ITEM 3.7 Wellhead Protection Plan Manager appointment0t-eoo MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action I. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT. REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Water Utilities Kurt Neidermefer January 1.4, 2013 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM M Consent Agenda Lori Johnson 3.7 -Wellhead Protection Plan Manager appointment AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Kurt Neidermeier be appointed as Well Head Protection Plan Manager. The Public Works Subcommittee members were communicated the appointment in December. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT?IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUNDIJUST[FICATIOW The City Otsego protects its Public Water System sources through a Well Head Protection Plan implemented in 2006. The goals of the plan include: 1. Inform the public about the City's need to conserve and protect our ground water resource. 2. Monitor and manage other wells, existing or proposed within the DWSMA's to eliminate potential contamination sources. 3. Provide and promote activities that protect the aquifer from which the City's Drinking water supply is drawn. 4. Provide ongoing collection of data to support future wellhead protection efforts. 5. Implement an active community -wide water conservation program. 6. Provide additional safety and flexibility in the City's water system to handle a catastrophic failure or act of terrorism. The Well Head Protection Plan Manager ensures actions are taken to complete objectives and goals of the plan and serves as a contact for local, state and federal agencies. The Plan amendment begins in 2013 as part of a ten year cycle. Actions include delineation of wells, vulnerability assessment, and establishment of goals. ,4114a rf➢P 19Y11.1d1rWiTI&I POSSIBLE MOTION Piease word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to appoint Kurt Neldermeier as Well Head Protection Plan Manager. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: N/A ACTION TAKEN BUDGETED: NIA ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED a TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: