ITEM 3.4Request for CITY OF City Council Action DtS2g0 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT NFORMATION Ubtl Sk WNW, m I Mai A. HPC Annual Reporli "oul - - ----- - . ............ . . ... FUNDING: BUDGETED: YES N/A NO FlTwd [01 Z a vil liki, A Z I APPROVED AS REQUESTED o DENIED o,TABLED ci OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS- N4111 M Un 31 IN 11 1111111111 11 TO: Otsego Historic Preservation Commilssior FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 7 Novem,bei- 2012 RE: Otsego — HPU' Annual Repor) TPC FILE: 101.011 — 12.03 WW A. HPu iviembers B. HPC Bylaws C. Fall 2,012 Otsego View article D. Annual HPC Certified Local Government Assurances Form Meetings. The HPC has held 12 regular meetings during the reporting perloid. All meetings were posted as public, meetings and conducted in accordance with, the requirements of the Minnesota Open Meeting Law (Minnes,ota. Statues 471.705). public access to the HPC resources. Archiving these materials by uommissioners is being coordinated with, the Wright County Historical Society for proper formatting to ensure compatibility. Education. The HPC undertook the following education efforts during the reporting period: An article was Included in the Fall 2012 City newsletter regarding the. McDonald House Study describi I ng the project and providing links to more information on the City's website. I The City went on-line with an updated website in April 2012. The HPC has a dedicated page within the website with information about Its, activities, access to agendas and, minutes and links to informational resources about Otsego's h 1 story. V The HPC is soliciting historical photos from the community to scan into its collection. There is an opportunity that these photos, may be reproduced and displayed in areas, of City Hall or Prairie Center that are open to the public. me "I.O_ IV JJAM 40 AL AW D TT - OIL I LO) 11 Ir 0! AL M . M 11EMOKO, 0 Ah Ak dk Am National Register of Historic Places. The HPC has not made nomination o commented on a, nomination for the National Register. Building Permits. No building permits for locally designated heritage preservation 4 sites were submitted or reviewed during the reporting period. K E W S"tate Co;fference. Commissioners Anderson, Noll and, Seroshek attended the SHP* conference held 13 and 14 September 2012 in Fergus Falls. The HPC will consider the annual report at t�heir meefing on, 13 November 2012. If approved by the HPC,, the report will, be placed on the City Council agenda for consideration on 26 November 2,010. Following approval, by the City Council, the HPC annual repoil is to be sent to SHPO. C. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy; MacArthur, City Attorney t "roni Seroshek-Chair 10410 Kahler Ave NE Home: 763.295.5426 Otsego, MN 55362 tsserolshek@gm, a il.com, Chris Wilson -Co- Chair 8600 O'Dean Ave. N—; Home,: 763 441.1563 Otsego, MN 55330 Chr'l'sgc,h,ri,sw,ii�,s,on;stud'i,ols,,,Colm Gaill Anderson. 10410 Kahler Ave NE Home.: 763.295.5426 Otsego, MN 5,5362 Gander-son!5@gmal,,I,,,colii,.n John Noll 15420 89th 5t NE Home: 763.441.3715 Otsego, MN 55330 J'olinnoll,11.1@v,ahoo.com Thomas Constant 13776 NE 85t" ST NE Home: 763.441,.3654 Otsego, MN 55330 Constant7l@ms,n,.com jamlie Plantenber&-Selbilschka 8200 Padgett Ave NE Phone: 612.590.7329 Otsego, MN 53330 failnie lantenber @vzw.com Lisa Fahey 8,254 Parell Ave NE Phone: 612.708.5772 Otsego, MN 55330 If I'l isa.m.fahev.@,gll,,Ila,lil.Icoin,, Mayor Jessica Stockamp- Council Representative CM Doug Schroeder- Alternate Council Representative A Scheduled Meetings marked Any updates please email Tami at ts Updated 11-19-12 C'kITY OF OTSEGO _-JERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION BY-LAWS A. Organization. 1 Membership of the Commission shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the City Council, alternate member(s) as may be appointed by the City Council, and one (1) non-voting City Council, representative. 2. The Commission shall elect officers from its membership at its first meeting in, February. 3. The officers of the Commission shall be: a. Chair., b. Vice -Chair. C. Secretary. 4. Duties of the officers: a. Chair: 1 . The, Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Com -mission. 2. The Chair shall preserve order and decorum and shall decide all questions oforder. 3. The Chair shall appoint any necessary committees and shall appoint any committees requested by a majority of the members., b. Vice -Chair: 1. The Vice -Chair shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the Chair and perform such duties as requested by the Chair. C. Secretary., 1. The Secretary shall take minutes of all Commission meetings or special meetings, which are to be distributed to 0 the members prior to the next Commission meeting. A 2. Approval of the minutes is by a maj j ority of the members M present at the meeting at 'which the minutes are on the agenda. 3. Upon approval, the minutes shall be signed by the Chair and attested to by the Secretary and forwarded to the City Clerk. There shall be one (1) regularly scheduled meeting the second Tuesday of each month, unless an alternative is scheduled due to an unforseen conflict or canceled by the Chair due to a lack of business items. Notice of the change m1ust be communicated to the members, at least four (4) days prior to the meeting date. 2. A quorum of the Commission, shall consist ofthree (3) members. 3. All meetings, shall be open, to the public. 4. A special meeting of' the Commission may be called by a motion of the majority of the members stating the purpose of such meeting with written notice posted at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting. 5. Any site inspection involving three (3) or moremembers as a group must be scheduled and noticed as a speci al cornmission meeting. 6. The alternate member(s) shall sit at the table during: any scheduled meeting, but the alternate shall only vote if a member of the Corn n is absent. F 7. A member may be, excused from an individual meeting for reasons of iflness, work, or out of town trips. Notice of' the member's absence must be communicated to the City staff before 4:00 PM on the date of the meeting. 8. The order of business shall be as listed In the meeting agenda to be prepared by the City Clerk before each meeting. 61. Motions shall be made only by persons recognized by the Chair. 10. Any resolution or, motion may be withdrawn at any time before action is taken on 0 11, When a question is under debate, no other motion shall be entertained except to table or call' for the questions, act on the question, postpone, refer to committee, or amend., Motions shall' take precedence in. that order and the first two shall be without debate. 12. All motions shall be carried by a majority vote of the members present, except a call for the question. Any members or the Chair may call for a, roll call vote on any issue. 13. All commission recommendations shall be sent to the City Council in written meeting minutes and shall include a record of the division of' votes on each recommendation. mrsonal interest, a financial interest, 14. Any Commission member having, a pe i I or a family member with a finan,ci I al interest in any individual action to be considered by the Commission shall: a. Notify the Chair of the conflict il n advance of the meeting. b. Allow the Chair to explain the potential conflict to the Commission. C. At the request of the Chair, the member shall excuse themselves from, the Commission in advance of the discussion and voting on this 1 1 tem. 15. Any Commission member conducts themselves in a, manner conflicting with these By -Laws provides grounds; for removal, by the City COUTCH. 16. Any rule not covered by these By -Laws shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order. 17. These By -Laws shall not be repealed or amended except by a four (4) member vote of the Commission and after notice has been given at a previous meeting. Changes in these By -Laws become effective upon approval of the City Council. 0 0 0 *1 th ADOPTED by the Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission this W Day o ff April, 2010., mw F M''I K m on, I, MSA *0_1 Attest: Toni Seroshiek, Secrietary APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this, 8th day of April,, Attest Tami Loff, City Clerk 0 q malmne 2 aY. activities from October 2oili, examples of the liousei constrixiction,, lincluding floor and wall sectionsl and axtif�cts f6und as part of the dig. 1 1p 0, Additi,onal, information about Otsego's histoq, l[it-L-cluding available books publl'shed by the Her*ta I 1, ge Presemation Cowin -t on, available on the City's website. Japaojps 6110(1 jaqle4DS UeCl JOUP!OH Ujm p1lemueliAec) WO.L (JoAew) dweloo4S e3issair "11:)Nno:) Aim UOjORl - .11re 9 A owl,d 9 - 'Lue 8 1 -1 MB-L117V-29L *xe CEZ-W,17-29L, Aj!l OVAL, Eucts NM Nib 7�Nfy'i '14 do ALID jzpoojqoS 6no(] J3'qjeqlosi Uecl JOuPlOH, UIJOA plemuo>lje(] w0i (joAe") dwelo.ol;S; eoissar UOON - We 8, Aupmi swid 9. #Luoe 48 AtmsA ntf., 1 -Ae U110 Ixe 2,916-LI717�29LI'xe O['2Z-[t7t7-29,j-:6UIjj!8 26SZ-LVt?-29L *I,do(] 6ulplin :Ule I s?j3ewniN 3NOHII OUSS W '060SIO 3N 409JIS q106 OOKL :IIVH AID ITY OF MINNESOTA Annual H'PC/CLG Report Assurances V tsego, HPC 2012 Fiscal Yeal I hereby certify that the Otsego HeritaI ge Preservation Comm'ssion has adhered to the public participation provilsion's as stipulated under Section IILD of the "'Minnesota Certified Local Government Procedures Manual" issued by the Minnesota State Histo6o Preservation Office. 2. 1 hereby certify that the Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission has adhered to the procedures of the State Archives Department of the Minnesota Historical Society regarding commission records (see the State Archives publication "Preserving and Disposing of Government Records" pursulant to Minnesota Statutes 138.17. D. Daniel Licht, AICP The Planning Company LL*