ITEM 3.7 Crack SealingW OtsTeF o MINNESOTA g DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works, Street Department Kevin Lamson, Street Operations May 23`d, 2016 Manager PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda Lori Johnson, City Administrator 3.7 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends contracting with Northwest Asphalt & Maintenance for the 2016 crack sealing project. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Each year, as part of the City's Pavement Management Program, we contract out the crack sealing of city streets which are part of the Proactive Maintenance Plan. Crack sealing is being recommended on streets that will be receiving either a fog or seal coat. We are treating roughly 20 miles of streets which staff has estimated to be around 44,000 pounds of crack sealing material. Staff requested quotes from six crack sealing contractors and received a wide range of quotes on a price per pound basis. Those quotes were: • Northwest Asphalt & Maintenance, $1.54/lb. • ACS (Asphalt Concrete Solutions), $1.598/lb. • Allied Blacktop Company, $1.79/lb. • ACI (Asphalt & Concrete, Inc.), $1.81/lb. • Metro Paving, $1.95/lb. • Bargen Inc., $2.30/lb. Northwest Asphalt & Maintenance was the low quote at $1.54/lb. The City of Otsego has not used their services in the past but staff has contacted the Cities of Ramsey and Cottage Grove as a reference check to see how they performed and both communities were pleased with their work. The quote of $1.54/lb. multiplied by the estimated 44,000 lbs. equals approximately $67,760 for the 2016 crack sealing project. Staff is optimistic that the 44,000 lbs. is enough to complete the project but would like the authorization to complete additional crack sealing beyond the $67,760 estimated price up to but not to exceed the 2016 crack sealing budget of $75,000. The Public Works Subcommittee was presented with this information at its May 17t" meeting and recommended that it be placed on consent agenda. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: x ATTACHED NONE - Northwest Asphalt & Maintenance quote - ACS (Asphalt Concrete Solutions) quote -Allied Blacktop Company quote -2016 Crack Sealing map MOTION: Motion to contract with Northwest Asphalt & Maintenance for the 2016 crack sealing project. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: Funding for the project will come BUDGETED: YES from the 201 Pavement Management Fund. NO ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: fl ..NORTHWEST ASPHALT S, MAINTENANCE TO: Kevin Phone Date 04-28-2016 Job. Name/Location Otsego; MN Job Number, Fax Number We hereby submits and estimates for: The cty_.of Otsego Our process of crack sea link goes in this order. Flrst.we router ,out all cracks to a depth of 1 inch by 1.. Afterthat we blow all debris from cracks with compressed air, so cracks are clean. We v+lll usea- heat lance to:dry cracks. when cracks are dryand . clean we -fill them with a -hot Crafco or McAsphalt rubberized sealant that meets 11 .N. Dot spe.c##3723 1t works very well and is very durable. When the rubber has beep applied we paper the hot rubber to protect until dry oe apply glenzoil if needed. This.bid is on a. per pound basis S1.54 This price includes all Route' & Seal when needed; Silo & go'as well as all re -seal of existing cracks previously sealed. . We Propose herby to furnish labor to complete in accordance with the above specificationsfor the sum of; $6 , 1 .60 Payment to be made as follows: Within 30 days ofsompletion. All material is guaranteed to be as specified..All.workto be completed in a professional manner according to standard practices. Any alteration ordeviatian from above Authorized specifications involving extra costs will be executed.only;upon written orders;.and will. Signature become an extra charge over -and above the estimate.:All_agreemepts contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owrnerto ear{y fire tornado, and other Nate: This proposatmay be withdrawn by us if:not necessary insurance. our workers are fully covered by Workers compensation insurance, Accepted'with days Acceptance if Proposal —the above prices, specifications and conditions Are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. you are.authorized-to do the work as specified. _. . Paymentwill be.rnade as outlined above. Date of acceptance: - -- — -- — -- signature TM W,A ASPHALT CONCRETE SOLUTIONS City of Otsego Kevin Lamson 13400 90th St. NE Phone: 763-235-3174 Fax: 763-441-9163 Qty Item 44,000 Lbs. Crack Sealing -Rout and Seal This Proposal may be withdrawn if not accepted within 30 days Authorized Signature Site City of Otsego Kevin Lamson 13400 90th St., NE Description Proposal Date Job 4 4/29/2016 6887 1. Rout out all cracks 1" x 1". 2. Clean out all dirt and debris with power blowers. (Heat lance if moist.) 3. Apply ahotrubberized crack sealant, MNDOT spec. 3723, slightly lower than the pavement surface to prevent tear -out during the snow removal season. S 1.598/Lb Terms Net 30 Days Respectfully submitted Craig A. Granroth Acceptance of Proposal Title Total 70,330.80 Total $70,330.80 Allied Blacktop Company 10503 -- 89th Avertue Nortb Maple Grove, MN 55369 www.alliedblacktopmn.com Crackseal Proposal Date: April 18, 2016 City of Otsego Kevin Lamson 13400 90th Street N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 Project: 2016 Street Crack Seal Program Phone: (763)235-3175 Fax: (763)441-9163 Phone: 763.425.0575 Fax: 763,41:224.6791 Cell lay : 612.834.0166 Cell: (763)238-5492 klamson(a-ci.otsego.mn.us We hereby submit the following specifications and quotation for the following: Longitudinal and Transverse working cracks 114" wide and wider will be routed, dried and cleaned with a hot air lance or forced air wand, and filled with a 3723 series hot elastomeric crack seal material (CRAFCO 535). The material will be applied with 2 melters equipped with a double jacketed boiler and an internal and external thermostat to prevent scorching and overheating. Previously sealed cracks which have re -opened will be cleaned dried and re -sealed. 5 Approximate Lineal Footage: 170,000 oe- Approximate Pounds: 55,000 s S Rout Size: V x 1" Applicator Wand?: Yes Post Sweep Required?: No Note: Applicator wand to be used exclusively when premature cooling of the product may be an issue. Overband will be present after sealant has been applied. Traffic must be kept off until the material has properly cured. This generally takes between 10 and 20 minutes. When traffic control is an issue, a proper blotting agent will be applied. This contractor offers a one year guarantee on workmanship and materials. Owner will be notified typically one week prior to construction. This contractor to work with owner to determine schedule that will be least disruptive. Previously sealed cracks that have failed or re - cracked won't be routed. We propose to furnish material and labor, complete in accordance with the above specifications, for the sum of: Crack Seal Total: $ 98,500.00 Payment terms are net 30 days. Note: This proposal may be withdrawn if not accepted within 30 days. All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Allied Blacktop Companyp carry proper insurance)pcluding WorkersCompensation, Authorized Signature: m - ® . \- ` eter M. Capistrant Acceptance of Proposal: The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Date of Acceptance: Signature: Please take notice: Any person or company supplying labor or materials for this improvement to your personal property may file a lien against your property if that person or company is not paid for the contributions. Under Minnesota law you have the right to pay persons who supplied labor or materials for this improvement directly and deduct this amount from our contract price, or withhold the amounts due them from us until 120 days after completion of the improvement unless we give you a lien waiver signed by persons who supplied any labor or materials for the improvement and who gave you timely notice. N.E. N.E. N.E N.E. N.E N.E. ME ME lhemlycertfytliatthis plan, speciflcauon, orreporrwas �_�•�••�v• pmpamdbymeorundermydimctsupe dlhatl eML y� �yyt/lgtneersand Land Surveyors am adory Licensed Profess'q�,�E,gm'�c'- de, thelaws o�yff,,By. Hakanso!1 3601 Thurston Ave., Anoka, Mnnesota 55303 offhe Sta nne 8 U � SII �^'^: LSA 763-17-51M FAX763-427-0520 1 CNECXmBN. Anderson Www.haa-inccnm BBN LAR ON, P.E BML late JW 6. 2a19 Lic Ne. 26a52 �_; F w w >- Z if ❑ - 2` ❑ 2. 0 z m Of [o Z O W z ❑ 0 O C3 w Z OLL z ¢ '� O Z = _ Lu V z ca ❑[If Of 2016 OTSEGO + PLAN SHEET CRACK FILLING PROJECT I CITY OF OTSEGO SHEET I