ITEM 3.2AIT'M 3.2A SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL CIL MEETING OTSE O CITY HALL October 22, 2012 :00 Ply Call to Order= Magor Jessica Stcckarp called the meeting to order at 6:00 PI1 Roll Call: Mayor . ssi a t ck ; cunclir ernb rs, Vern Heldn r, Dan Scharb r, Doug Schroeder and Tam Darkenwld. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner Rory Wagner,, City Engineer and Tara! LfF, City Clerk. 1. Comprehensive Plan. City Planner Licht presented the Community Perspectives and Policy Plan for the Comprehensive Plan as well as maps for the Urban Service Staging Plan, s=uture Land Use Plan, Future Parks and Trails System Pian and the current Transportation Plan. M Heldn r stated the future land use map Inas different lots with serer and non -sewer; he questioned if that is intended? City Planner Licht said yes to allover for resubdivision of the uns wered lots should extension of utilities ever be requested or required due to environmental issues. CM Darkonwald said on the east side of Queens Avenue there is industrial and thea large residential lots; how will that transition? City Planner Licht said there are wetlands between the two lard uses that provide the desired transition and physical separation. City Planner Licht said the Planning Commission is scheduled to hold a Public Hearing to consider adoption of the Comprehensive Plan update on November 1 , 2012. . any other items. No items. 3, Adjourn. CM Schar er motioned to adjourn. seconded by CM D r enwal . All in favor. Motion ion carried, Adjourned at 6 24 P 9 Mayor Jessica Stoc arr ATTEST: Taim Loll, City Clergy