ITEM 6.3 Trail at School Knoll ParkCtTY OF ts MINNESOTA Request for f,M% 14, APO% UILY ulouflcil Adion ORI' GINA T-ING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works Ron Wagner, City Engineer 3-11-12 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM Ron Wagner, City Engineer 6.3 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of State Aid Fhiance Payment Request of $616.21 for 1998 Trail Construction Project. I -z.--,, I I I fit, I I vil 701 fk pi, IT, ! ly.-I r 001 1 il I s fit 'I',; I, 'ME771"IT 77,11 FUNDING: BUDGETED' YES Trail, Management Fund #202 X NO APPROVED AS REQUESTED DENIED, TABLED o OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: r% Kon ..... . ...... Fromm: Harding, Candice (DOT) <candice,h,arding@state.rnn.us> Sent, Wednesday, February 20, 2013 4:05 PM T. Ron Wagner Subjects Invoice for SP 217-090-001 Attachments:217-090-01 led'Iger.pdft 217 fnl voucher.pdf Attached is a copy of final contract voucher and if you look at Sheet 105 Surplus Materials — thi's was OrIginally certif lea, and paid as Federal Funds, but Surplus Materials are not, Federal Eligible. The total cost of those materials is $770.26 overpayment in Federal Funds. i is never, completel I hope this clear's up your question on what; the chairge is for, this was, final in State Ald in 2005,, but it f Ina, I u nt] I Fede ra 11 Aid a nd FH WA sign off o n the f i nals beca use they f 1 n d th Ings I i ke these su rp I us m ate ria Is. If you have any other; questions, please f'eel free to contact me. STME OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AV- CERTIPICATE OF FINAL CONTRACT ACCEPTANCE LOW SoPe HOo 217-090-01 FINAL VOUCHER NO 0 6 - CONTRACT. NO* L983291 This is to certify that tO the best of my knowledge, the items of work shown in the Statement of Work Certified herein hive actuall,y furnished in accordance with the Plans and Specifications. This Project has been completed in accordance with the Laws, Standards and Procedures of Minneeota as they apply to projecto in this category, and i applicable, approved by the Federal HlVhWay A&Anistration. Dated 8i nature Project Eagineer The, imdersigned Contractor hereby cert'fies that the work described has been performed in accordance with the to of' the Contract, and agreed that the Final Value of Work Certified on this Contract is $270,322.14 and agrees to the amount o .00 as Fin S T A T E 0 F M I N N E S 0 T A PINAL VOUCHER FOR PAYMENT MMER 6 Engineer-. RONALD WAGNER BUYVAL0 BITUMINOW Contract No. i L98329 phone; (622) 427-5860 2852 CQUNTY ROAD 12 14 P.O. BOX 3,37 4 Vendor No. s BUFFALO MN 55313 For Period Ending: 06/03/2003 The State of Minnesota Districtl Lot Partial Esti mates01/18,/2001 Date Approved.- 06/04/199,9 Amount of Contract: $259,000.00 Class of 'Work: GRADE, AGG BASSI UIT SURF, VENCEr PAVEMM: MARKINGS 1 ff Located ine, AT VARIOUS'LOCATIOSS' IN OTSEGO 114 WRIMT COUMY - - - - - - - - - - - - - GRP Stato Trunk Federal VaItte of Work, - - - - - - - - Leso Pre'vious value of, Work Federal Federal IRIM Project Highway Project Certified work Certified Won Part Non Part Nur Number To Date Certified This voucher' To Date Thia voucher 001 217-090-01 WKS T 8696 (147) $270F322o14 $270,322.14 $0.00 $0,00 0.00 TotAl., $210r322.14 $270,322.14 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 Value of work certified. this VoUaherr. $0.00 Total Value Paid To Date $270,322.14 Liquidated, Damages Charged t $0.00 Funds Encumbered To Date X270p322.14 IIET VALUS OF THIS HER $0,00 TbAs Project i6 100.00 COMPL13TS ii L091 S.P. NUMER 217-090-01 FOR WORK COMPL'STED AS OF 06/03/2003 Contract Ner-, L99329 STATE OF MINNESOTA TME OF TRANSPORTATION LOW S.P. NUMBER 217-0,90-01 Contract Number: L98329 E 1 STATE OF , MINNESOTA - DEPARTMENT e t MAIN BODY ITEMS (Group Level-Deta 11) t voucher NO. 6 Sheet Not Itarn Contract ��,Jr�t �cx��r�,t nt7��+a�t To Date To Date Grp Ln Nu `ter item unit Price Quantity Amount, Quantity Amunt No, No. 2021 w 01 MOBILIZATIO11 L 6,566.70 1.010 60566.70 1.00 6. 566.70001 000,1. Totals for Proposal Line leu: er 0001, 1.00 $'6156,6170 1.00 $6, 666.70 2101.511 CLEARXNG AND, B 10.500.00 1.00 1,500.00 1.00 1,500-00 001 0002, Totals for ProPOSal Dine Number 0002 1.00 $1,500.001 1.001 $1050o.00 500 2104.S01 MOV FIFE CULVERTS L F 5.75 435,00 21501.25 435.00 2,501.,25 001'0003 e -Totals for Proposal Lire Number s.r. n_ ""°. "� w:a awe. eea '_ 'rt. _ _ w•. •F- 0003 435.00 �: $2,501,25 435.00 $2,501.25 _ 104. 501 RMOVE CONCRETECURBL _ �, ;.a -., • ay. F _. ,_: _#. 5.00 .. :� _. _ _ �. r: .r' 0 00 r. r: :y .tie aw :eer 100,010 •+a: _ r. .q r. _. _ _ 28.00 _ sta. hr _ T _ - .r _. _. _. - 14'r0.00 001 0004 Totals for Proposal Line, Number _ - - -_. _ w. - - - .- - - _ - -.. - - -. 000 . $100.00 28.00 140.GO. � Yr 1/y1 M5■ �r+y y}.,�� Fp�J y3 y��( ��.yp yup, }r 'gip 1' 2104.505 iP �F }dP # nh it 3,aF i �9h+ # # ��'. * M"a a _ _ %ar _. � i'q�! i ._ sN.. �:. e a -+we . - • ��+y, . 5 1 - - - _ - an. q{�� ;}yy i+ . W 807.00 _ ._ M 4 - • 2,824.50 . _ _ wn. t .•n �' _ _ .1+. y]� ��. ryr 1 1 1^ . iT � _ a.a ...v �}q yqp 1�p.; k: € [24' 0003 3o743.60 0 1 0 1i W Totals for Proposal Line Number om 807.00 $2,824.50 1,0694.60 e $3o743.60 2104.513 SAWING BZT PA 1 (FULL TIJ) L F 0,10 120189.00 , 1 . 0 2o764-00 2M40 001 000+ Totals f r kl rop �sl Line Number 0006; 1.2,109 Obi $10210-90 2,764.00 70,40 2104.523 SALVAGE CONCRETE APRON EACH 150.00 2.00 300.00 2.00 300,00 001 0007 Totals for Proposal Line number 0047 2.00 $300.00 2.00 ° $300.00 2104.60.E RRLOCATSTREET LIGHT EACH 50.50 3.00 161.50 0.00 0.00 001 0008 W Totaln fog° Proposal Nine NuvlDer 0000 3..00 $151.50 0.00 $0.00 2105.501 T h0 51, 1y 7 EXCAVATION Y 7.00 # 10i0 22,690.00 ,y1 .0 713. 60 S 01 0009 Tot is for ProposalLine NAer ,- _, _- .s' _ ®. 00y 0009 ip 910, 0 2 , q.0 $22,698.00 jyi.0p 2j912.00 //g71]1Y e ra+ 2105 5 TOPSOIL BORROW (LV) r..o ar a.. :r. w. C y w .win _ _. _ 9#00 _- -, _ ,Y. w.x. "+•r _ 10570,00 '_ - -' 3°'ek v:w- ;<. 14t130,00 a� r..x tl� ib' _ _ _. _ 570.00 _ _ _ tr _ w, _ #x R. {e. _ 51130. 00 001 0010 TOtAl.a for Proposal Lane DurrLber r �, ,.�. _ �;. �: �. »: ,�. ,� r ww a» q.. xw. e,.. s. _. _ ... 0010 1,570.00 $14,130,00 570.00 $6,130 .00 u • _: _ 2105 .602 QRAVEL "TRARCE RESTORAT101T , r � is .�: EACH „ wi tR w.e: � ee 100,t o .., _ - _, �' .;� ;_ _ 12.+00 � ae= _. _ _ 1� 200.00 _ w. _. _ _. °® � 12.00 _ 0�y1 0� 1� 200. +r 0 '�`ot l for Pro * sal :idi- h,ur er 0011 121,00$1,200,00 12.00 • ° din:, 200.0'0 2105.604GRANULAR. 13ORP-or TON 'x.00 1,230..00 8,610.00 . 1,920,20 13,441.40 001 0012 _ 'totals for Proposal kine Number 00,12 1:1230.00 $8,610.00 1,920.20 $11,441140 2112 ..501. SUBGRADE PREPARATION RDST 85.00 151.80 12,877.50 151.50 12j877.50 001 001.3 Tutsis for Proposal Lire ,llur b r 0013 151:.50 151.50 $12,877.50 Igyl S'.P, 1401 1`J-090_01 FOR WORK COMPETED A8 OF 06/03/2003 • d Contraqt uiv er L98329 1 ,. ,: �. ...._....... a .. .... .. ,. } . - " . -... .. . -m .... . .' „-. .. +1 I � .. ., 4 7 x STATE OF MINNESOTA `" DEPARTMENT { OF TRANSPORTATION MAIN BODY' ITEMS (Groupi Level Detall, Voucher, 1470. 6 ri v:+c ry dph.� ;z .Y.S �i yi, 4 di za rw �� - �. az sr� � .+ ew �:x w.+ r• ai+v f� as aR a�%. �.r r •H 4 _ _.. --. SheetVo t 4 p Item Contract _ _ �r -a �. _ _ et e� ;✓ i a.0 � ------------------ unit iN ------------ Contra t -------------- contract 9Y ------------ To mate To Date GrP ------ +rR--enItem Lite Number Xtem Unit Y'i S�y� c fSJL1uF.Y F. Quantity o... No. 501 ----------------- AGGR14,GATE BASE CLASS 5 AI --------------- Toll. 10. S0 -_____w_--_-_-V_-._r-_---a•.s2211. 411 n. 00 44$005.50 21694.92 20 r 296.6 001 0014 Totals for Proposal Lino Wwnber 0014 4,191 i 00 X441005.50 21694.92 2232.501 MILT, BI.TU,J IJOU FAC (1,5n) y 3.50 21099.'00 7,346.50 10549.00 51421.50 001 a 0015 Totals for Proposal .. Tine Murkbor 0015 21099.00 �7, 346. 0 11549.00 $5,421.50 2232. 501 MILL BITUMIWOUS SMACE (20) S y 4.00 551.00 2,204.00 517.0 4 0 8 * 40 001 001.E Totals for Proposal Line titimber 0016' 551.00 $2,204.00 517.04 02"068.0:0 23,31.601 9 TMir TMJLN.S WEARING i]i y 3.75660.00 2V0s.4R1F 365.30 J. o 3 6 . 7 001 0 "totals for Proposal Line Number 4017 668.00 $2,505,00 365.30 T 2331.601 4n TUICK BITMINOUSFARIjjG S y 10.00 47.00 470.00 5.00 50.00 001 001 Totals for Proposal �.. u.. +_. ae'e s -a: Line ,,b �. +.: .x, .... ee. •e4 '+. '..�. 7 Q $470.00 00 I 0 2340, 508 �r P 1. MEARING COURS14MI TURB ws. _ � TON, ..:, � .� as f+e: b. 32.00 ss a.s _ _ _. --,� .�, 1181,6.00 �. �,: cv,. ur. ee. ,� e.'. �.. S81112.00 _ _ _. _ ._. .ar _ 108160.56 _ � �. .i� ne � 59o$37.92 ee rew 001, _ a ,�. _. 1 0019 "Totals for Proposal Line Number, 0019 1,816.00 8 r 112.00 1,0,860'.56 0590537.92 1 2357 , 502 BITLMINOUS 14A11rERXAL YOU TACK COAT OAL 1, 00 208.00 208.00 32S.00 325.00 001 0026 M Totals for Proposal Lim Hiner 0020 208.00 $200.00 325.00 $3,25.00 tl 2411.603 SEC ITSTRU T I INN WALL S F 9.60 98.00 931.00 98. 00 931.00 001 0021 i Totals for Vroponal Lble Number 0021 98.00 $931,00 90.00 i�00 I 2501.511 154 S PIPE VERT L V 20.00 -394.00 71680.00 364.00 7j280.00 401 0022 +is �. Totals for prop p l w ae 4M aee.' vns eee s+.e: Line Number 0022 384.00 $7, 60b. 00 364.00 $70280.00 2501.515 _ aae s,e 15" GS PIPE APRON w. ._. _. _ .� ,... .®. �® w;e aw. EACH +e• _ _. +.. ..., _ _. 300.00 �. ._ - v.. - es ais.. 3.00 - -- - R _. _ _ 900.00 Totals for Proposal'* Line Uumber 0023 3.00-. 0900.00 1.00 $300.00 a 01.521 17v SPAN CS PIPE -ARCH, CULVERT L F 21.00 64.00 1 344.00 0.00 0.04 001 0024 Totals for Prep sal Line Uunher 0024 64.00 -- $1,344.00 4.44 $0.00 F �'7� �y �y %:501 .525 �y �g �1' �p 1 # n PAN IPE -AR f �€',i�"�r'�1 APRON - _.. _-. _. �p RAGA ti',.. - - r. ;- i w'. +ry {� +�l 10 i r',e. - - - - u# q �*q 4 i 0 4.00 +_ _ _ __ .� ye �y 40-. 0 �y, es as nes. +s' +� � 3 � -. -. _� � .a, _ - - �y j� 0 ■ 00 saw - �q 0101 . - s - _ r. re pj� �ry 6 00 6 Totals for Proposal Lire Number 0025 4.00 $840.00 0.00 $0.00 w 1 5 1 15w R PIPE CULVERT TEES 3005 CL V L F 35.00 - 24,00 - _ _ __ - _ 040.00 - -. - _ - - - _ 16.00 _ - - - .. _ 560.00 - - 001 _. _ _ _ 0026 Total for Proposal Line Number 0026 24,00 X34.0 i 00 16.00 060;00 LOW S.P. NINIBER 217®09+0-01 FOR WORK COMPLETEID AS OF 06/03/2003 Contract wr t L98329 MAIN BODY ITEMS (GroUp Level Detail) Voucher No. 6 Sheet I -To.- s Item Contract - - - - - - unit - - - - - - - - -- Contract - - - - - - - - Contract - - - - - - - - - FSS - - - - - - - - - - - To Date Grp Line NuA*ber ---------- Item ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -Unit Price Quantity Armu,nt Quantity A=Unt No. No. 2501.561 7 210 RC PIPE CULVERT DES 3006 Cri L F 42.00 16.00 --------- 6,72.00 16.00 ------ 672iOO 001 0027 - Totals for Proposal Line Number 0027 16moo $672.00 16,00 $672oOO 2501.573 INSTALL CONCRETE APRON EA01 175.00 2.00 - - - - 350.00 - - - - - - - 2.00 360.00 001 0028 Totals for Proposal Line Numbar 0028 2.00 $350.00 2.00 $350.00 25D1,.602 TRASH OVARD'FOR 151, PIPE AlIR014 EACH 525.00 6.00 3,150.00 2.00 it 050.00 001 0029 ,Totals for Proposal Line N6mber 0029 6.00 $3,150.00 2.0'0 $10050.00 .501- TRASH GUAR FOR 21" PIPE APRON RACH 825. 00 2.00 - - - - - - - - it660.00 - - ® - 2.00 - 1,65040 - - 001 - ® - - 0030 Totals for Proposal Line fhwber - - - - 0030 - - - 2.00 $1s650.00 2.00 $1,650.00 2501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 17m SPAN p1pH - - 'EACH e225.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4.00 900.010 0,00 0.00 001 0031 Totals for Proposal, Line Humber 0031 4.00 $900.00 0.00 $0.00 2506,502 • COUST DRAIMOR STRUCTURS DESIGN G EACH 1,375.0,0 1100 1 3,7 5. 00 0.00 0.00 001 0032 Tota la for, Proposal Line Number - - - - - - - - - - ®. 0032 1.00 $10375.00 0.00, • $0. oo 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME & RING CAST1110 EACH 250.00 2.00 500.00 2.00 50.60 0,01 0033 Totals for Proposal Line Nuniber D033 2 600 $500.00 2.00 $500.00 2511.5 01 RANIKy%j R,j PRAp cLAS,g I I I C y - - - - - 120.00 - - - - - - - 5.00 - - - - - - 600.00. 0.00 - - - 0.00 - - 001 - - - 0034 Totals for Proddsal Line N 0034 5.00 4600.00 0100 $0.00 2512 .602 REPOSITION EXISTING RIPRAP C y 60.00 3.00 180,OD 3.00 1801.00 001 0035 - - - .rotals for Proposal Line: limber - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0035 3.00 $180.0,0 3.00 �180.00 2531,501 CNC ' RETE CU" FA GInTER DES1011 - - - L F - - - - - - - 15.00 - - - - 20.00 300.00 25 ..00 420.00 001 0036 Totals for Propua:l Line Numbar - - - - - - - - - - 0036 20, 00 • $300',,00 28.OQ $420.00 2531,507 60, CONCRWE DRMWAY PAVEMENT - - - - S y - - - - - - - 40.00 - - - - - - - 5.00 - - - - - 200, 44• 5.00 200.00 001 0037 Totals for Proposal Line Nimber 0037 5,00 $200,.00 5.00 00,00 2540.602 WASTS RECEPTACLB EACH 375.00 2,00 750.00 2.00 750.00 001 0038 Totals for Proposal Line Number 0038 2.100 $750,00 2.00 $750.00 2540.602 BICYCLE RACK EACH 155.00 5.00 775.00 5.00 -M'. 00 001 0039' - - - - Totala for Proposal Line lluwher - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0039 - 5.00 $775.4 5.00 $775.00 LOW S.P. 111-WER 217-090-01 FOR VIORKCOMPLETED AS OF 06/03/2003 Contract Number; L98329 S T A T E M E N T 0 F W 0 R X C E R T I F I E D F'AAI9 BODY ITEMS (Group Level DetailX Vouebor No. 6 ------------------- ------ Sheet Nos Item Contract Unit Contra -------------------------- ntract. To Date To Date ----------- Grp Line Number Item --------------- ----------- Unit price Quantity Amount Quantity Amotint No. No. 2540-602 PICNIC TABLE EACH- ------------------------- 776.00 1.00 775.00 1.00 775.00 001 0040 Totals for Proposal Line lluxtiber 0040 $776.00 1 1.00 $775. 010 - 2 5 4 0. 6 02 BENCH HACH 350.00 2.00 700.00 2,00 700.00 001 0041 Totals for Proposal Line Nuniber 0041 2.00 $70D.00 2,00, 0700.00 2540-602 RELOCATE MA.In 13OX SUpVopT 'EACH 1 0.0 ^ i 1S.00 2R 4 21250. 00 001 0042 Totals fir Pxc�popal Line Nurftbar 0042 15.40 pr2$0.00 15.00 $21250.0,0 2557-603 TIOVEN WIRE T4 F 3*10 1,338.00 4,147.80 1,138. 00 40 .47.80 001 0043 Totals for Proposal Line Number 0043 11339. 00 $4,147.80 1,330.00 $ 4, 1411'. 190 2563.601 TC CoirrRoL 30000.00 1100 30000.00 1.00 3,000.00 001 0044 - - - - Totals for Proposal Line - - - - - - - - Number +n wu- 0044 1.00 $3,000.00 1.00' $30000.00 2564.531 P&I SIGN PANELS -TYPE C 30.00 - - - 105,26, - - 3,157.80 105.26 3;!57.60 001 004s Totals for Propoda l Line flumber 0045 10S.26 $3,157680 105.26 $30157.80 2564-602 RELY TS SMI RACH, 75.00 17.00 1,27S.00 9.00 675.00 001 0046 'Totals for Pr Bal Line Nwejc 004:6 17.00 $1,275.00 9.00 $675.00 ,2564.603 611 SOLID, L 141 WHXTZ-PAINT L F 0.11 28o390.0'0 31122.90 20,071.00 21207 81 001 0047 - - - - - Totals for Proposal Line - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Number - - - 0047 - - - - - 28,390.00 $3,122.90 20t071.00 $2,F207.181 2564.603 12R SOLID LINE WHITIR-PAItIT L V - - - - 0.65 61,5100 399.75, 676.00 439440 001 0048 Totals for Proposal Line'llumber 0040 615.00 $399.75 676.00 $439A0 2564-03 24" SOLID LXNE WHITIS-PA111T L F 0.85 110.00 93.50 93.50 79447 001 0049 Totals for Proposal Line Iluirber 004 9 - 110.00 $93.50 93.50 $79.47 2564.603 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW-PAJUT L p 0.25 51960.00 1, 465.00, 51017-00 11454.25 001 0050 Totals - for Proposal Line N 0050 $114 65. 00, 5,917.00 $10454.25 2571i501CONIFEROUS TRIEn 61 tnm Bin TREE 210.00 6.00 10260.00 6.00 1,260.00 001 0051 TOtalS for Proposal Line Number 0,051 6.00 $1,260.00 6100 $1,260.00 - 571.502 DECIDUOUS TREE 2.510 CAL B03 TREE 315.00 6.00 1"B90.00 6,100 1,890.00 001 0052 Totals for Proposal Line Number 0052 6.00 $if 890 a 00 6.00 $1�890.00 LOW S.P. NUI-IBER 2.17-090-01 FOR WORK COMPLETED AS OF 06/03/2iO03 Contract Number: L98329 W 1 a STATE OF MINNESOTA - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MAIN BODY ITEMS (Group. eves Detail) Voucher No. 6 Sheet N s 7, Item Contract unit, Crpntract Contract To Date ---------------- To Date Grp Line Number Item nit Price Quantity"Quantity A=unt No, 11. 2571.50,3 ORIIAM13NTAL TRISE° HT U413 "TREE 210.00 3.00 630.00 3.00 630.00 001 0053 Totals for Proposal Line 0053 3.00 $6.130.00 3.00 $ 30.00 F 2571.541 TRMISPILMMI TRES (101 IAT TREE -- -.. ._ _ y:-. 315.00 rr -: -ab A. r -i t- w- r 3.00 _. -: _ _ _ 545.00 0.00 k 0.00 001 0054 Totals for, Proposal Line Number 0054 3.00 $945.00 '0.00 $0.00 2573.501 UALS CHECK EACH -- 7.35 -,v -- w. _. 132.00 as - - _. _. _ ®. 970.20 _ � _ � _ � --. 0.00 +• �, � ,wi aar +1F '+4n i, _ � � 0.00 001 0055 p Totalsfor Proposal Lina Number OD55 133.00 $970.20 .0 0.00 0a00 y N 2573o502, SILT $ ENCS, TYPE P S ' LED L F 1.50 L050.00 fir., 575.0,0 0..00 0.0 001 0056 Totals for Proposal Line 14"umber 0056 14 050.00 1 r 575. 00 0.00 $0.00 575.501 SEEDING AM - _ _: _. 160.00 -. a- a- w a- .are - - 4.58 - -- -. _. - .. 732,80 3.90 624.00 001 0057 -Tot is for Proposal Line number owi 4.5B $732.90 3. 00.0 di . ,. } � s. am w 2575.505 ce IIJ LAWN a. � �; ..- �. 8 y �. � � �. �. �+ 2.10 .-: -- _' _• _+;- � 1 y0.0 ter. e- , 513 eV .._ 7 U75. 5l 0 0 -,a. -t r ir- r. w 16,537.50 0 0058 0 7 k Totals for Proposal Line Number ®,,< �• -: ,at �: err ,--. a.- -. ._ _. _. _ 0058 41530.00 M513.00 7,875.00 $161537.5D _ me �... ,a" 'or' 2515-511 bWLCH t4kTIAL TYPE 1 p Toll 115,00 , 0.51 a. - a- -- _ - 1,024.65 - - - - - 8.91 1$024.65 001 005 Totals for Proposal Viiia lfu er 0059 8.91, $1,024.65 0.91 1 024.65 2575.519 VISI{ ANCHORING ;. 50.00 4.58 229.00 3.90 195.00 001 0060 " taia for'Proposal Line NtAmber a-. -- - - -- ._,,,.. ,- 0060 4.58 $229.00 3.90 P195100 _.: - - _ - ,r m. -- -- 575.523 WOOD FIBER DL&VKHT TYPE REGULaR _. ,� S Y � :. - -,; -. ..-, 1150 ..-. - ,-. -. -- 31195.00 - - - - '. _ 4,792.50 _ - ® - - - r -r 31 40.00 50160.00 001 0061 i Totals for Pr pooal Erne N r 0061 31195.00 5.00 , 792.50 3o440.00 $51160.00r 2575,531 =%1 - X PERT ANALY8I0"10_jo TON 425.00 1.20 510. civ 1 637.50 001 0062 � Totals f or Proposal- Dine Number ^ -.a --, _. ,_, w.. a � _ _ -:. :;.. ,ra to .� :_ � 0062 "r 1,20 $510400 1150 $637.50 � -s �. .�. ®. 2575.533-AGRICOLTURALLIME s: � w: a! «-. TON rt. _ _: _ " _. 21.GO �-"- .--, ,-- -r- .- �„ 5.00 �' •_ _ '�. ry £- -M 105.010 0 '0 -r-.� _ _ � -t. a°- 5.00 a°- ,-- � r _. _ _. -- -- +.A s V . 001 0 0 , Totals for Pry o ai mine Nunxber 0063 5.00 ° 2575.608 SEED MIXTURE 15A L13 21.00 14,00 294.00 20.00 420 . 00 001 0064 a j ' tAls' for Proposal Line jju.mber -+e, -a: t-' -eu -- +.•.-. +-n. ao r iwr a:- •1' 0064 -14,00- $294.00 20400 $420.00 Y _, s a -n w 5' 5.608 SEED MIXTURE, 68A _ _: r _ ... .�.: u LBkip _ _ v ..p --,- _. ,_ _ -ti au. :t.- 15.00 a-.. _. -r: ti- ti -. wr 41.,25 - : '" 0.00 -ti a- _ a --i � � _. _ aee a-. -w �. 11 0.00 001 0065 Totals for Proposal Line Number .. 0065 15.00 - $41.25 s _ � �. 0.00 _. _ +•. _ _ .-v ten $0.00 -- rr- °rr• »+ _ _ � 9,t a- w ^`:. _. LOW S. P: NOWER �17-090-01 POP, WORK COMPLETED AS OF 06/03/:2003 nt a t Nuir or: L90329� A T E M E N T 0 F W 0 R K C E R T I F I E D STMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MAIN BODY ITEMS (Group Level Detail) Voucher No., 6 ------------------------ Sheet No 0. ---------------- ------- Item Contract unit ------ Contract ---------------------- -------- Contract To Date •- To Date Grp Line flun'Lber Item Unit Price --------------------------------- Quantity Amount Quantity Amount No., )To -------- 2575,608 SEED MXXTURE 70A LB 4.00 --------- 18.00 72.00 0.00 ------ 0,00 001, 0066 Totals for Proposal Line Number 0066 10.00 $72.00 0100 $0.00 2575.600 SEED MIXTURE BOA LB 3.7S 150.00 562.50 200.00 750. 00 001 0067 Totals: for Proposal Line Uumber, 0067 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - we:. 150100 $562.50 2,00.00 ss.- - - - - - - - $750.00 ==nano TOTAL A1-0MIT FOR ALL BODY ITEM $2310197.59 LOW S.P, NUMBER 217-090-01 FOR WORK COMPLETED AS OF 06/03/2003 Contract iiun,�ben Lga,329 0"TTATE Or4 MINNESOUMA - DDEPARI�:MBNT OF TRANSPORT S T A T E M E N T 0 F W 0 R K C E R T I F D, I E99 S U P P L E M E N T A L A G R E E M E N T S vbucher 110. Sheet 17o 1 9 Iterd, Contract it it 1"Mit To Date To Date G:rp Fed Number Item Price Factor ouan'tity Amount No. PAR/ITO-1.; Supplemental Agreement iTumber on ---------------- ---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - +�: - - - - - - - - - �. w .r.. .� _ tw w o ,� � � ava w TURN DITCH 117M UM)ERGROU)ID, DRAINAG H fi is" PIPE L.F 2.5.00 1.000000 325moo $8,125. 00 001 DRAM BA-9111S,W CMTING S EACH 10200.00 1.000000 51.00 MAMME W CMIT ASMI BACH 11350.00 1000000 1 1.00 $1!350.00 001 ' MANHOLE, RIECO14STRUCTION W C"r1%*GS EACH 1,400.00 1.000000 1.00 $1,400.00 001 RECONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL. Ls. $ 1.00 1.000000 10 000.F00 $1,000,00 001 SEEDING, LAN PING, 33TC. LS - 1.00 1.000000 600.00 $600.00 001 PRIME CONTRACTOR 10'V ALLOWANCE LS$ 1.00 11000000 1t 000.00 1;000.00 001 PRII,M CO T` 2 %, LS$ 1.00 1.000000 169.50 $169.50 ODI Total, for S-applemental Agreement 001 $19,644.50 5upplemantal Agreement Nuzber 002,, MOVE DIKE PATH TO EAST, SIDE OF ROAD CO,,%,2011 EXCAVATION C Y 7.80 1w000000 85.00 $663.00 001 2211. 501 AGGREGATE 13ASE CLASS 5 TON 10.50, 1.000000 0.00 $0.00 001 2340.508 TYPE 41 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE TON 32. 00 1.000000 .41 .00$13t 216.00 001 Total for Su ,pplemental Agreement 002 Total for all Supplemental Agreements $33,523.50 LOW S.P. IMM ER 217-090-01 FOR WORK COMPLETED AS OF 06/03/2003 Contract Numbers L98329 LOW 8 - P - V0A 217-090- O'l FOR 14ORK COMPLETED AS OF 06/93/2003 Contract Numbers L9,8329 st-IAMI.E OF MINNESOTA — DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION S T A T E M E N T 0 F W 0 R K C E R T 'I F I E D W 0 R K 0 R D E R M I N 0 R E X T R W 0 R X Voucher No. 6 Sheet NO: it Xtem Contract unit Wt Mult To Date To Date Grp Fed Number Item PrIce Factor Quantity Amount ITO. 'Mii/170-N Work order /1-linor extra work 001 ---------------- - - - - - - --- - ------ Sprinkler oystems along Page and Ohland were not accounted for i -n IrrIgaton -System 1,500,00 1.000600 1.00 2r500.00 002 I Systera 880.00 1*000000 1.00 BOO.. 00 001 Reconnect water service a 100i00 4.00001,00 1.00 400.00 001 Reconstruct Hanhole RA 978.00 1.000000 1.00 978.00 001 Total for Work order/?#Unor -extra work: 001 � 3,758.00 Work oxder/Mirj<>r extr6t work 002, ------------------- M ---------------------- -- ------- Additional Striping was required as nony motorist were mistakenly - 24" Solid LiVe White Paint DF 4.00 1,000006 180.00 720. 00, 001, Pa 'to Message (Bi%er) Paint Ea. 50.00 10000000 4.00 200.00 001 Total for Work orderiminor extta woVk- 002 $920.00 7 Work order /mitt' r extra work On ----------------------------------- ------------------ w - - - - - - work reguired to repair and ajuot a residental IRRIGATION SYRV(REP & ADJ)BY JJ' :IC' Lurrip Sum $ 1.00, 1.000000 152.79 152o79 001 - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - Total for Work ordar/bSinor extra woKk: 003 m - - - -- - - - - - - - aA. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -7 :_- - am- s Grand total for Work order/minor extra work $40 iv LOW S.P. 1APIMR 217-090-01 FOR i%'ORX COMPLETED M OF 06/03/2003 ContractNumber; L98329 LOW S.P. NUMBER. 217-090-01 FOR WORK COMPLETED AS OF S U M M A R Y 0 0 V E R R U U A N' T I T I E Sfi The following Body Items overran by 20.00kormore, as ,on the contract quantities, ------------ -------------- ----------------------- Sheetlfo: 12 Item Number --------- Deacription Group ----- ----- unit To -Date- QlaTit Prop -Quant Percent -Over Body------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- I-w---------------------'-----W'WWWR"# ------ 2.104.501 REMOVE CONCRETE CURB 001 Tj F -28.0000 20. 0000, 140.0000V 2104-505 REMIOVE BITUMINOUS PAM= 0101 s y 1069.6000 007.0000 132.5403t 2105.604 ORIU4ULAR BOR'ROW 001, Toll 1920.2DOO 1230.0000 156.1138* 23,57.,502 BXTUM1110US MAL FOR TACK COAT 001 GAL 325,0000 200.0000 156.2$001 2531.501 CONCRETE CURD & GUTTER, DESIG11 B610, 001 L 8,0000 20.0000 140,0000% 2514.505 SODDING TYPE, LAWN 001 S -Y 7875.0000 4530.0000 173.8411% 2575.531 COMMERCIAL FERT MI7S 20-10-10 001 T, Q1_1 1.5000 1.2000 125.0000% 25,75.608 SEED MIXTURE 15A 0011 LB MGM 14*0000 142,0571t 2575.00 SEED t4XXTuRB 80A 00L L13 200,0000 150.0000 133.3333% LOW S.P. NUMBER. 217-090-01 FOR WORK COMPLETED AS OF Date of Letting 4/9198 . Date ofNotice of Approval Contract Date f Starting 6112/98 rtuai to f 8 te rti ng 6/21/98 -Date ofSuspension of Work 8!26/98 [date of Resumption of Work 1011 X Contract Date of Completion 40 W.D, Extended Date of ernple n - Liquidated Da s Waived Working Days Expended', Serol Final ompl ttl'on Date Working Days Expendad Final Completion Late Working mays Expended 40'W.D. . Deduction of Liquidated Damages TOTAL DEDUCTIONS NONE