ITEM 4.2 Montgomery FarmsRequest, for Otsego IAity ouncii, mtion, -DEPARTMENT REVIEWED BY: ITEM #4 MOM Montgomery Farms I AGENDA ITEM DETAILS 111 title] A I Al1A 1211 U.Iffid NN, City staff recommends approval ofa Zoning Map amendment, and, CUP allowing subdivision of one 1 01 less than 20 acres, in area within an A-2, District. No. Held by Planning Commission on 4 March 2013. BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: There were no public comments. The Planning Commission also did not have any comments or any discussion reizardingthe request, The public hearing was closed and, the Planning Commission voted 7- 01 to recommend approval of the applications. Findings of fact consistent with the recommendation of the Planning Commission have been prepared for consideration by the City Council at their meeting on 11 1 11a; 11 ki al Ct 201 ILI 9 0 . r11141191121 A. Planning Report dated 27 February 2013 B. Zoning Map amendment Findings of Fact C. Ordinance amending the Zoning Map D. CUP Findings of' Fact loq*illm ;14'1110111'M-'�� .... ... . . ... ... .. .. ........ .. . .. wl I gill ou'lam" I g, I go] a mrivi-d to] MA BUDGETED: DYES oNO Mill E 13 APPROVED AS REQUESTED o DENIED nTABLE D n OTHER (List changes) 'OMMEIT,- 3eOl Thurston Avenue N,, Suite 104, Anoka, MN 66303 Phone: 763,231.13840 Facsimile: 763*427.0620 TPCQ Pla n;nf ng Co. com I T 0 It, Otsego Planning Comi-nission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICJ RE: Otsego — Montgomery Fa,rms; Zoning Map Amendment/GUIP REPORT DATE: 27 February 2013 I ACTION DEADLINE, 8 April 2013 Vc rILE1 101.02 — 113A Lea= ........... A, Site Locatio B. Parcel map ANALYSIS 20 acres In area by aproval of a conditional Use permit consistent with the "ntei m land use plan established by the Comprehensive Plan. dilk . ............. .. . IN 1 -600-194101 18 118-600-191102 1W JEUr-Ait All other, applica, ble requirements of Section 20-524 of this Chapter are coinplied with. 2. A concept plan ut&1hg al/development rights allmad by Section 20-52-6, B of this Chapter is submitted and recoaMd with the subdivisionir J , 3. Lots aro to be clustered and the overall sub&Wsi P on desioied /n such a manner so as to providb for logical ftiture street and ulffily extensiolis. f 4. No lot shag be less than one (1) acre in size or 150 feet in wWj Me maxinium lot size for clustered lots hi the Urban SerVice Reseive Area shall be two and one-half (2. N5 acres except, if one of the following, con"ns is inet: a, Tbpogmph)� soft wetlands, or other natural features d1ctat-,#j a laiger minimum lot area,, 77)e location of exi�ting buildings cannot be MV P aCCOM177od6ted In compfi6nce with cippftable setback 0 9 , requirements, of'Secti , on 20-52-6. C of th1s Cliapter, 4 01 une develOpment tVht as allowed by Section 20-52-6.8i of thl's Chopteig /� used' foi* a dweftg located oi); the ptoeset)t I paifficell outsk1b of the residenti6l Cluster. ---------- 7. A deed testil"ClIon /'s placed m the parcel exeivkl'n'g developtnetri' lights and all stjb&vidbd lots to prohibit ackfitiona/ subdivIsIon 0 41 A unless is conforms to Owfidabile zoning diskIct i'mequit'ements. 41 8. Each lot i's capable of accommodating a pdvate well atid septic systema 941 Me pt-ovisiotis of Section 20-;4**2.F of thi's Chapter are considet-ed and satWactorfly met, 1W 1W AMA When the one dwelling un'it per 10 acre density allowance for areas outside of th Sewer Service District was established with the 1998 Coin prehensive Plan, the &I qjp IMMAMAIN 11 of Mail I w w Sotbacks. Tne table bielowillUstrates the required setbacks, applicable to the sub"ec), Sites anid the proposed lot to be subdivided from, Parcel A, A A M, 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the off icial City Cotnprohensivo Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land, uses of the area. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinaiice and, other provisions of the City Code. C,ominent,." 77je proposed sub(fivisio;n wfll confmm to all t*eqtn`tAen?ents of the 0, zbIn I ng OaMance,, Subdivision OaMance and 07g/neet'hig Manual. of streets 4i, Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabIlities serving the property. Commenk 7he pi-oposed tise /S not anticipated to genetatel ti-affic that w1fi tivetmd7efin fl7e capabi#ti6s of the exI`St1hg stt'edss&ii�My the ptppetjy 51; The Proposed use can bie accommodated by existing pumic services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Conunent's, Me pipposled subOVI'S/on can be acconnnoclated by the Ci(y's, txI0hg service capaci(�� i Zoning Map arnen,ftent and CUP as queste , City staff' recommends approval of the re ICI ,outlined below. Decision I — Zoning Mal) Amendment bject site frorn A- A. Motion to approve a Zoning! Map arneiAment rezoning the SLI I District to A-2 District based, on a finding that the request Is consistent with'the Comprehensive Plan. I B. Motion to deny the application based on a findingthat the request is inconsisten with the Comprehensive Plan. I A. Wtion to approve a, conditional use permit allowing aaministrative subdivision of a lot with an area less than 20 acres within the A-2, District, subject to the l' fbilowing conditions: binitted and 1 The application for administrative subd'vision shall be su processedin accordance with Section 2 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The maximum area of the lot proposed to be subdi'vided shall be 2.5 ne) 'th a minirn u rn width of 160 feet and sh a 11 comply w'th al I other acires wi -nen applicable lot and' setback requiret ts of the A-2 District. 3. The parcels shall be deed restricted to limit further subdivision to not more than, the following number of dwelling units:- A11lowed DU 1 -500-194101 118 4. The applicant shall dedicate a 30 foot roadway easernent for the nort one-half of 834 Street with the administrative subdivision, subject to I review and approval by the City Engineert 5a The proposed lot, to be subdivided shall provide drainage and utility easements as required by Section 21­7�16 of the Subdivision Ordinance subJect to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6, The applicant shall pay a cash fee in lieu of land to satisfy park and trail dedication roquireiflents applicable to the administrative subdivision application, 6 Ote septic and well 74 The ability of the proposed lot to accomrnodate on si utilities shall be subject to review and; approval by the City Engineer. BW Motion to dony; the application based on a Comment that the request is, inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zon"ng Ordinance andlor Subdivision Ordinance. C, Lori johnson, Gity Admin'llstrator Tam! Loff, Ci1y Clerk Andy MacMhur, Gity Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer 6 Date Created, Exh,lbi3t A fta Site Location Gond ["to a (19 CSAHCL CTYCL MUNICL PRIVATECL TWPCL City/Township illits F j c I—j t Pat -cels Cxhibii B -v Parcel Map Dalo Created: 212812013 am nd mds CSAHCL CrYCL MUNICL PRIVATECL TWPC'L y/Township Unifts j� C t pa)-ceig CITY OF MINNESOTA rA01 Ll 111 11, re"I iTil VA t, �F"A M APPLICATION:Consideration of a Zoning, Map amendment rezoning property from A-1 District ti# A-2 District. CITY COIJUCIL MIG�--t1-M-ar-&-Z&I-1 FINDING,$: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the City Council of tht; City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: I NIXON W� l�� elm M I! I �V B. The subject site i's guided by the Comprehensive Plan for low density resident] I al uses within the Urban Service Expansion Area. it C. The subject s' e is zoned A-1 , Agriculture Long Range Urban Service Districl E. Consideration of the application is to be based upon (but not limited to) the criteria set forth by Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions, of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Findingill The Comprehensive Pilan guides the site for interim rural land'uses until sanitary sewer and water utilities are available. The proposed rezoning will allow fo V a subdivilisl'on of up to six rural single family lots, which I's consistent with the Interim land use plan. B Finding,.- Surrounding land' uses currently consist of pdmarily agricultural -rural servi area uses and'large lot single family uses. The surrounding area I's also guided for rural land uses until such time as urban services are available. As such, the proposed subdivision will' be compatible with the exilting and planned land uses surrounding the subject site. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained withrin the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Finding., The proposed subdivision w#1 conform to all requirements of; the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivils'llo'n Ordinance and Engineering ManuaL 4. Traff 1c generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property., Finding.- The proposed use is not anticipated to generate traft that will overwhelm the capabi s of the existing streets serving the property. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilitie and will not overburden the City's service capacity, i Finding.- The proposed subdivision can be accommo ated by the City's existing d service capacity. F. The Planning Repoft dated 27 February 2,013 prepared by the City Planner, The Plannikik, Company LLC., is incorporated herein. DECISIOW Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the proposed Zonln+..i Map arnendment is hereby APPROVED. L'144 1 Ll" I 1111'rN th ADOPTED by the City Council, of the CRY of Otsego this day of March, 2,013. Attest: Tarni Luff, City Clerk K By: Jessica L. Stockarrilp, Mayor CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHTI MINNESOTA Ilk wi� 13 9,41 N Section 1. The Official Zoning Map of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to change the zoning classification of the property legally by Exhibit A. Section 24 The property is hereby rezoned from an A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District to A-2, Agriculture, Long Range Urban Service District designation. Section 4. This Ordinance shall I become effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to Law. 10"0 F111, 410 10 11 VTV- i.: h ADOPTED by the City Covncill of the City of'Otsego this 11t d'a,y of March, ATTEST: Tam, ,i Loff, City Clerk I MCA 1 [010 111 -0 At, 0 IAAIL iij mm M IIIW�� WR M IN HESOTA I IKK 0 110 1 P I I I I- lii, 10 V11 M I I APPLICAT110M, Consideration of a conditional use permit to allow subdivision of lot with an; area less Yuz-t 24, acres vvitW P FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact. - -4 The subject site is guided by the Comprehensive Plan for low density residential uses withir 'he Urban i Service Expansi on Area., do F Muller M E LW J M I I L--W--AA ki IF J I 111R W MEN The proposed action's, consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the off icialC1 I ty Comprehensive Plan. Finding., The Comprehensive Plan guides the site for interim rural land uses until sanitary sewer and water utilities are avadable. The proposed rezoning wN allow fo a subdivision of'up to six rural single family lots, which is consistent with the inten'm land use plan. q Z4 FW7dii7g,,- Surrounding land uses currently consist of pfimarfly agricultural -rural service area uses and large lot single, family uses. The surrounding area is also guided for rural land uses until such time as urban services are available. As such, the proposed subdivision MY be compatible with the existing and planned land uses surrounding the subject site. 3. The proposed uses conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and' other provisions of the City Code. Finding.- The proposed subdivision will conform to all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering ManuaL .4. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities ofstreets servint I the property. t-Inaing: The proposed use is not anticipated to generate trafft that will overwhelm the capabilities of the existing streets sewing the propedy. 511 The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will] not overburden the City's service capacity. Finding.- The propose d'sub division can be accommodated by the City's existint., service capacity. F. The Planning Report dated 27 February 2013 prepared by the City Planner, The Plannin Company LLC., is incorporated herein. i DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the proposed Zoning A Map amendment is hereby APPROVED subject to the following conditions: 1. The application for administrative subdivision shall be submitted and processed in accordance with Section 2 of' theSubdivision Ordinance. The maximum area ofthe lot proposed to be subdivided shall be 2.5 net acres with a minimum area of 1 acre and minimum, width of 150 feet and shall comply with all other applicable lot and setback requirements of the A-2 District. 4 3. The parcels shall be deed restricted to limit further subdi Vision to not more than the followin number of dwelling units: Allowed DU 11 8-500-203200i ME 118-500-194101 118-500-191102 4. The applicant shall dedicate a 30 foot roadway easement for the north one-half of 83 d Street 4 with the administrative subdivision, subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 5. The proposed lot to be subdivided shall provide drainage and utility easements as required by Section 21 �7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. The applicant shall pay a cash fee in lieu of land to satisfy park and traill dedication J requirements applicable to! the administrative subdivision application. 7. The ability of the proposed lot to accommodate on-site septic and well utilities shall b subject to review and' approval by the City Engineer. 0 I Tk1 ANUInI ADOPTED by the; City Council of the City of Otsego this I Ith day of March, 2011 Attest: Tamil, Loff, City Clerk K Vy: Jessica L. Stockarnp, Mayor