ITEM 6.2A 70th StreetRequest for Otsego City Council Action MINNESOTA M t I M ii I * 4 1 - 1 4 kk I i 5 � � Q I U, Til FA, JURPRILL't ORIGINATING DM, ENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING: DATE: Engineering City Engineer Wagner 1, 1 March 2013 PRESE NTER (s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM M City Engineer Wagner City Planner Licht 6.2A — 70th Street City staff recommends the City Council' direct preparation of an agreement between the City and Wrigh 0 1 County to provide for a joint project for 'improvement of 70th Street (CSAH 37) from, Oakwood Avenue b Odean Avenue. I No. N o. BACKGROUNDMUSTIFICATION: 701h Street intersecting CSAH, 37 (current layout with modifications): a. Current City plan. b Not efficient for majority of vehicles ani the projected traffic patterns. C. Additional ROW needs and pavement for turn/bypass lanes. d. Probably the least safe alternative. 2. 7 01th Street/CSAH, 37 through route;intersection): a: Potential alternative presented by Wright County for consideration. b. Promotes regional traffic uti'llize City street unacceptable to the City absent agreement for CSAH 37'rerouting and turn back. C. Additional ROW needs and more pavement for turn/bypass lanes. d. Potential future signal with cost share to both City and County based on tt of legs. e. Not the safest alternative. 3. Roundabout: a. Does not direct traffic, patterns regarding utilization of City street versus current CSAH 37 route. b. Less ROW needsand less pavement required. c. The safest and likely the most! efficient 'Intersection of the alternatives reviewed. AL MAL dP W 46 46 Ip V ap T A AL a 4P A OF W Sp off a ip 0 A., Site Location POSSIBLE MOTION, !ease ��ord mo�on as you would like it to appear in the minutes. ilotion, to direct City staff to d I raft an agreement with Wright County regarding 701h Street (CSAH 37) -npirovements frolm Oakwood Avenue to Odean Avenue. BUDGET !NFORMATION LJNDING: BUDGETED: YES nNO k .CTION TAKEN I M 11 APPROVED AS REQUESTED DENIED TABLED n OTHER (List changes) OMMENTS: