ITEM 7.3 STMA School Board UpdateOt�ce o MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Administration Lori Johnson, City Administrator May 9, 2016 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Lori Johnson, City Administrator 7.3 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Receive an update from Mayor Stockamp regarding St. Michael Albertville (STMA) School Board and Albertville Citv Council discussions regarding STMA open enrollment. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? No IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No BACKGROUND/J USTI FICATION: At the April 18, 2016, STMA School Board meeting, the Board discussed possible changes to open enrollment. This could affect students in both Albertville and Otsego that wish to open enroll to STMA. The School Board requested that Superintendent Behle review the proposed changes with the City of Albertville. The Albertville City Council discussed this item at the May 2 Albertville Council meeting. Mayor Stockamp attended that meeting, and she will brief the Council on Albertville's discussion. Ajoint meeting of the two cities and two school districts (STMA and ISD728 Elk River Area) was proposed. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ❑ ATTACHED ❑ NONE • April 18, 2016, STMA, ISD 885 Board Minutes POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. No motion is requested unless a special meeting date is selected requiring a motion to call a special meeting to discuss school boundary lines for a date and time specific. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: X ❑ YES N/A ❑ NO ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED o TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: � V tVAt' 5. Reports A- Report on Possible Changes to Open Enrollment Dr. Behle reported on enrollment, capacity and possible options to consider on limiting open enrolled students into the district. Behle stated that the primary reason to consider restricting open enrollment is because of the high school reaching capacity as larger classes move into the high school. Currently, we do not limit open enrollment into the district at any grade levels. Behle stated that he would anticipate families in the Elk River School District in Albertville, non- resident families who attend St. Michael Catholic School and realtors may have concerns about restricting open enrollment. Behle stated that he met with Jenny Haller, Principal, St. Michael Catholic School and one of her advisory board members about potential changes to open enrollment. Behle stated that one option is to cap enrollment at 450 in kindergarten, 490 students in grades 1-8 and 530 in grades 9-12 and to give preference to families with siblings. This would continue to allow some non-resident families to open enroll into the district. Through discussion, the board requested additional information from Dr. Behle on High School capacity. Additionally, they requested Behle review the proposed changes with the City of Albertville and ask for their perspective. 6. Old Business A- Report on District Long Range Staffing and Capital Outlay Needs Dr. Behle presented on District Long Range Staffing and Capital Outlay Needs. The presentation was a compilation of unmet staffing and capital outlay needs which can be used by the board for planning in the next two to three years. Behle stated that class sizes at the high school continue to increase and there are limited resources for enrollment growth at the high school. Throughout the district, there is aging technology and equipment. The district is currently unable to meet all student mental health needs and priorities. B. Update on Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Dr. Behle included an update from the Finance Advisory Committee in the District Long Range Staffing and Capital Outlay needs presentation. The committee recommended the following: A- Establish a maximum amount to deficit spend in a single fiscal year B. Maintain an unassigned balance higher than 1.5 months, approximately $8 million C- Monitor long range projections. An additional 1% increase from the state will generate approximately $500,000 in revenue D- For the Capital Outlay budget, set a minimum amount balance that would be necessary for emergency expenditures. Emergency needs may also be expended from the operating fund unassigned balance E. Make public aware of current unmet staffing needs, outdated technology and delayed purchases. They are not aware that class sizes are increasing, mental health needs are going unmet and purchase are being delayed and eliminated.