ITEM 6.2B AND C Project Schedules Neeham/LaBeaux Ave0t§C eF o MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action R!_ NF"N. _. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: _.. _.. _. REQUESTOR: �_ ..... ___ _.... MEETING DATE: Public Works Ron Wagner January 14,2013 No City Engineer Staff reviewed the proposed project schedules as shown in the approved Feasibility Reports and PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Ron Wagner Lori Johnson 6.213 and 6.2C City Engineer City Administrator Original Approved Project Schedule —LaBeaux Avenue AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION; Staff recommends approval of modified Project Schedules for Needham Avenue and LaBeaux Avenue proposed improvement projects. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUNDIJUSTIFICATION: Staff reviewed the proposed project schedules as shown in the approved Feasibility Reports and adjusted so as to allow ample time for comment periods and appeal periods for both projects and still follow the required statutes for both. Modifications of the schedules do not affect the ability for the projects to be completed in 2013. Attached are the modified schedules — any changes from the original are noted by an asterisk. Also included is the original project schedule for reference. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: x ATTACHED ❑ NONE List; Modified Project Schedule — Needham Avenue Modified Project Schedule —LaBeaux Avenue Original Approved Project Schedule —Needham Avenue Original Approved Project Schedule —LaBeaux Avenue MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like it to appear In the minutes.) Motion to approve modified Project Schedules for the Needham Avenue and LaBeaux Avenue proposed improvement projects and amend both approved Feasibility Reports using the modified new schedules. BUDGET INFORMATION . . ... . . ... ...... ... ... FUNDING: BUDGETED: ❑ YES N/A oNO ACTION TAKEN ............ APPROVED AS REQUESTED n DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS. MC)E>1F1Ei7 IX. PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE The preliminary project schedule for the drainage improvements for Needham Avenue; Table I City of Otsego Needham Avenue Preliminary Project Schedule 2012 2013 1. City Council Receives Feasibility Report December 1 d and Schedules Information Meeting 2' Mail Individual Notices for Informational January 8* Meeting 3. Publish Notice of Informational Meeting January 19* 4' City Council Holds Informational Meeting January 28 6' City Council Orders Public Hearing February 11 6, Publish Notice for Public Hearing February 16 & 23* 7. Mail Individual Notices for Public Hearing February 18* 8. City Council Holds Public Hearing March 11 9. City Council Orders Project, and Authorizes Engineer to Prepare Plans March 25* and Specifications 10. Engineer Submits Plans for City Council Approval and Receives Authorization to April 8* Advertise for bid 11. City Council Receives Bid and Awards May 13 * Contract 12. Contractor Begins Construction June* 13. Contractor Completes Construction July* 14. Assessment Hearing and Approval of September* Assessment Roll 3 M001FIEId Vlll. PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE The preliminary project schedule for the street improvements for L.aBeaux Avenue: Table I City of Otsego LaBeaux Avenue Preliminary Project Schedule 2012 20'13 1. City Council Receives Feasibility Report December 10 and Schedules Public Hearing 2. City Council Holds Public Hearing for February 25* Improvement Project 3. City Council Orders Project and Authorizes Engineer to Prepare Plans March 11* and Specifications 4. Engineer Submits Plans for City Council Approval and Receives Authorization to April 8* Advertise for bid 5. Bids Due May 6* 6, City Council Reviews Bids May 13* 7' City Council Holds Hearing and Considers Award of Contract If No May 28* Appeals 8. City Council Considers Award of June 10* Contract if Appeals 9. Contractor Begins Construction July* 10. Contractor Completes Construction September* 11. Final Assessment Roll Approval September 22 *Adjusted dates. 3 C)R1GINAL IX. PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE The preliminary project schedule for the drainage improvements for Needham Avenue: Table I City of Otsego Needham Avenue Preliminary Project Schedule 2012 2073 1. City Council Receives Feasibility Report December 10 and Schedules Information Meeting 2. City Council Holds Information Meeting January 28 3. City Council Orders Public Hearing February 11 4. City Council Holds Public Hearing March 11" 5. City Council Orders Project, and Authorizes Engineer to Prepare Plans March 25* and Specifications 0' Engineer Submits Plans for City Council Approval and Receives Authorization to April 8* Advertise for bid 7. City Council Receives Bid and Awards May 13* Contract 8. Contractor Begins Construction June* 9. Contractor Completes Construction July* 10. Assessment Hearing and Approval of September` Assessment Roll * Adjusted dates. X. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST Included in this report is a detailed estimate of construction costs for the drainage improvements. The costs quoted herein are estimates only and are not guaranteed prices. The quantities are estimates also. The contractor will be paid only for work completed, The cost estimates are based on previous projects costs. 3 C)RICFx'INAL Vill. PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE The preliminary project schedule for the street improvements for LaBeaux Avenue: Table I City of Otsego LaBeaux (Avenue Preliminary Project Schedule 2012 2013 1. City Council Receives Feasibility Report December 10 and Schedules Public Hearing 2. City Council Holds Public Hearing February 11 3. City Council Orders Project and Authorizes Engineer to Prepare Plans February 25. and Specifications 4. Engineer Submits Plans for City Council Approval and Receives Authorization to March 25 Advertise for bid 5. City Council Receives Bid and Awards May 13 Contract 6. Contractor Begins Construction June 7. Contractor Completes Construction August 8. Assessment Hearing September IX, ESTIMATED PROJECT COST Included in this report is a detailed estimate of construction costs for the street improvements. The costs quoted herein are estimates only and are not guaranteed prices. The quantities are estimates also. The contractor .will be paid only for work completed. The cost estimates are based on previous projects costs. On the following page are the cost estimate tables for both proposed typical sections. Table I estimates the cost for the paved rural section. 3