ITEM 3.3B OHP 4.12.2016 MinutesITEM 3-3B Heritage Preservation Commission Minutes April 12, 2016 Present: Toni Seroshek, Gail Anderson, Zonja Matushenko, Chris Wilson, Mayor Jessica Stockamp Meeting called to order at 7:08 pm. Minutes from last meeting approved. Discussion re: Otsego book by Chris Wilson. We need to have a motion to approve buying more books and pass that before we can compensate Chris for the books purchased. Per Jessica, at this point, if we do compensate Chris, the HPC would have approximately $80 to do a poster or other supplies for the festival. (Cost to do a poster is typically $350.00). Motion was made to approve 209.37 to compensate Chris Wilson for purchase of 20 books. Motion carried and was approved at 7:27. Jessica will talk to the Admin Subcommittee about getting additional funds to cover the poster and other supplies for the festival. For the future, it was made clear that any purchases need to be approved via motion prior to actual purchase. City members have credit cards and can ensure that sales tax is not added. Gail and Toni created a book for tracking inventory of books in the future. At year-end, a city team member will provide the HPC with a count of books that have been sold through the city website. For the festival, it was discussed that we might bring a laptop out and uses it to help customers made purchases via the city website. Driving Map Changes: while looking for the books on the city website, Chris noticed that the McDonald house is still on the map and was concerned that this would be misleading. Jessica will talk to Dan about getting a note on the map indicating that the house has been "deconstructed" in 2011 and possibly refer readers to the McDonald house documentation. The HPC is also trying to get in touch with a local resident to explore any possible changes on the Mississippi River map on where the Native American battles are noted. Computer Upgrade: Rob was able to get the HPC an upgrade on the computer. The HPC now has Windows 10 on the computer. This will make it much easier to use the scanner. Park Signs: There may be some movement in getting the park signs done. There is a possibility that Dan may have an intern who might help with the park signs. There was also talk about paying for the park , signs out of the sale of the MD house; this was discussed in the past at the time of the actual MD property sale. Gail will follow-up with Dan. There is also the possibility to put up QRC codes (the squares) or equivalent that you can scan with smartphones to access more information on the park. We have not prepared material or photos for the new Northwood Park or for Carrick Landing. Research on this year's theme: Native Americans in Otsego. Things to do before the festival - look for the artifacts that are mentioned in the article at Wright County Historical Society; ask if we can get or take pictures of the actual artifacts and have them available at the festival. Talked about using the map showing the boundaries between the Dakota and the Ojibwe and how It was very close to Otsego. We can talk about the fact that there are many burial mounds in Otsego and they often followed the river. To get a map of the mounds in Wright County, you need to apply through the state. There may also be a map in Buffalo with locations of burial mounds. There was some discussion of not providing a map of the mounds in Otsego, but talk about how the mounds have been destroyed over the years and alternately, how individuals have donated artifacts when they do find mounds on private property. We are going to follow up on the idea of having a tepee up near the booth. Chris is interested in making the covering (canvas) and maybe decorating it with some pictographs. Jessica provided Steve Young's phone number. Chris will make the contact. The Cub scouts have expressed some interest in being part of the festival. The group talked about maybe having a demonstration. Maybe focus on daily life or things that the Native Americans would have made on a daily basis. zonja will continue to follow-up on the possibility of partnering with the scouts to have some kind of small demonstration. Meeting closed at 8:20 pm. Respectfully submitted, Gail Anderson