ITEM 3.2CI�T E M 3 w SPECIAL CITY COMIC MEETING OTSE O CITY HALL October 2, 2012 P Call to Order. Mayor 3essica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 8:12 PK Roil Call: Mayor Jessica Sto kar p; Councilr ember : Vern Heidner, Dan Scharber, Doug Schroeder and Toni Darkenwald. Staff # ..ori Johnson, City Administrator; Gary Groerr, Finan e Director; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Rory Wagner, City Engineer; Doss Demant,, Parks and Recreation Manager; Brad Belau, Maintenance a Supervi or; Sue Frisch, Finance Assistant and Tam! Lof , City Clerk. 1. Ca ital Im ro er ent Plan. The Finance Director* and City Administrator presented the draft 2013 Capital Improvement t Plan (CIP)reviewing the additions and changes from 2013-2017. Ci Shrber-aid regarding the City Entrance Signs project that a site has not been identified for them. He has a problem with them being in 2013 for that reason= City Administrator 3ohnson said the at the Otsego Business meetings the businesses strongly support entrance signs. The City Council agreed to move this item to 2014. Mayor- Stockamp requested that City Carpus Signs include identification of Prairie Centers There was discussion on changing the wording to City Carpus instead of City Hall and Public Works. The project for Public Works fence, bituminous, and trash enclosure will be revised by staff to provide additional options and costs to the Council. The City Council agreed to move the Darkenwald Landing project to 2014. Mayor Sto kar p suggested the funding source for project Prairie Park Soccer Fields will chance to fund 208, The City Council agreed. Final funding from TRSA is to be confirmed. There was discussion of the project to demolish Old Town Hall. City staff will add this item to the Heritage Preservation Com ission rs November meeting for discussion= There was discussion on the Sledding Hill project, Mayor Stockamp said this item needs to go to the Parks and Recreation Commission for review. City Staff will add it to the November nber Parks and Recreation Commission agenda, 1 Scharber recommended removing funding for the Emergency response Vehicle in the amount of $100,,000 in 2015 and adding it to the 2016 fire project instead. The City Council agreed. . Any other items. Mayor Stockamp asked City staff provide to the Council as information the ar ount of time each property owner assessed at tonight's Council meeting for having a delinquent utility bill has been delinquent. There was also discussion of increasing the Administration tion fee next year and considering turning off water if it has been delinquent for a certain period of time. City Administrator Johnson said City staff will bring back more information on this for the City Council to considert 3, Adjourn. CM Scharber motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 10:45 PM. Mayor Jessica Soar ATTEST: Tam! Loff, City Clerk *immediately following the adjournment of the City Council meeting t 6;30 PKI