ITEM 4.1Item 4.1 I) 0 tseF CITY O MISOTA TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: May 12, 2016 RE: Northwood Park Budget Update Background: The Otsego City Council reviewed the Northwood Park construction budget at their meeting on March 14, 2016. During that discussion, Mayor Stockamp and Council Member Schroeder motioned to approve that all of the construction alternates be brought before the Parks and Recreation Commission for their review and proposal. Below is a summary of what the Commission reviewed which is on the right side and what was ultimately approved which is highlighted in yellow. Actual Bid Description Amount Bid Description (With Revised Quotes) Amount Base Bid (Includes things like earthwork, bituminous, concrete, and site furnishings} 376,179.65 Base Bid (Includes things like earthwork, bituminous, concrete, and site furnishings, removes wildflower seeding from the contract) 369322.40* Playground Equipment 90,040.00 Playground Equipment 96,066.00 Picnic Shelter 46,668.66 Picnic Shelter 46,063.60 Turf Grass Seeding 17,560.66 Turf Grass Seeding 17,506.06 Irrigation 50,000.00 Irrigation 54,435.06 Trail Lighting 71,606.66 Trail Lighting 88,566.06 Landscaping 36,000.00 Landscaping 30,000.00 Survey/ Staking 8,000.00 Survey/ Staking 3,000.00 Design Fees 41,.566.66 Design Fees 41,566.66 Total Before Alternates 736,247.65 Total Before Alternates 376,063.00 Alternates Alternates Steel Pergola 15,000.00 Masonry for Piers (Picnic Shelter) 1,560.66 Masonry Piers (Picnic Shelter) 14,495.26 Concrete Piers (Picnic Shelter) 9368.66* Bleacher 2,230.66 Landscaping 5,606.00 Ornamental Fencing 26,579.90 Prairie Grass Establishment 5428.72 Deduct Split Rail Fencing -2,921.36 Construction Testing 3,666.66 Landscaping 5,660.60 Alternates Total 66,383.80 Alternate r, Tota 1 14,928.72 Overall Actual 790,631.45 Overall Actual 396,931.72 Since the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting in March, Staff have received quotes for the electric, irrigation, and prairie grass planting which are all highlighted in green. The prairie grass planting was removed from the original GL Contracting bid due to the complexity of the follow up maintenance. Also added to the project is construction testing for $3,000 for asphalt compaction and the quality of concrete. Conclusion: Staff is requesting that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the material included in this memo and provide a recommendation to the City Council on how to move forward with the budget for Northwood Park. 2