ITEM 3.6 MN Dust ControlOt�egoF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works, Street Department Kevin Lamson, Street Operations May 23rd' 2016 Manager PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda Lori Johnson, City Administrator 3.6 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends having Central MN Dust Control complete this year's dust control application. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? I No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Each year, the City contracts for the application of dust control chemicals to the most heavily traveled gravel roads in the city. In addition to that, 500' sections are also treated upon request from residents if they agree to pay for that portion of the application. For 2016, we are recommending full-length applications to McAllister Ave. and 83rd Street. We have typically applied full length dust control to 60th Street in the past but it is being used as a detour route for the City of St. Michael and they have requested to provide maintenance and dust control to that stretch of road. We have also received three private requests which have been paid in full. 500' sections of 62"d Street, 96th Street and Kadler Ave. are being recommended for application. The Park and Recreation Department has also requested to have approximately 1,300' of dust control applied to the soccer field drive which has also been accounted for in this year's total amounts. The 2016 dust control project is estimated at 23,169 lineal feet of gravel roads/parking lot to be treated with approximately 12,367 gallons of chemical. Staff has requested quotes from Central MN Dust Control and Envirotech Services and received quotes $.93 and $1.08 per gallon respectively. Total estimated costs were $11,501.31 from Central MN Dust Control and $13,356.36 from Envirotech Services. Staff is recommending that we use Central MN Dust Control for the 2016 dust control project at an estimated cost of $11,501.31. Funding for the full length applications will come from Streets Department general funds and the 500' sections have been paid in advance by residents. This amount is under the amount of $14,854 that was budgeted for in 2016. The Public Works Subcommittee was presented with this information at its May 17th meeting and recommended that it be placed on consent agenda. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: x ATTACHED NONE - Central MN Dust Control quote - Envirotech Services quote MOTION: Motion to approve a contract with Central MN Dust Control to complete this year's dust control application. RI inr.F=T mwoRMATION FUNDING: Funding for this project will come BUDGETED: YES from the Streets Department general funds. NO ACTION TAKEN Central Minnesota Dust Control, LLC 22418 Elbow Drive Richmond, MN 56368 Ad City City of Otsego - j Date 3/10/2016 Estimate # 227 t3.scri toil: 1. 2016 Quote for application of Dustgard Liquid Magnesium for dust. '. control and road stabilization purposes 30% Liquid Dustgard Magnesium Chloride (price per gallon 1 ; 0.88 0.88 applied) (Exact equivalent to 35% Calcium Chloride) 33% Liquid Dustgard PLUS Magnesium Chloride (price per 1 0.93 i 0.93 gallon applied) (Exact equivalent to 38.5% Calcium Chloride) Can successfully be applied at application rates ranging from .25 to any desired heavier application rate F . i Central Minnesota Dust Control, LLC www.centrahnndusteontrol.com 320-597-2150 4676 284th Street East Randolph, MN 55065 Order Line: 800-881-5848 Fax: 952-894-0126 QUOTATION To: City of Otsego 13400 90th St NE Otsego, MN 55330 Sales Person: Eric Nitti Phone: 952-679-3573 Date: 3/9/2016 Ship Address: Misc Roads i Phone: 763-238-5492 Contact: Kevin Lamson Email for Confirmation: klamson(a cLotsego.mn.us CITY Unit P/N DESCRIPTION FOB UNIT PRICE LINE TOTAL 20,000 gal 1010-APP 38% Calcium Chloride Applied $ 1.08 $ 21,600.00 Dust control applicationinformation Application rate: .20 gal/syd Application width: 18, *Taxes, if applicable, will be added to this total Contact Darla to place orders: 952.679.3570 or ddockter@envirotechservices.com Notes: PAYMENTTERMS: Net 30 days QUOTE VALIDITY: 2016 Summer DELIVERY: Call to schedule To accept this quote, please sign and return via Fax or Email Signature: Date: Disclaimer: No warranty is conveyed concerning this product, be it expressed or implied. Product performance may vary depending on road conditions, traffic counts, weather and other related factors. PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE Ih4PROVE THEIR ENVIRONMENT