ITEM 5.1 Stormwater ImprovementRequest for CITY OF City Council Action OtS2 0 MINNESOTA as INFORMATION D' L FAM :W3 I "A if #1 Ji 104, ]UMV, -� 9w ARE, YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? No MID, I w w a dL #4 lip I li— e 4p M M m 11 All M M M Motion: No motion is necessary. AUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: YES Assessments a NO -v �, APPROVED AREQUESTED DENIED TABLED o OTHER (List changes) OSOIMENTS INFORMATIONAL MEETING ON STORMWATER IMPROVE M ENTPROJECT OF "HSTREET NEEDHAM AVENUE -SOUTH OF'85 I I OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER Janwry 28, 20113 5:301 PM Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Doug Schroeder and Jason Warehime, Staff: Lori johnson, City Administrator; Ron Wagner, City Engineer, Daniel Licht, City Planner; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney and Tami Loff, City Clerk. �oiq p 11� q 11 M-1 a � Ah, Ak AL Am AL in ., � � „�, Wfe i:. N=M=1101 Am M A AL Ab, a di, Ap loop Josine Beyer, 8475 N'eedfiam Avenue NE,, questioned the location of undergrou-.,nd pipes, as she i s concerned over her fence and lilacs. City Engineer Wagner, reviewed the pipes and said they could be bored. City Engineer Wagner also said that the City would stay in the right of' way or have to purchase easement. Residents asked if the City will go out and survey each lot to make sure each lot is contributing as proposed on the map. City Engineer Wagner sa,ld if the City Council decides to go ahead wlt� m the project the City would go out and inspect the site and survey if' needed. Residents asked If water and sewer comes in will it need to, be red'one. City Engineer Wagner said residents would have to petition for water and sewer and that it is not very likely, 2, Ad, J ourn . The meeting adjourned at 6.35 PM 2 � OEM I'm I ro miR o. X T 2 � OEM I'm I I al It mot. 10 I m m 0 ol 0 0 rn LO LO tr) V) w tr) t6 to z z z z z 2 z 0 0 0 0 (D 0 q LLJ LLJ LU U) 0 0• 0 Lli LLJ U-i ui u ui z Z LU > w > w > w w > > w > < < < 15 8 ud ull, w w uj z LLJ z LLF uj z z < 0 0 co co 00 83 aFaF ii aF ate . ....... .. I I I