04-25-16 City Council MinutesOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER APRIL 25, 2016 *5:30 PM Call to Order. Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 6:09 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Doug Schroeder and Tom Darkenwald. Absent: Councilmember Jason Warehime. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney; Adam Flaherty, Finance Director and Tami Loff, City Clerk. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Open Forum. No items. 2. Consider agenda approval. City Administrator Johnson requested to add Item 6.3 Award Bid for Otsego East WWTF Aerator Equipment and Item 6.4 Audit update and call special meeting for review of audit. CM Heidner motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial items). 3.1 Approve Claims List. 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A. April 11, 2016. 3.3 Approve hire of Maintenance I Position. 3.4 Approve purchase of 800 MHz Radio's. 3.5 Approve purchase of Zero Turn Mower. 3.6 Approve hire of Parks & Recreation Seasonal Employee. 3.7 Approve Herbicide application Contract. 3.8 Metro Home Installation Agreement. 3.9 Received Commission Meeting Minutes: A. Heritage Preservation Commission March 8, 2016. B. Public Safety Commission March 8, 2016. C. Park & Recreation March 15, 2016. D. Planning Commission March 21, 2016. CM Heidner motioned to approve as written. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Community Development: 4.1 Mississippi Pines, Outlot I: A. PUD-CUP/Preliminary and final plat to create one (1) single family lot and two (2) open space outlots. City Planner Licht presented the staff report and stated it's the responsibility of the applicant to comply with the conditions of the approval. 11 Page 4/25/16 CM Darkenwald motioned to approve a PUD -CUP and Preliminary/Final Plat for Outlot I subject to the Findings of Fact and Decision dated April 20, 2016. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 4.2 Boulder Creek 2nd Final Plat. City Planner Licht presented the staff report. CM Darkenwald said being this property adjoins D & Y land he will be abstaining. Park and Trail dedication requirements were discussed. CM Heidner stated concern with receiving it if the development to change over. City Administrator Johnson said if the City Council is concerned a Letter of Credit can be requested. City Attorney MacArthur said the obligation can be taken out of the security. CM Heidner motioned to approve the Boulder Creek 2nd Addition Final Plat subject to the conditions as outlined in the Findings of Fact and Decision and adopt Resolution 2016-41 approving a Development Agreements. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried 3-0. CM Darkenwald abstained. 5. Public Works: 5.1 2016 Street Maintenance Award Bid. City Engineer Wagner presented the low bid from Caldwell Asphalt Company, Inc. He stated - although they have not worked in Otsego that Caldwell previously has worked in the City of Monticello and Elk River. CM Darkenwald asked if it was recently. City Engineer Wagner said yes. There was discussion on traffic control. City Engineer Wagner to clarify with Caldwell. CM Schroeder motioned to approve Resolution 2016-42 accepting Bids and Awarding Contract for City Project No. 16-05, 2016 Otsego Street Maintenance Project to Caldwell Asphalt Company, Inc. in the amount of $192,490.25. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 5.2 E-8 Interim Lift Station Award Bid. City Engineer Wagner presented low bid from Burschville Construction. CM Heidner motioned to approve Resolution 2016-43 accepting bids and awarding a contract to Burschville Construction. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 5.3 70th St/CSAR 37 Pond Grading Temporary Easement and Agreement. City Engineer Wagner said this is a follow up from the last meeting; he presented the staff report which included a change order in the amount of $19,734 for installation of an 8" solid plastic drain tile from the 70th Street pond to an outlet within Merlin Valerius's property. After construction the land owners would own the drain tile. He stated he did get confirmation that this project would be state aid eligible. He further stated an agreement would be needed with the property owners for access. City Attorney MacArthur has drafted an agreement. Property owner Mary Valerius has provided the city a marked copy of the agreement with changes. City Attorney MacArthur said Mr. Valerius feels the city should be responsible for the drain tile and that he has concerns on what will happen at the end of the clay pipe. Mary Valerius, 13701 70th Street NE and Merlin Valerius, 13986 70th Street NE, were present and stated their concern with the new drain tile recommendation, they feel it may cause an issue further down the line and that it will no longer drain. Merlin Valerius stated the tile is functioning at 99 percent plugged. He also stated he is against this recommendation. Mary Valerius agreed stating this one section will not solve the problem. He questioned if there was another way to direct the water. 2IPage 4/25/16 City Engineer Wagner again reviewed the recommendation for resolution of the plugged/broken drain tile. He said the City has offered to replace at our cost the other portion is a private property owner issue. City Administrator Johnson asked if pond excavating or pond design change was an option. City Engineer Wagner said he doesn't feel that is the issue. After discussion there was no action taken this evening; City staff to review options and bring back to the May 9 City Council meeting. 6. Administration: 6.1 2017 Budget. A. Review Budget Calendar. B. Call special meeting for May 9 following regular meeting. City Administrator Johnson reviewed the proposed budget calendar and recommended calling a special meeting on May 9. The Council concurred with the budget calendar as presented. CM Darkenwald motioned to call a special meeting on May 9, 2016 directly following the regular City Council meeting at Prairie Center for 2017 Budget discussion. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 6.2 Consider Economic Development Marketing Ad. City Administrator Johnson presented the staff report. The City Council concurred to have staff set up the google analytics code to track website clicks for the Otsego portion. City Administrator Johnson said there may be some additional design fees to which the City Council concurred. CM Heidner motioned to approve up to $5,500 from the 2016 Economic Development Budget for marketing in DEED's 2017 Thriving in the North V2 publication. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 6.3 Award Otsego East WWTF Aerator Equipment Bid. City Administrator Johnson recommended approval of the low bid from WesTech. CM Heidner motioned to award bid to WesTech in amount of $134,694 for the Otsego East WWTF Aerator Equipment Bid. Seconded by Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 6.4 Audit update. City Administrator Johnson recommended calling a special meeting on June 13 to review the Audit. CM Heidner motioned to call a Special Meeting on June 13, 2016 at 6:00 PM at Prairie Center to review the Audit. Seconded by Mayor Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 7. City Council Reports and Updates. 7.1 Commission Liaison Updates. A. Heritage Preservation Commission Liaison Mayor Stockamp. Mayor Stockamp said the Commissioners are continuing their work on the park signage, and Festival ideas. They also finished the second book rebinding. B. Parks & Recreation Commission Liaison CM Schroeder. 4/25/16 31 Page CM Schroeder said the Commissioners reviewed colors for the Northwood Park picnic area and that Commissioners will be taking a field trip at their meeting in May. C. • Planning Commission Liaison CM Heidner. CM Heidner reviewed the Planning Commission Meeting items. He further reviewed the training the Planning Commissioners have been taking online through the League of MN Cities. He is recommending that Commissioners that have completed the two training courses and submit their certificates to the City Clerk be paid a $20.00 fee. Mayor Stockamp motioned to approve pay of $20.00 to Planning Commissioner who take the two online League of MN Cities courses and submit their certificates to the City Clerk. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried. D. Public Safety Commission Liaison CM Warehime. CM Warehime absent. Mayor Stockamp said the Commissioners held their road clean up at their last meeting and the Election of Public Safety Officers will be on their May agenda. Mayor Stockamp said she attended the ISD 728 Otsego E-8 School ground breaking this evening along with City Administrator Johnson and City Planner Licht. 8. Staff Reports and Updates. City Administrator Johnson reminded the City Council of the First Responders Luncheon on May 18 at 11:30 to 1:30 PM and the Day Light Club on May 6 at 8:30 AM to be held at Boondox. 9. Adjourn. CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:52 PM. Mayor Jessica Stockamp ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk * The City Council meeting has been rescheduled to directly follow the Board of Review meeting scheduled at 5:30 pm. 41 Page 4/25/16