ITEM 3.5Request for ot CI e F 0 TY 0 City Council Action MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION ...:b.......... _.........:...n..::w......NN:..x.,...:.....:._....n.....w.....n...._..........x...v........N:..r:::.m.M.n.:_.....Nn....�...:.n.n....x n.....r.r_...v..:.v..v..,._:.......N..............._........... ........... ......._...............N....V...._.......v..M.r........... ....n_..........tx..r..n.._......_........ ............... _.....t...._.v........... .................... ........... - ... ........ ........ r..._..._.. o I INATING DEPARTMENT: 1=QUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public works Fleet Mgr t. Brad Belair, Street Maintenance November 26,,2012 Supervisor PRE E TER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM ##: Consent CityAdministrator Johnson 3.5 Pickup Troch AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Purchase new 2013 GMC 3500 44 pickup truck with accessories including cab shield, strobe lite, and snowplow at a cost of $32,645. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL of A CONTRACT? NO IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? NO 13ACKGROUNDIJ USTIF [CATION; With the need to continue to provide eff 'rcient snow removal service fort e residents and have an adequate number of vehicles for public works staff to perforin other duties throughout the year, I recommend the City Council approve the purchase of 2013 GMC 3500 44 pickup equipped with a snowplow. The new truck will replace the 2002 Ford F 350 (crane truck as a primary truck assigned to snow removal of cul de sacs and bituminous trails. The recommended purchase is includes an estimated expenditure of $37,000 in the 2013 CIP for light trucks as project Pw-12-100. The truck was also discussed and recommended for purchase by the Public Works Committee at their November 19, 2012 meeting. Nelson Auto Center holds the current contract for snail truck with the State of MN CVP prograrn and provided a quote of $23,x.64.74 for the truck, and a quote of $7,470.56 was obtained from Truck Gear USA snowplow and accessories. Tac and license for the truck is not included but estimated at $2,000 for ars estimated total of $32,645. If the purchase is approved by City Council at the November 26, 2012 meeting, the estimated in-service date for the truck is February 1, 2013. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED u NONE 2013 proposed CiP and copy of the quotes from Nelson Auto Center and Truck Gear USA POSSIBLE MOTION :......:.:...:._...._.-.....-n..:...: .. . ............. :_...... .. ...... ....................... ......... ..... .. ............ ... . ...... .. I ... .. .. . . .. ... . ... . ...... .. . ....... .. . .......... . ... ..... .... .. . .. ... . . .. . PleasemoVon as you %yould like it to appear in the mInutes. Recommend the purchase of a 2013 GMC 3500 4x4 pickup from Nelson Auto Center for $23,,164 plus tax and license. Recommend the purchase of a snowplow attachment and accessories from Truck Gear USA for $7,470.56 including sales tax. BUDGET INFORMATION .... ....... I ........................ .... ............. . ............. ... I .. .......... .......... . .. .... ..... ... .... ....... ..... ... ... .. ........ I . ......... .. . . ...... .. ... ....... ... . .......... FUNDING: BUDGETED: X YES CIP Fund 206 - Capital Equipment Revolving Fund NO kCTION TAKEN . .................... ................ .. . : : . . .... . .... . ... .. APPROVED AS REQUESTED u DENIED u TABLED u OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: Capital Improvement Plan 2013 thru 201 Partmen( Public, Works City Of Otsego, Minnesota Contact Public Works Supervisor Type Equipment eY PW -12-100 i Useful Life ProjectT ani e Light D uty TrucIcs/Vehicl s Under 15,000 GVW Category a n, r Priority n/a Small vehicle purchase and replacement schedule as follows. .) 2013 - purchase new l ton pickup with plow - $37,000 3) 2013 - replace 2006 Chevrolet 1500 ekt cab 4wd truck with plow PW. l - $25,000 net 'o) 2014 - replace 2006 Ford F450 dump truer with plow'(PW.38) 440,00 net 2014 - replace 2002 Ford F350 crane truck with plo r' vx - $ 0,000 net 2014 - replace 2005 Chevrolet 2500 ext cab 4wd truck W, 6 - $35,000 net 15 - replace 2005 Chevrolet 2 o ext cab 4wd truck v.1 - $3 5,000 net 3 2016 - replace 2006 Ford F350 dump tt uck-with plow (PW.04) - $45,000 net 2016 - replace 2006 Chevrolet 1500 ext cab 4wd truck' .17 - $25,000 net } Justification The foilow i ng new and replacement e uiprnent are schednledbased on 1he Rub1i c Works D epartment.'s fleet rnana meiit practices as defined in the introduction: i A)'The 2012 CIP r co l*ended r placing both of the 2006 Chevrolet 1500 ext cabs. Based on projected 2013 staffing and vehicle needs it is recommended that we retain one of theseheirrolet pickups s t1 and purchase a n r pie up . v ithout'a trade to aecom date additional asoual ern loye s B) This 2006 Chevrolet hiel is u ed in various public worksday-t -clay activities and projects., The scheduled replacement is based on current condition and use Q The.Cit r o rns' a 2006 Ford F450 one -tori truck with a dump box and pl 'tt chment, The vehicle.is used for general public works s projects and snow removal operations. Based on discussions at the March 21, 2012 Pul lio Works s Subcommittee meefinig the replacement was m6ved from 2012 to 2014. + D) The City has a 2002 Ford F3 5 o 4wd truck with plow attachment that was converted to a crane trtick its 2009. This ipment is used in variousPublic Works day-to-day activities and proj ets (particularly utilities maintenance) and snow removal operations* The orate was installed in 2009 for utility maintenance of existing and planned sever and water equipment. Based on discussions at the March 2l, 2012 Pu fie Works Subcommittee meeting the replacement was moved from 2012 to 2014# Public Works utilizes a 2005 Chevrolet 15 oo extended cab 4wd truer used ire various PAlio Works Department day- ay a - a ' activities and projects.' Replacement of th ivehicle will lie with a one ten truck with plover,. } F) The City owns a 2005 Chevrolet 2500 4wd truck. This vehicle is used ire various PubIie Works Department day -to - Page 73 Thursday. October 18t 2012 ly , ' e e ► " IB338`6 Fero$ x` upt � fleetD�partment F 2 18.9984866 * 800-477-3013 Exp+ Fax 218-998-8 813 vm nejS0nfergUSfa1I8vC1DM \(EHICLE QUOTE NUMBERR Otsego Date: 1 10 120 Sold Ton, OtsegONN, City OfPhone03� -3 Gln; o Dr�an� ��� 156 Address: 8399 Nashua Ave atespa AX: Otsego, pA 66330 Kode;lgr�ioDoor: Stock Year Make Made] NewlUsed Vehicle ID Number 0 Otsego TK309.03 20iS SMC sierra 3500 VVT 4WD Dreg Gab 1.New Color; 'SBD • ; • i $22,850.29 Price $314.45 r p lons & Extras Power Windows, locks & mirrors (6135) $ , 0- Srtit plow prep pkg NY($709-80) redia for SRO Delivo F included $23$164,74 Subtotal ` 'rade -1 n $23,164.74 Tial Cash Prior Terre of f were t of M o f e Your Purdhase Order # Projpct # Contract 37907 Thanks 763-235-3155 Ship To I Lessee End User: Otsego, MND City Of FAX: -Ross Dt. Porky & Recreation 6699 Nashua Ave NE Otsego, MN 55330 and Initialed•� Otsego Ti 30 0313.123 Fk N e -10/09/2012 0 090 10: 03 4256198AUTO TRENDS INCPAGE 01 CHUAN PART NO, AND DESCRIPTION AMT Name Address city HnW WW1 t RUCTIONS �ICllm! MOTES: Sparo, Damage, M1"Ing ftp ■ rr u 1 ' PAINT DESCRIPTION Sublet 2 SALES OU94 110 WAU W W 0M 51 ou OF COST L..�t Now/Used wheels A610 Parts must be rtfL ted 111iii��� i assts # a �# after 100 rill Sate a Tax