ITEM 3.2B SCC/PSC 12.11.2012 MinutesITEM 3_2B OTSEGO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JOINT MEETING WITH THE OTSEGO POLICE COMMISSION OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER December 11, 2012 6:00 PM Call to Order. Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 6:04 PM, Members Present: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Vern Heldner and Doug Schroeder. Police Commissioners: Chair Denise Andrusko, Sally Dufner, Dana VanDenBerg, Rob VanDenBerg, and Jason Warehime. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator. Wright County Sheriff's Department: Sheriff Joe Haggerty, Lieutenant Todd Sandin, Captain Dan Anselment, and Deputy Rob Gongoll. Sheriff Haggerty and his staff presented an update of the public safety activity in Otsego and throughout Wright County. The staff noted that the department consists of 240 employees 140 of which are licensed officers. The department contracts with 13 of the 16 cities and townships in Wright County. Otsego contracts for 40 hours per day which the Sheriffs Department feels covers the City's law enforcement needs, Lieutenant Sandin provided information on the meeting held today for the liquor establishments regarding the 2:00 a.m. closing time. He indicated that the Wright County Public Health Department participated in the meeting. Captain Anselment presented the Department's City of Otsego Law Enforcement Review. The Council and Commissioners discussed the report. CM Heidner motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:05 PM. ATTEST: Lori Johnson, City Administrator Mayor Jessica Stockamp