ITEM 3.23601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231 .5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPCTPC@?Plannin9Co.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego —Vintage Golf Outlot A; Concept Plan #2 REPORT DATE: 3 June 2016 TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND Mr. Travis Glanzer has submitted a second concept plan for development of Outlot A, Vintage Golf Course with a 12 -unit multiple family building for senior housing. The 1.0 acre parcel is located northeast of the Vintage Golf Course clubhouse building and north of the golf course maintenance building. The proposed use is being reviewed as a concept plan in accordance with Section 20-36-4.0 of the Zoning Ordinance to provide comment to the developer as to the acceptability of the land use. The City requires that concept plan reviews include a public hearing before the Planning Commission so that surrounding property owners have an opportunity to be informed about the project and ask questions or provide comment. A public hearing to consider the submitted plans has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 6 June 2016 at 7:OOPM. Concept plan reviews do not convey entitlements and are non- binding upon the City. If the developer elects to proceed with the project, they will need to submit application for a development stage application. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Site Plan C. Building Elevations D. Floor Plans ANALYSIS Outlot A. Outlots are established for a variety of reasons including: 1. Remnant parcels too small to develop 2. Parcels reserved for future phases of development 3. Parcels deemed unbuildable due to wetlands, stormwater basins, steep slopes, or development restrictions. The original developer of Vintage Golf proposed that the subject site may be developed with a bed and breakfast use. As there were no plans for the bed and breakfast use submitted at the time the property the development of the Vintage Golf Course clubhouse was approved, the City required the property to be platted as an outlot reserved for potential future use. Section 20-16-3.G of the Zoning Ordinance addresses development of outlots as follows: G. outlots are deemed unbuildable unless replatted as a lot and block in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance and no building permit shall be issued for such properties, except in the case of public park facilities and essential services. The provision of the Zoning Ordinance does not mean that all outlots are permanently deemed unbuildable, unless such a restriction was imposed at the time the outlot was subdivided. An application to plat an outlot as a Lot/Block may be processed and approved in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance establishing a buildable parcel for development as allowed by the Zoning Ordinance. The status of the subject site may be changed to a buildable lot/block upon approval of preliminary and final plat applications. Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for rural residential land uses encouraging development of single family dwellings and preservation of permanent open space to maintain a rural character. Vintage Golf Course and the single family homes platted as Grenins Mississippi Hills on the east and west sides of the golf course were approved as a rural open space cluster subdivision with the golf course developed as the permanent open space, with the clubhouse and maintenance facility approved as part of a subsequent application. At the time Vintage Golf Course was developed, a bed and breakfast use was suggested adjacent to the clubhouse and maintenance facilities as being related to the recreation and tourist elements of the golf course. Based on the response of the Planning Commission to a previous concept plan for development of an 18 -unit multiple unit building initially stated to be intended as an extended stay hotel, the developer has revised their concept plan and proposed land use. The current concept plan proposes a 12 -unit multiple family dwelling for senior housing. The City Council, acting as the 2 Economic Development Commission, has adopted goals for economic development in the City that includes senior housing with services as a priority. However, the 2012 Comprehensive Plan further states that development of twin homes, townhouses and multiple family to areas designated for low -medium density, medium density and high density residential uses distributed throughout the community by the Land Use Plan. The purpose of this policy is twofold; first to ensure that urban density development is adequately supported by required transportation, utilities and, public service infrastructure and second that the urban density land use is compatible with surrounding land uses. Multiple family dwellings limited to senior housing is typically considered to be a transitional land use with a lower intensity than an unrestricted multiple family use. The Planning Commission must consider if the proposed use is likely to be adequately served by public service capacity available at the subject site and compatible surrounding land uses balancing the various policies for residential development adopted as part of the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The subject site is zoned R -C, Residential Rural Cluster Open Space District. The R -C District does not allow for multiple family dwellings including those limited to senior housing. Consideration of a development stage application for the proposed land use would require application to amend the Zoning Map to rezone the subject site to PUD District to allow the proposed use of the subject site based on specific site and building plans. The City would impose an occupancy restriction such that at least one resident of each dwelling unit would be required to be 55 years in age or older at a minimum, which would accommodate people defined as "active seniors". The Planning Commission may also consider a more restrictive designation of Senior housing with services as defined by Minnesota Statutes 144D.01, Subp. 4(1): (1) An establishment providing sleeping accommodations to one or more adult residents, at least 80 percent of which are 55 years of age or older, and offering or providing, for a fee, one or more regularly scheduled health-related services or two or more regularly scheduled supportive services, whether offered or provided directly by the establishment or by another entity arranged for by the establishment, or The narrative provided with the revised concept plan indicates that the developer has had discussions with two local senior care service provider that they would enter into an agreement with to provide services at this establishment. City staff has requested more detailed information regarding the service providers' participation in the project. The developer has indicated that both potential service providers will attend the public hearing to address potential questions of the Planning Commission. Surrounding Land Uses. The table below summarizes the existing and planned land uses adjacent to the subject site. The subject site exists between the commercial golf clubhouse and surrounding single family homes to the north and east making the site both an opportunity for a transitional land use and a potential compatibility issue. If the proposed land use is considered acceptable, attention must be given in the site design to minimizing potential 3 impacts between the subject site and adjacent single family uses through the site plan and compliance with performance standards. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North Rural Residential R -C District Single Family East LD Residential R-3 District Single Family South Rural Residential R -C District Vintage Golf clubhouse/maintenance West Rural Residential R -C District Golf course/open space Building Design. The principal building is oriented and the floor plan designed so that eight of the 12 units faces west with a view of the golf course. The four dwelling units on the second floor above the garages face east overlooking the parking lot. The developer has provided a revised exterior elevation of the proposed principal building. No plans have been provided for the detached garage structure shown on the concept plan, which will be required to be submitted with a development stage plan. No exterior materials are identified on the building elevations. The proposed building should be designed with an appearance and use high-quality materials consistent with a residential use and compatible with surrounding buildings. The R -C District allows principal buildings to be constructed to a height of 2.5 stories or 45 feet. The proposed building has been revised to be two stories in height, within the allowances of the R -C District and consistent with surrounding single story buildings for Vintage Golf and the adjacent single family homes. Landscaping. No landscaping is illustrated on the submitted concept plan other than two trees at the center of the parking area. Section 20-19-23 requires installation of landscaping within subject site as part of a development stage plan. Specific attention should be given to developing a landscape plan that provides a substantial year-round screening and buffer for the single family homes to the north and east of the subject site. Landscaping should also be provided to separate the Vintage Golf Course facilities from the subject site visually and screen the maintenance area. Lot Requirements. The R -C District requires a minimum lot area of one acre, which is the area of the subject site. The R -C District requires all lots have a minimum width of 100 feet measured at the front setback line from public streets The subject site does not have 100 feet of frontage to a public street as approved under the Vintage Golf Course PUD -CUP making this requirement not applicable. Also, based on the lack of a defined front lot line, the standard front, side and rear yard setbacks for the subject site cannot be applied to the subject site. The principal building is setback 43 feet from the nearest residential property line to the north, and the closest residential property line to detached garages is the east property line where a 30 - foot setback has been provided on the concept plan. The setbacks shown on the are intended to maximize the separation of the proposed buildings from the single family homes to the north and east: 0 R -C District Setbacks Yard Min. Setback Front 35ft. Side 15ft. Rear 50ft. Access. The concept plan indicates that access to the subject site is to be provided from CSAH 39 through the Vintage Golf Course parking lot. The developer must provide documentation of the existing ingress/egress easement over Lot 1, Block 1 Vintage Golf allowing access to CSAH 39 across the parking lot as part of a development stage plan. The shared access through the Vintage Golf Course parking lot is consistent with the 1999 approvals for the Vintage Golf Course plat so that any potential use of Outlot A did not rely on access from adjacent local residential streets at the northeast corner of the subject site. Access to CSAH 39 will ensure that potential traffic from the proposed 12 -unit senior housing building does not utilize local residential streets accessing surrounding single family dwellings. Off -Street Parking. Section 20-21-9 of the Zoning Ordinance requires senior housing dwellings to provide one off-street parking stall per unit or a total of 12 stalls for the proposed use. The concept plan identifies 14 surface parking stalls and 14 garage parking stalls, including eight attached to the principal building. The parking stalls are required to be 9 -feet by 20 -feet in dimension accessed by 24 -foot wide drive aisles. The parking area is also required to be surfaced with asphalt or concrete and surrounded by concrete curb and gutter. Exterior Lighting. The submitted concept plan does not include exterior lighting. A development stage application must include a photometric lighting plan indicating the location of all exterior light fixtures and illustrating the intensity of the lighting upon the site. All exterior lighting must comply with Section 20-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Utilities. A development stage application must include utility plans for sanitary sewer and water service for the proposed facility. Water will need to be provided via an on-site individual well and the developer will need to demonstrate as part of a development stage application that adequate service can be provided to the proposed building both for domestic use and fire suppression. The subject site has access to sanitary sewer service that was extended to the single family homes on the east side of Grenins Mississippi Hills via a lift station located at the northwest corner of the subject site. The subject site has been assessed for availability of the sanitary sewer utilities, but would be subject to sewer connection fees based on the City's current fee schedule at the time a building permit is issued. All utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Grading Plan. No grading plan has been submitted as part of the revised concept plan application. A grading plan will be required as part of a development stage application to identify existing and proposed topography of the site, the ground floor elevation of the proposed buildings relative to known ground water and adjacent streets, and storm water management. City staff has researched the issue of existing wetlands upon the property b: further based on questions raised regarding the previous concept plan. Aerial photographs dating as long ago as the 1950s indicate possible wetlands within the subject site. City staff believes that development of Grenins Mississippi Hills and Vintage Golf, as well as regional hydrology, may have enhanced these possible wetland areas within the subject site. There is insufficient information at this time to know the extent to which areas of the site are defined as protected wetlands. A development stage application would be required to include a wetland delineation report and evaluation of potential wetland impacts based on compliance with the requirements of the Wetland Conservation Act of 1991 and the Zoning Ordinance. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Easements. Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires that 10 -foot wide drainage and utility easements be provided at the perimeter of all platted lots and over wetlands and storm water basins. The easements may overlay side lot lines abutting other platted lots. Such easements would be required to be dedicated to the City with a preliminary and final plat. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. There is an easement along the north line of the subject site providing City access to the lift station from 97th Street. The City would look to reconfigure access to the lift station from the parking lot shown on the concept plan. The alternative lift station access will allow for vacation of most of the existing access easement and the yard between the subject site and single family home to the north could be restored and landscaped. Park Dedication. Platting Outlot A for development triggers park dedication requirements established in Section 20-7-18 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan does not identify a need to acquire additional public park land in the area of the subject site. As such, park and trail dedication requirements would be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land at the time of final plat approval based on the City's current fee schedule. RECOMMENDATION The acceptability of a proposed multiple family senior housing use to be developed through establishment of a PUD District is a policy decision to be made by the Planning Commission. The proposed use on this revised concept plan remains a substantial change to a more intensive land use than was discussed in 1999 when the Vintage Golf Course facilities were approved and developed. The Comprehensive Plan guides that multiple family uses are to be limited to development in designated urban areas of the City based on the intensity of the land use and public service needs. Senior housing is typically a much less intense land use, which may mitigate potential compatibility issues. Comments on the acceptability of the proposed land use should focus specifically on consistency with the land uses policies of the Comprehensive Plan, intended land use within the Rural Residential Preserve Area, and compatibility with the character of surrounding land uses. 0 POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to provide the developer favorable comment regarding the proposed concept plan, subject to the following stipulations: The proposed development requires application for the following approvals: Rezoning to PUD District. b. PUD Development Stage Plan Preliminary and final plat. Vacation of existing drainage and utility easements. 2. The proposed use shall be limited to senior housing establishment with services as defined by Minnesota Statutes 144D.01, Subp. 4(1) and registered with the Minnesota Department of Health. 3. The principal building and accessory buildings shall use exterior materials of brick, stone, and/or cement or compressed wood fiberboard consistent that of a residential structure. 4. A landscape plan shall be submitted that provides for an effective year round screen and buffer along the north and east property lines and complies with Section 20-19-2.13 of the Zoning Ordinance. 5. The developer shall provide documentation of the ingress/egress easement across Lot 1, Block 1, Vintage Golf Course. 6. All off street parking areas shall comply with Section 21 of the Zoning Ordinance. Exterior lighting shall comply with Section 20-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance. 8. All utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer; the developer shall be required to pay sewer connection charges when a building permit is issued in accordance with the City's fee schedule in effect at that time. 9 All grading, drainage and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7 B. Motion to provide comment that the proposed concept plan is not consistent with the 2012 Comprehensive Plan for development within the Rural Residential Preserve. C. Motion to table. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Travis Glanzer N 6 0 L LI E J J Q J J W Q C Q} Z a m 0 '�' 2 0 J 3N'.3n\i�N3LbN { 3N 3/1br213S1�i z 6 �' ', � a TRW— '"t' r L`" ` I� Al `� •"' ,�, 4. ti , gig ��/� .�� i.� - 19 3N;3Ada3�lH`d�li _� w 3N 3AV.H3lHV.M' g ' e w Ir 4.1 Lu co ,. 13N 3Ab':2131dVMi w .;a'' To Otsego staff In review of our original submittal with the planning commission and with our consulting with staff we would like to submit a plan that is more exact and guiding it to what the neighbors and planning commission with the councils direction would like it to be. That being said we believe this is a wonderful site for a SR building. We will work closely with local professionals (Dan Fair Guardian Angles and Cody with Accurate Health Care of Otsego) to provide the proper design and care that would make this property an asset to our community. We have addressed some of the concerns that staff and the community have expressed, we have reduced the building to a two story building, reduced the number of units, eliminated access to the public street, we will have a substantial landscaped buffer between any of the residential uses and as a SR building addressed nearly all the other concerns neighbors had of traffic, children , noise, and so on. Thanks for the consideration. Chris Bulow On behalf of Roger and Sue Kremer and Travis Glanzer 2-0, N OWN e