower 1 reconditioning. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BAC KG RO U N DM U STI F I CATI O N: Water Tower #1, located on 70th Street is the original tower constructed in 1999. The tower is one of two storage tanks serving the Otsego East Public Water System. Inspections conducted in 2015 identified the need for interior and exterior coating replacement. The Water Utility Capital Fund allocated $428,600.00 for 2016 for Water Tower #1 Reconditioning. Engineering and Specification for the project and the addition of Water Tower #3 mixer reduced the allocation for the project to $400,100.00. The engineering estimate is $391,448.00 identified below. Final project costs will be identified through the bid process. Project scheduling includes a flexible start date of May 1St, 2017 with completion date of July 3rd, 2017. 2017 Water Tower 1 Reconditioning Estimates: Construction Management and Observation Not to Exceed $50,448.000 Water Tower 1 Mixer addition - Estimate $21,000.00 Water Tower 1 Repairs — Estimate $320,000.00 Staff and Engineering has reviewed Specifications with recommendations of approval to proceed to bid. Bids requested due June 14th with award at the June 27th Council meeting. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: (x) ATTACHED • KLM Engineering Specification and Inspection Agreement MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes.) Motion to approve specification and request proposals for Water Tower 1 reconditioning. R11nr.FT INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: (X) YES 601 — Water Utility Capital Fund (2017) ACTION TAKEN Rintme-y 13., 2016 my. Kurt Nci&Tmoiar Jjfi)jj,,V Operations Supervisor ('.ity of Otscgo i ; boo got h 'Street NE ()tscj,,o, Mijtw�,?ta 553"30 KLIVII E,,,VC-NLNrEE&LN1(� INC. By F.Mail Only R'E'.: Proposal to Prepare Specificati(jusiand Provide JnspcTtioli Servier-s Durina the Reconditioning of the 400,000 Gallon ElevAed WaterTower Loeated in Ots'Cogo, Minnt'SOta. Dear Mr. Nci&rni6t:r,- Tha.T(k y(, LL for the opportunity to -u1jillit this propasal 14}r -.;pcciFLetjt'on preparatioli and in§pection scrvices, duringstructural repair, surface. pTrpgyration and coatings, kipplicatlo" for thc interior and extcnor qtt theabove rcfercnwl lank. Potential Benefits to the City of Ots --iV -d - -tart Wc prop(j,,it: (() prepare a speciftui60)1 paekage -,gNJ11cally kles U' for xvatcr st(mtge reconditianing, Our c,,Npe; , ience hws, sho,,Nn Owl ffi.e 1110VO conTrellensivi� the spOcification is. 1h,t, Toore I ikely the pr�joci j-,i oil timr c. on and with quality workmAy"14. Die K1.A-1 specifleations will'Rx[Li" the oce ufrenec of confractor requests for change or(lers during rocomfitionifT, Without eonjploinfortnation, contractors, caul 0ail", that LulknOwn conditions are prewnt lb3l Wel)e alOt included in ft: biddijiZo specifications. -S ly minor jerns last 20,30 ve�jr wilEiorn Op oday's, protective, C-Clating an 111,1-JiMe i.115I)eCtionS qjiW the coafiMrz, sysrenis mainten cc. Ti. ( pr j03 t�ct specifications iind I' Ol'o 4)I}PoTqunitv to realise. Choir into�rldtxl service life.. Ljj j_j E strUctund repiks wiJNACH livilvetion bY KLM, Certified Welding N -Inc Co.-,ffitip lnspxcetors during coafiug reconditionin, -601 d V gh -q km arl�s that the \VoLk' PL -conwavior i� in Collfbini-Luice with the sNe.ifications, so that it r-MI-XiMi7c itslife:. expectancy, KLNVS inspectors monitor during all phaws of work and approve ft coltraaar's work. U � i I i zi proocss, niaintuman W (zos-,f�: w i I I he red-u d Y deerewi,ifig tbt: rani nbor of reconditioning cydes over dic- life of thQ- (Wnk, the P ojec r t spe Tjj oul pl�trbnll W-1co. T() iflthe . cificationsamlllwteal world clialtengcs tbat, cal, negatively inpact P itiate prpjcz I hat bid -are adve-Tti-sed t e(jr,�m i�jly, KLM project manlagi.-Toeta ensures L ., CorreC( I ly, hiddUS are qualified, proposals are evaluated for conlomi,,jnee to conEract docunwpi,I, kind 11tut the 1OWT1,111ficd bkider(s) as recornjillnided. c ity of Otscgo, MN A Prior ter and during Ch� project, Nve will %,v-ork mithym to sailor a customiz.,vdapproach to oppropriatcand we pr Om -, 0 fin Sh. al t Odicr clients ,()v ' iclecomplete prtjeet managemn r t 1 i prel'er co, perform one (IT MOM Of dac proj=1 kidrytinistration this fits their sy"gen't. NVe can derivv a balanced approtw[j to III-iiject mamagement that suits voo.j. Pronosal Cost Su.mmary gil "Servico. 1. lksig F xed Fet, 'i% $9-500.00 Total Estimatecl KLAM (70st in 2016 S-'),500ml -2., (".orbstraction. ManagerMilt '20 1 -1 Not cc) F,xceed S-2,620.00 j. Constmction Observation 2017 Not to Exceod $47,928R( 'fi)tal 'Estimated KLM Cost in 2017 $50,448-00 4. Warranty Inspection 2019 Fixed $2AOO.00 -5, AnAvvirua Per Prt)vider S7,0m.m) 6- Nextera Antenna inspectioJIS Fixed S2,000.00 Citv 4)f ()ti;ego_ Project Work Plan Upon c-ccution of a contract for Engineering Laid Inspeon diServicei. KLM Fn propose- t . be followi rm-C, schedule to perJI(Irm the proposed work- uti lizA rig the listed proji vot, I earl'i Ci1y of Ot.-4cgo order to prouoed,. 1. P-M-IillliflarV SIX-CifiCati0n,i Completcd by April 4, 20 16 convicted, by APC31 18, 2016 rt pro , C onstruction, umpltA 'd by .lane ne 30, 2017 .L 4. hispection Sm,ice-s' Sprig g Cons .tra-ction: Comple(ed by Ame 34,2011 2 3 City of Oj= -� ps, MN ScoqE.�W�ork: Proiect S-Veific-afi The prl)jec;l specifications will include: Section A Adverti-scnients lor Bids ']'his seoioa provides a detailed description of the pmject and nio-eis the r�quircmcnf,,; tsar lc aal oadvertisenlents. section B Instruction -to -Biddus ions to bidthms includinPa-, the Scope. of This,section provide; Prc-ci'�e instrucl - work, insunwicc. PaYMellts, tirlie. of completion, bi(Wer qualificaliffl's, taxes, and piYrrnits- legal requiruncoLs, performairlec and payment Nnick and offier hupOrtant prqjvz1 infar,11,RiOn. scction C r�QjiL�--,Aj id proposals; construction time Frnme, alternate This section contains the b laid proposals. legal requircracnits, and thL,- bidder and subcontractor qUalification forms. S�-ction D 1, v R� AgLL_ tqui remcn This section includes a conaplete descriptic, a of the pr-(ljecL prcject -If cojjtT,�tcj documcn(S; ti - to occed, project excclltjo�, ( no cc c PT .;L he -deal 4� ance, liquidated damages, and legal and technical requiremeaU for ex.ecuting tote scopc Of %v, S4:oion 1 '17 choir al Spe�cifiaqtions This -, Edon deWil,, the tcchnic�al specificafioll for SIT uct,utal exlerior surfacc p niodificallatis, sur-raxe repairs, interit and reparation, , spent abras exterior abrw4ive. blast coinlainment, disi xtsal o fsp dc,burnidifiemion, lettexiD9 land Icip ,o, qUbnjiL1a1.S, woj-�-TnarAbip, un . fth v () rjjl-j I c ,Nre k t t hor onditions., surfitec. againg and material, repair work, L--a, health and sanitax' facilities, cjctjta k1p,, ventikatiOn and safety' requiremcnis, s,jpvj-Jnicndcnt, inspection W . w ork.. steriliz-ation of tank interiors, and containment ptan. Section U =slilqrpqltal Contlilk—Fts" ition, andior other This scc.tjOr) or amends, the. cencraI Cond ontract Docaimcnm provi.,,ka'S of the C' SI&1011 U !Ae.ncrvd C('T1(1i11i('-',—s `-f his :aion i ticludos gill the GalePal Conditiwis dc-signed for -water hank. recondifionilog, such as 'Matflority of the I i ng�mccr, cogi nocring i r),svection, mt)di rjc�jtjnji F., ndditlons and sabtractions 0 r - opc. of Ivork, extelision," of City of Wego. NIN lime, -pusora1xv and Other appropriate items,. Section H Contract Documents This sectioo provI&S the k)mt of' ag -r�men to b- tj- d be than Owner and Contractor. As of Jul y 1, 1994, Minticqota SL "tate I -a%v require ; -separate bonds for payment and perforanwice. Scction J Inspection Report 111issection includes t=ncloskjre of past isJX-4!ioo reports with copius of color photographs. This provides the. bidders 1xith a clear PeNspcetivc- of the interiar conditions of the tank(;) wid the sc4)[v of'work iTivolvvd. Section K Dr,-mdus '['his section includes, dpavviti0ps, which deCine SJTLttUr-,11, Tep-,A�Ts' Or TTK.KlifU,'3(i0Mi Md wc1ding �&qinitions, ,Section L Surface Prep= ti on Rteou,rerylenits 1"his �,ectIiI0rIr0`ertnCe-s cxcerpt-�-, ftorn NACE Standard Practice SP0178- 200? Standard Practice, Design, Fabrication, and S-orrate 11-ni.,41 Pnulko.- forTal)L-q awl Vu-�,sels It) Be Liriod for Immersion Services for defining welding wid pjindino requirements of the structural repair or modifications. 4 See-fion M ExistinL, Paint Test Result-, This section contahis paint chip teal rt'.tsulls for lead and chromium used to caletilate. the risk 14dor ,ind classification of containment requh�d tear conkirm-ancc Nvith Federal and State Ejwirortnienlal Regullificins, Soction N I Lojgpo �(45 ii�onal irrccjuirxxI-,, dais section includes drami-Ings, (Warty wquired learring and Section 0 Addifional Owner Specifflaition leltI-11lI -R!;aqJP4Y-- , -((IPOPT�1.1-11 This scction is availahle. for...-idditionat O-wner Specification rcquireiiienLq. Ci(Y of Otscgo,, NIN 1) e s iag n, KLM Nvill also pul'orm at anj.jnhnum, the folloiving related specification wmiccs-- I Pmducc one (1) PrclilnillarY and seven (7) completed copies of the specificatiOlrul, for the Citiv and bidders. Adverfiwe the Pr('jL,',Lt to meet state, bid re(Idir ments. 4. j,,-.Sjje the spc6fications to prospectivo bidders. 5. Respond in writing to bidder qi vstiujls, which require formal claxi (le-Itions. 6. Issue uddeada to- the SpecifiCatioms as required to th Owner aml plan holders. -1b,&tLe re,;Ult.Spj tile 0,,Nmces facility, 7. Attendance �.j& bid opening arA t, 8, Evaluate the contractor,bid proNs a -I s for con Cornimcc W I-Ve-Ific' A6011S. ,.vrit[ng to tbt� ()wncr the bidden; , if)w, q1taliried d , (N). Recommend in to, Prep.,-tre Nolice of Award and contract. Agreement and formard to Coilti-actOL Specification and Related Services KIM propm)K--,, to provide tile. [)rL7jccj Ivcif Icatit)EI, and to rr(-irrn p r (i es jislod above, 'crelate e _Wn IC in 4onfbnnmtnce with the enclosed'Ferm s & Conditions for a fixed fi--e. of $9,50.00. This lei, includ-- two Q) c.()pieq of the speci ficatiom-, ro r flic. all listed and the e" 2 attendc-inee of a qualified pivijcet manger at the bid opening in tile City rjror-scgo, IAN. yi,L,jjty (80) percent of the Specification and re.luttd sel-Aces Will 11 bill JFtVT ti10 pre] m i inary s , pmi racation has been approved arid the remaining txdv.nty (."110) N.rcent \Vj 11 be trilled after (he bids are received and I�lhulatcd- Construiction Servicei :on. ir'uction. Administration -tv ism work together on Tnanag-ing the pm�iect. 'rhwiiroject The prqj-Qc1 manaver-and ProjJect SuN Sur&rVis"ordows the. reviewofthe. submiltals from the colitfactor, wid, the jaspe-cLor on a daily basis. 'I,he sLIpe 0 rvi.cior will cril'orce the projjcct,�I=ificatj ma, T)eCessaiy. The supervisur is the main contact bets men the contractor ve-prescm.utive and the OwDor. The mamlgev does thcfinai revim ortl,e submimils and pkNr rukiktests- Construction managL�ment wili include: 4 &cn 0 -sW-LrUCti neon �j 110tices I' F, �Ate.ad and fa�.Jjjtate prec� S 0 - terence M city of Oueg ,o, MN( Periodica),I), perfix-ni on-sitc jtvicw Or PMJOt CS NvOrk .5t'jtus rel)or' (c) the C'N C.Oc�rjjrj'atc. pro;g1resS MeOiffi"'.q as nv.ep-9sary fkc.view triecting oi[nii[L--� Scheduling of in-srxxtiof"S prellare rD(jrjtjjjy payllient rcqut.q forms flrocvssitirf chaiwe orders I r� • p-r(Iject c1t)5e t)utjdrtjJtiistrati(M ),varratity dtittw ke.,,,ieworjtjspc,etqr'. ,s daily documelitz(ODE) on a week yb is Iteview of the t.,g-qhLjucjoTs sabniittzils: 1. Dra-wino revievvs 2, Welder Cextificatiow- A. Wclder Qualifications Welding PTucedures coatjnL, , Materials Submittal 6, CeITItainmem Plan 7J1,C11, Sampling Plan 8. Spcnt Tm-tterial ooll(cLio" W-Kidi TOR 9, Lettering ter d logo KLM rc..;erv" The right to submit for additional fees for any contractor changv arders approvcd by the Omner. Cons,traction Observatioll le I - s -oor andkir AWS 'file inspector ItsSiLlPed to tbi�, prof et "ill, tie a NAC),"I'jained Coatiag lnsp�, Certified eldijig Inspector. All oraur hispec,-tors have Oxle"Sive PPICtiettl cxpt'rilence 'cultl M nters, knowledge ol'%Wltel'510 go, tank rccow-Jitioning, 111ey are tee I cc.tors whieb al low the insp-lelor elimbus, riggers, 0041i'19 ins l-Net"-11 and NvOding hisP - to perforin ir),Spect[on.s,,jjongsidc tear contmetor to enskiTe confhrmanca lip the PrQJC0 semi cation. At a n1inilnuai, the field inipections will include the Mowing - A preco,astruction nteefing With the client. and contraclorto CICHTly define the rojeof dic. EngJiicer and InspocLor Ot"d to discuss the. intent of the cit-y of Olsxqgo., NIN T%,j(5(iitoring aDd approval of rjjc.qjj,uctLjrtj refrain; and niqdificatiow,; rg.v conformanu, to the tri,ji<k alld equipMellt ftir conformance Lo Ibe cattle abra2sive Wasting ML.,, pectior specil!calions wid (o Prevent contamination oCsurfaccs durittg .,ujx,,-jc,,e prep, anation -%ri(h frujisLurc Arid oil or other COrlIfflIlin.Ints. Monitoring the paint m-moval wid abktteraleilt PRIV�S� Cor confoTm.-ane-f2. to the'- TvCifliCationS and cliNuirownental rcgulaLiorls, N-jonitoring the wraractors mi0bg and appliciilkni of the coratinti;, Parr cont-ortnance to the specificotiojis and the ooatlag. manlifilCLurcr�s rewmmendations, Approving sufllice prewation wllplcs. C, • Recordin_g, the contractor's pro-grcss J."or adltcrcneec to the constnidioti, ,,,chcdule. Stihnijual of daily and �,veckly in.sliection report-s. PrCJXIW. lTtd r& copies cif the reports orl construc,lion activities. & Review progrus.k., payments. 0 Ccmxdinat� and reNriew tesditic, of 1-naterials for conRim) ance to tbu sPecifi, cation and environmmat regulations. * Work, directly'vdth, re-Side'llts anti pr()perty Li,%Ijers to answer questions and rcsP(Md EO constructiori related Monitor punch list itt�.ms and subsequent correv.jjv� action by the contractor. I'Irtal inspectiom,.5ub.stantial completion, and ProjectaccePtklrac-e. The duration ruC the field inspeclion depend-, LLPOA UIC constructi(tT-t,-,clicdule,,ilti.rriate sclected durin_r, the bid evaluali.oal process and OT, t3le time it tAes the contractor to perfonn the structural repairs and coating work. M C, j ty o f 0 tsc. g o ., MN Documentation (if the, PrOjed KLM will provide clectronic docuil-teatation or tI'cfOjj',AViTI�,- !.'rcijcd Sp"ifications • Daily I x)g.s • Weather Loggs • Skrrrair-z I-Irepki-ration • Daily Digital Pholo's Wc LA. I y S, ummar.N Wca-.Iy Ceding Minutes. Project Accelitallce Ccrtificatc. The city ovnSaild retains this docummilation. KLNI also retains theserecords ror future IvfcrCn e- Construction Service Administration and inspection Fees 13 3-sed on the pro:i ed dum Lion of emirent rep. Sche, . dule, and Terms, & Conditions, tml an antic-ipt(od 41N hour NvIM4 week, our c(m -m PC will be. chaTgcd on a time and Material ,straction mamagement, -d field ins ctionservieLs bassis .%-jtjj an esthiimed averagxe ofS6,306.00 per wcz.k. Fms ore subject to c�,lia-lige if proposed ,,vork czxtcncls beyond dic,-? 0 17 Coll-StnIQ6011 SMSOJI, Ellis cost esti Illate -InCItKje..s tile atten e pedo tl j(lariec of a qk.mli fied and assigil d I 11,� raI c I Pmeatistniction conference in OtsegAIMN, Nk'arrantv Ins - Pection -Piration ol..' Wc p_rojj(--jSe to perlomi a Warrmity Impection on t1jo ref'ej enc -ed (ank prior to the ox the Ivrform.ance bonded two (2) year wkin-mity for a F xed Fec of S2,400-00. This fie it ejne (1) copy of Oiewarrant), impaction report f(rI- the 0,,,�,ReT. zirld one, (1) copy of the report for the contractor. Prior to the expiration of the, "',-ffranty pe-mod, KLM NOU request verification to procced vVith the wurranty inspec tiort mide r the terms of this ctmiract. This PhaST. of the jlrceject will be billed, upor) suillijittal offli.e. Warrant), inspection Report, ,f]jis toe lot inelkl(leatljjcczss,jTispeeti ons) sl-muld warranty repair Nvork 1xrequircd. Antenna Inspection KI.M rucourimends the owner to set Lip an csc.ro%v ae-Colmll for the antenna prnaviders for tam, e-t. KIN Tecom mends $7,000 carrier and S2,00 for any KiLenna rckttoLl work on Hail proje city or Nextera antcrmll,- c,jt), of Otswga, MN P rf Tea m viect' KLM ti,,nginctang Inc. 'Yeam INI-ember Enginee;'hl.g Marm8ef - NNItw Erickson, Pj"; Markeliti.- MaMigey'. 'ShaNNT) Muthem Offia Managpi:r.' Laurie Sylto Wisconsin S;Ileq Manjg Nfinno,!4-tar Sales'Nianager. DO%vey Prinzi,%, ■ Marketing Assistmt: Kirni Gran it pr,�Iect Ficki SupervisM. "vcOtt Kris. Re .p(trj Writer- fZodney EIH, ■ (),,xRjtjorj.q Coordinator-, Midu;j le NdRm I,ejecomm Stipenrisor; Chad Rcycr Field InspectoTS; (,urtisParison David Moritc-Onim, Erk; Duman Devitt lies' m, (In Josh Fly td)er Gabe Roeder Terms, & C011ditiOns unle are. greernen�bett��ca ji, KIA-fand tho City 01 e d remis & Conditit)n�, e part oI'lhecqhenviscatreed to in %vriting by both, 'Hic Fee Schodulc jised by KLM white our peNonnel ,ire r.vorking. cm the projeci is the curmit c(I (jur , ct duration. Fce,,,cljcduje arid will no! he cliang ilig, a . le prt�jc se,Mcc,, perfonned by KLM E.rigineering, Inc-ror this pT-,�ct will bc conducted in a E-mmicr CTJ COU'SiStent with the Ivvel of care andski.11 t)-rdinarily exerciscd by members 00he Professim cummdy practicing it, this arca kinder %imilar bla-dget and time restraint-s. Additional Information flo�jffad -at UNT's %vebsitcat, Additional ijifom"WiOrk clul 11, FIM City {if OEscglo. NIN ,A .,greement the City of 'Mis proposal is vatict for sixty (60)days, frorn Oils date oNlanwiry 13,201-6, If Otqwgo find. N 8 prapos,d k1cceptable, pleww sign and Ttwrn this pagl by mail, fiL,S, or email. We,van he wofl, imniediately �.jf;r -qpccificalion c a contract has been. execated. Prefimina- I � I I o -ek- should bc ready for submillat 1. flie Owrier in four (4) to (6) wG , after the receipt L sib, ed contract 11, please coll Tric at 651-773-5111 of emai ment t1jir s I ('y(ju havc. any qUeSfiffll- poTyL C I -IM Thisagrecmimt, between the City kjf CXse-gf,, ymd KLM Engineering, 111c, OflAke Elmo h'Jit)FIe'ota is accepted b)", -e-," Cit", of Olsqgo, -(-,, faL,--, matc) Markcting ;! I Ile. Lake F.Imo, Minne-som (N a-mc) J_gk4ary 13- 2016 (Dale) We I ook fomird to work, ing wills you, S -inecrel, v, -mji A. Mulhtrn Mark ,cting Nlamap.er KLM Frigjncering, Inc. s2na ha flhwi:j} Kj 16 'rapa5ui!vviv.+ it-zvull