ITEM 3.2EIYEKA 3-2E OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER Try, November 1, 2012 7:00 PM Call to Order. Mayor Jessica St cka n called the meeting to order* at 7:00 Pi 11 Pooh Call: Mayor Jessica St ck n ; unc lmembers: tarn Heidn r, Dan Scharb r and Toni Darkenwald. Excused absence: CM Doug Schroeder. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney and Tami Luff, City Clerk, Pledge of Allegiance:, Mayor St ckamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 11 Open Forum. No iters. 2* Consider qgenda approval. City Administrator r J has n requested to add item 3.10 to the consent agenda approving Resolution 2012-77 certifying the November 6, 2012 General Election results. M Heldner motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by CM Shrber, All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consent Agenda, f Non -controversial it 3.1 Approve Claims List. 3,2 Pay Estimates/ Requests: A. Approve Pay Estimate to Allied Blacktop for trails. 33 Approve Public works Seasonal position. 3,4 Approve ,point Powers Agreement between the City of Otsego and the City of Rogers regarding TH 1A101/CSAH 144 Interchange Improvement Project. 3.5 Approve Biolsolids site. 3,6 Approve Resolution 2012-73 raking an appointment to ars advisory commission. 3.7 Approve Resolution 2012-74 imposing a Civil l=ine for a Liquor License Violation. 18 Approve Health, Life & Disability Insurance Contracts. 3#9 Approve Resolution 2012-7 Modifying Assessment -A portion of City No, 2006-09. 3.10 Approve Resolution 2012-77 certifying the November ', 2012 General Election results. CM Heldner motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by CM S harber. All in favor. Motion carried. r Public Works. .1 Consider Resolution 2012-75 accepting bids and authorizing into a contact with Erickson Builders & Co, Inc. for the repair of various Qty....Buildinas. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. CM Scharber asked if it will be done yet this fall. City Engineer Wagner said this spring. CM S horber motioned to approve Resolution 2012-76 accepting bids and authorizingentering into a contract with Erickson Builders and Co, Inc. for both Schedule "A" and Schedule "B" in the amount of $261,,318.00 for repair of various City building projects.. Seconded by CM D r enwald. All in favor. Motion carried. . Administration. .1 Liquor Lic n Discussion. City Attorney MacArthur presented the staff= report, Cowboy ,hacks was stopped by the State for serving alcohol after 1:00 AM with no licenser City staff has drafted to Ordinances for consideration; one sets the time closing at 1:00 AM and the second ordinance changes the closing time to 2:00 AM as allowed by State statute. Mayor to ker p said she this item was discussed at the Police Commission meeting this evening and they had no concerns, The Police Commission would just like to see a proactive approach. Wright County Sheriff Hagerty was present for the discussion and stated that he doesn't anticipate any issues with the 2:00 ANS closing and they will monitor it closely. He said the management of the establishment is key to the success. Sheriff Hagerty said that the Sheriff Department would like to have a proactive approach, possibly a neighborhood meeting that the Sheriff Department would initiate. Mayor St ck r p asked if the City tries the 2:00 AM and it doesn't work, , can it be changed back to 1:00 A1. City Attorney MacArthur said there is nothing in the Statute that says you can't change it. Mayor Stockamp asked if the city could charge a fee in addition to the State 2:00 AM license fee. City Administrator Johnson said staff will do some research on this and report back to the City Council on November ber . The Council discussed penalty provisions if there are nuisances r public safety issues related to the 2:00 AM closing. City Attorney MacArthur stated he would draft an ordinance regarding this for consideration at the November 26 meeting. Mayor Stockamp said again she warts to be clear that we need to be proactive and would like to see a meting set up by Wright County Sheriff with the local businesses. Mayor Stockamp directed Sheriff Hagerty to work with City Administrator Johnson on this. CM Scharber motioned to approve an ordinance amending the City Code regarding liquor sales hours of operation until 2 AM. Seconded by CM Darkenwald,, All in favor. Lotion carried. City Council Reports and Updates. .1 1.94 Corridor Coalition — Councilmember Darkenwald. CM Darkenwald handed out information on the 1-94 west Corridor Coalition with amounts contributed from surrounding communities. i Heidn r asked what the City contributed in 2010. Staff said around $6,250. CM I ar enwald recommended that the City Administrator ars City Engineer attend Coalition meetings and participate in Coalition activities. The City Council agreed. CM. Darkenwaid motioned to contribute $6,,2SO out of the Council Contingency Fund to the 1-9Corridor Coalition. Seconded by CM Schaar. er. All in favor. Motion carried. CM S hart er said the November 26 will be his last meeting he will be out of town for the December meeting. The Public works Sub Committee agreed to rove the November meeting to Monday, November 19 at noon. t Staff Reports and Updates. City Administrator Johnson n gave ars update on the League of MN Cities elected official conference dates in February. . Adjourn. CM Scharber motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:59 PM. ATTEST: Tam! Loff, City Clerk 3 Mayor Jessica Stp