ITEM 5.140 CITY OF 0 Ot MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFOF ATIO I Request for City Council Action v .......n._...Y .�_.vtk �.MH...x..v.mN......,......_..-.n.1"............... R IiiATI DEPARTMENT: �.- ..:..............: ... ... N ... - .N.............n-...-....-..: : v .. E SUE TOF : N Mrm.w........._. N. , n ...n .............. ............ ................. n ............ n........ 1E T1 DATE: Community Development City Planner Licht 26 November 2 12 PRE EI TER s : REVIEWED BY: ITEM #; -City Planner Licht City Administrator Joh nso n 5.1— Advisory Corr missio ns AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of an ordinance codifying the establishment and bylaws for the City's existing advisory commissions and adoption of a resolution regarding terra schedules. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? I IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No. NO. B I RoilNDIJU TIFI ATION: City staff initiated a review of the City Council advisory commission terms and bylaws to ensure proper organization and structure for these working in groups. The Administrative Subcommittee reviewed the information prepared by City staff regarding advisory commissions at their meeting on 14 November 2012 and recommended moving forward with the following: The Planning Commission is established in Chapter 3, Section 1 of the City Code and has bylaws adopted by resolution of the City Council. The Heritage Preservation Commission is established in Section 96 of the Zoning ordinance with additional bylaws adopted by resolution of the City Council, The Parks and Recreation Commission and Police Commission are established only by bylaws approved by the City Council. City staff recommends consolidating the establishment and work rules of the advisory commissions into Chapter 3 of the City Code, a draft ordinance to this effect is attached hereto for review and discussion. The draft ordinance establishes the number of members rs and terms for each Commission ion consistent with their present configuration, The Administrative Subcommittee recommends that the Parks and Recreation Commission, Police Commission and Heritage Preservation Commission terms be changed from three years to four years consistent with the terms of the Planning Commis i n r embers. The terms for each Commission will be established to expire on the last day of February of the last year of the terra. With reappointments and new members bers seated, each Commission will elect officers at their first meeting in March each gear. o Appointment of alternate members for each Commission is modified to be discretionary by the City Council and would be made on a case-by-case basis for each Commission. o The draft ordinance provides a blanket removai process for seted commissioners as well as a discretionary provision allowing the City Council to remove ar person for uneused absences at three consecutive meetings. The schedule for regular meetings is included in the draft ordinance with the Planning Commission meeting twice per month and the other Commissions once per month. This is a charge for the Police Commission, which has bylaws stating they will meet once per quarter but insets regularly on the second Tuesday each month. Officers for ech Commission are i To provide greater balance in the scheduling of terms, City staff recommends the a schedule of arppointments to reorder the staggered t rms.to provide a pattern of not more than two commissioners teras expiring in any one year. This process gill ensure institutional knowledge remains with each Commission and also reduce the administrative work involved ire the appointment process each year. There is a reed to formalize al process for considering reappointments or new appointments to these terms: o The City Council liaison or City staff contact commissioners with expiring terms to inform them of the schedule and process for reappointment if interested. o The City Council or City staff liarison would announce the schedule of expiring terms at a regular meeting of the Commission so that members may solicit people that may interested in being considered for an appointment. o The City advertise open positions in the official newspaper on the website and ire the Fall edition of the Otsego view to solicit applications from people interested in participating. o Commissioners seeking reappointment and new persons interested in being appointed would each submit a cormmission questionnaire. o The applicants would interview with the City Council. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: a ATTACKED NONE A.ordinance 2012-16 B. Resolution 2012-78 C. Summary of Ordinance 2012-1 POSSIBLE MOTION Y......_......._N.:..v...v.....n...............v.............:n.........N._.......N....vn..__....N.._...........:_.n.n..nn.._.n_n_..w...nw_v......:..:.....__...::::...._.v..............n.._..._.r..._............._..n..._.._......-............_._..Y.....:...__.................n..:.........._........:......_..:.._.__..n..__........v.n_..._..:.....:..._...ry:.......:.:.:.._........_......t.._.._.n.....n.vn.....v.... Please Ord M06on ou u�d li C t appear In tine fnute . Motion to adopt and publish In summary form Ordinance 2012-16 amending the City Code regarding boards and commissions and adopt Resolution 2012-78 regarding advisory commission terms. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: a YE WIDE ACTION TAKE APPROVED AS REQUESTED ci DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: ORDINANCE NO.: 2012-16 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE REGARDING BOARDS AND ADVISORY COMMISSIONS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBYORDAIN: Section 1. Chapter 3, section I of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION PLANNING COMMISSION Section: 3-1-1 Establishment%&%I 111 "'w"EW AWRAIr clnn-pmhershin 3.1.2 Membershio andTeras 3-1-23 Meetings, s, officers and Procedures 3-1-34 Fu tion ;and Duties 3-1-45 Records 3-1-56 Compensation 3-1-1; ESTABLISHMENT: The Planning commission of the City is hereby established. -1 2 MBE S IP AND TEf MS: �AiJ91111J y A. The Planning Commission ission shall consist of seven members, all of whom are appointed by m i rity vote of__the City council. B. The terms of each member of the Planning Commission shall be four years staggered and overlapping as presently established beginning March I o the 1 first gear and shall expire on the last day of Feb r ary..__. f the last year of the respective term. A — ,eF �Ibers shni, hnodr re ne.Gr it f Ih f tr+ressoFs are la irr . od F Cr Any and all adult resident property owners of the City of Otsego are elr ible to be a einted to the Plannlr Commission at the discretion of the Citv Council by majority vote. GD. The City Council shall also appoint one 1 of Its members as an a non-voting ex - off ieio member of the Planning Commission who shall attend Planning Commission meetings and acct as a liaison between the City Council and the Planning Commission. E. The Zoning Administrator shall serve as the fit==y staff liaison to the Planning Commission. DE, The City Council Qhnp m=av also appoint alternate member(s) to a term determined by the City Council from time to time as their deem ne essar}�� c%Rj i i r^ .........% n P n CW c1 i f r� r r ire# 1 f o r fi=$ c± r► m ri r�ri .........._. n The alternated shall attend all regular and special .meetings of the �Planning Commission and shall act as a replacement at any specific meeting in the event of the absence, for whatever reason, of any regularly appointed member of the Planning Commission. Ann rthor 1(acancie _._r�r%nurr_imcs visir-an EG.Th I- - - I t went o a aanor ren the terra of an r ember of the Planning Commission the ne shall be filled by appointment by the City Council and shall run until the current term expires. H. Rernova.1J, 'iAny member of the Planning Commission may be removed from Qffice with or without cause by a four-fifths (415) vote of the entireCity Council. 2. Any member of the Planning Commission who misses three � consecutive Planning Commission meetin Ain a calendar year calculated --- at the end of each calendar year, due to unexe sed absences may b removed from office upon approval of the City Council. Excused absences include: a serious ersonal or family medical condition deathIn immediate family or unanticipated work-related commitment. It shall be the d t of each member to notify the City staff liaison or record ing-secretary if the member will be unable to attend a meet[na. -23, MEETINGS, OFFICERS AND PROCEDURES: IMMM 11 11 - MM NAMIN mfiiIIIIII isms WAIL 11F.11 p" lung 5 1W 11 Hill 11 I Film i Ali III III III i AL op rw w w : v r rM NORMAN a a a 0 — "I i1I IN C I'll a0111KIL 6 on I Kos LIBILIBAkWA ama A. eti nM. 'l There shall be two 2regularly scheduled meetings of the Plannin Commission on the first and third Monday of each month unless canceled by the Chair due to a lack of business items or lack of a -quorum.. 2. A specialmeeting of the Planning Commission may a called by the Chair orby . ...... ap royal of a motion of the ma0jority of the members stating the purpose of such meeting with written notice osted at least three da s in advance of the meeting, 3. Any site ins a tion 'involving four or more members as a aroup—must e scheduled and noticed as a Special Meeting==of the PlanI Commission. 4. All meet�n s of the Planning=Commission shall be o en to the public and comply with the State en Meeting Laver reauirements. B. Officers: The Planning Commission shall elect officers from its membership ershi t its first meeting In March. h. 2. The officers of the Planning Commission shall e: a. Chair. b. ie -Chair. 3. Duties of the officers: a. Chair. (1) - Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Pl n. n Commission and shall reserve order and decorum and shall decide all questions of order. (2) The Chair shall appoint an necessary. committees and shall appoint any committees rea nested by a majority of the members. b. Vice -Chair. The Vice -Chair shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the Chair.and-nerform such duties as requested by the Chair. C. A guorum of the Commission shall consist of four members. The conduct of the Planning CommissD. ion r eetlnn s shall be governed b Robert's Rules of Order. i F NCTION�AN DUTIES: A. The Planning Commission shall meet regularly pursuant to this �esSe tion, shall hold public hearings when required by time pity Qe � or any other applicable law, and it, or the City Council, may, at their discretion, initiate any additional hearing they deem necessary. B. The Planning Commission shall have such duties as assigned kng t h,iQ �he�� �W1 %A relmna ,� ec i State Statutes and the City Code, ars shall act in an advisory capacity to the City Council In all such matters including, but not limited for To r are and kee current a Cora rehensive Plan for r eetino present re uirernents and such future needs as may a foreseen..based on demographic and statistical trends and data available. 2. To establish principles and policies for guiding action affecting development in the =_City and its environs-. 3. To prepare and recommend to the City Council ordinances regulations and other proposals promoting.orderiv and a onomi all sound development along lines indicated as desirable.by the Comprehensive Pian. 4. To determine whether specific ro osed developments conform to the rind les and re uirements for the Comprehensive Plan and City Code. 5F To keep the Cit Council and the eneral public informed and advised as to all planning and development matters. C. The Planning Commission shall transmit recommendations to the City Council on all natters which it considers. if such matter involves a decision regarding application of a City Olr iln %a mil n. e -Code, the Planning Commission shall transmit to the Council specific and particular+ information regarding the basis for such recommendation and the information which was considered in arriving at such recommendation. D. Any member havin a personal interest a financial interest or a famffy member with a financial interest in any _ individual action to be considered bthe Plannin Commission shall: . Notify the Chair of the conflict in advance of the meetin t 2. Allover the Chair toMlain the ootential conflict to the Plannin Commission. 3. At the iequpst of the Chair, the member shall excuse themselves from the Plannin Commission in advance of the discussion and voting on this item. E. In the event that a member is ontotedrior to a PlanningCommission rneetin b a aerson with a concern regarding a pending issue the member must: Refrain from discussing any Planning --Commission business with an individual outside of a Planning Commission meeting. This includes their own stand on the endin _issue, 2. Refrain from speculatina on other Planning Commission members' stand on the pending issue. R 3-1-4-5: -5: ECO DS: The Zoning Administrator shall provide for permanent records of the Planning Commission proceedings, which shall include minutes of its meeting, its finding of fact, recommendations, and the action taken on each matter which it considers. 3-1-56: COMPENSATION: As compensation for services rendered as a member of the Planning Commission, each member and the designated alternate shall receive $20.00 for attendance at each regularly scheduled or special meeting of the Planning Commission, plus $10. 00 for each site inspection. Section 2, Chapter 3 of the City Code is hereby amended to add the following provisions: SECTION 2 PARKS AND RECRE A-T-LONCOMMISSION Section: 3-2-4: Establishment 3-2-2; Membersh[p and Teras -2-3: Meetings,Officers and Procedures 3-2-4; Duties and Fun Ikons 3-2-5; records 3-2-6: Compensation 3-2-1:TABLISHME NT.ff A Parks rid Recreation Cori mis ion is hereb established. 3-2-2:MEMBERSHIP AND TER R A. The Parks and Recreation Commission shall consist of seven members, all of whom are appoi.nted by maiority vote of the Qitv Council. B. The terns of each member of the Pars and Recreation Commission shall be— fo u r ears staggered and overlapping as presently.established be inn`rn March 1 of the first ear and shall expire on the last day of February of the last year of the resetive tern. R C. Any and all adult resident property owners ofthe _ are lble to e v _- appointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission at the discretion of the Cit Council by mabrity Grote. D. The City Council shall also appoint one of its members as a_ non-voting x officio member of the Parks and Recreation Commission who shall attend Parrs and Recreation Commission meetings and act as a liaison between the Council and the Parks and Recreation Commission. E. The City -council ma"Iso appoint alternate n ernb r to a term determined by the Citv Council from time to time as the deem necessa . The alternate(s) shall attend all reg=ular ands ectal rn etin of the Parks and Recreation Commission and shall act as a replacement at any sped ic meetingin the event of the absence for whatever reason of any regularly appointed member of the Parks and recreation Commission. F. The Parrs and Recreation Manner shall serge as the City staff liaison to the Parks and recreation Commission. G. In the event of a vacancy during the term of anv member of the Parks and recreation Cori mission the vacanQy shall he filled by appointment by the alt Council and shall run until the current terra ex ire.. H. Removal: Anv member of the Pars and Recreation Commission ma a removed from office with or without cause by a four-fifths 5Grote of the entire Cit Council. 2. Any..member of the Parks and recreation Commission who misses three (3) consecutive Pars and Recreation Commission meetings In a calendar year, calculated at the end of each calendar .__Year: __due to unexcused absences may be removed from office upon approval of the C4 Council. Excused absences include: a serious ersonal or amily medical condition death in immediate familly or unantici ated work-related commitment. It shall be the duty of each member to notify the City staff liaison or record in secreta ry if the member will be unable to attend a me A. Ieetln. The Warks and Recreation Commission shall hold a minimum of one -U regular meetin er month on the second Wednesday of each month unless canceled by the Chair due to a lack of business iters or rack of uoru. 2. A special meetin of the Parks and recreation Commission may a called by the Chair or by anpro,,v,,,,,,a_l of a notion of the majority of the members stating the nurpose of such meeting with written notice posted at least three da s in advance of the meeting-,-.-.-- 3. An site inspection involving four or more members as a rou mus be scheduled and noticed as a Special Meeting -of the larks and Recreation Commission. . All reetin s of the larks and Recreation Commission shall be open to the ubli and comply with the State Open _ Meeting Lair re uirernents. B. Theagenda for each meeting shall include an open forum for citizen comments. C. Offieri The larks and recreation Commission shall elect officers from its r embershi at its first meeting in March. 2. The officers of the Parks and Recreation Commission shall be. . Chair. b. like -Chair. 3. Duties of the officers a. Chair. (1) The Chair shall preside at all meeting§==of the Warks and Recreation Commission and shall preserve order and decorum and shall decide all questions o_f_order. (2) The Chair shall appo.int an necessary committees and shall a o i nt anv committees reauested by a majority of the members. b. Vice -Chair. The like -Chair shall l2reside at all meetings in the absence of the Chair and perform such duties as requested by the Chair. D. A auorum of the Parks and Recreation Commission shall consist of four = U4 members. . The conduct of the Parks and Recreation Commission meetin s shall be oerned by Robert's Rules of Order. 3,,2- : D TIESAND—FUNCTIONS: The duties and functions of the Faris and Recreation Commission shall be as follows: A. Develoo and recommend to the City Council a Comiorehensive Plan for development of the future parks: -and trails system. B. Provide recommendations and act in an advisory capaeftyto the City Council regarding arcs trails facilitleapark maintenance and related CIF rorect and the study of current recreation programs,-- and desires of citizens for such services.-- C. This is not a Pars and recreation Commission as enabled by Minnesota Statutes412.111. 3-2-5: RECORDS: The record inse rets shall provide for nermanent. records of the larks and recreation Commission voceedings, which shall Include minutes of its meeting, its finding of fact recommendations. and the action taken on each ratter which it considers. 3-2-6: COMPENSATION: As comi2ensation for services rendered as a member of the Parks s and Recreation reation Com ission each member and designated alternate(s) shall receive $10.00 for attendance at each reg u la rly scheduled or s e i l meetin . Section 3, Chapter 3 of the City Code is hereby amended to add the following provisions: Section: 3-3-I'm,,Establishment -- -- -- - - - -- ------------ -. 3-3_2: lembers _and Terms 3-3-3: Legal Advisor 3-3-4: Meetings, Off iters and Procedures 3-3-513 Duties and Functions 3-3-6: Como s tion 3-3-1: ESTABLISHMENT: A Police Commission is hereby established to advise the Cit Council on mlice ratters and to provide better communication regarding o[iee service to provide a forum for complaints and suggestions regard i.nolive service and to educate tineublie on issues related to oliee service. -3-3-2: MEMBERSHIP SHIP rA D TERMS: A. The Police Commission shall consist of seven members all of whom are appointed by majority vote of the City Council. B. The terns of each member of the Police Commission shall be four 4) years sta Bred and overlapping as presentiv established beg innln mareh I of the fiat vear and shall eM ire on the last day of February of the last ear of the respective term.. C. n and all adult resident property owners or business property owners of the City of Otsego are eligible to be appointed to the Police Commission at the discretion of the City C.. til by maiority Grote. D. The City Council shall also appoint one of its members as a non-voting ex - officio member of the Police Commission who shall attend Police Commission meetin s and act as a liaison between the City Council and the Police Commission. E. The Wright County sheriff or their desig=nated representative shall attend the Police Commission a non-voting ex -off ieio member and act as a liaison between the Cit and the Wright County Sheriff's Office. F. The City Council may also a oint alternateembers to a_ term determined by the City Council from time to time as they deem necessary. The alternate s shall attend all regular and special meetings s of the Police Commission and shall act as a replacement at..any. specific meeting in the event of the absence for whatever reason of any re Marl a ointed member of the Police Commlsslon. G. In the event of a vacancy durim the term of any member of the Police Commission the vacancy shall be filled bv a ointment b the City Council and shall run until the current term enc fires. H. Removal: An_member of the Police Commission may be removed from office ith or without cause by a four-fifths rote of the entire City Council. 2. Any member ber of the Police Commission who misses three 3consecutive Police Commission meetings In a calendar year, calculated at the end of each calendar ear, due to unexcused absenceS3 may be removed red from office . -...upon approval of the City Council. Excused absences include: a serious personal or famll ...me ical condition death In immediate family or unanticipated work-related commitment. It shall be the d.uty of each member to notlf the Ctty staff liaison or recording secreta if the member will be unable to attend a meptin 3. The Police Commission may make a recommendation to the City Council y majority Grote to remove_ a member prior to the expiration of their term, with said recommendation to include the cause for such action. 3-3R3: LEGAL ADVISOR: The City Attornev. shall serge as the legal advisor to the Police Commission. Questions of the City Attorney shall be directed through the City Council liaison or the fit Administrator. 3- 3-4: EE FILERS AND., . A. Meeting=s: 1. The Police Commission shall hold a minimum of one 1regular me ver month on the second Tuesday of each month unless canceled by the Chair due to a lack of business iters_ or lack of a auorum. 2. A special meeting of the Police Commission may be called bv the Chair or by..approval of a motion of the maiority of the members stating the purpose of such meetina with written notice posted at least three da s in advance of the meeting. 11 3., Any site inspection involving four or more members as a group must be scheduled and noticed as a S eial Meeting of the Police Commis s.19.0.. 4. All meetings s of the Police Commission shall be open to the public and comi2ly with the State Opera Meeting Law re lrements, . Theagenda for each meeting shall include ars open, forum for citizen comments. C. Officers: The Police Commission shall elect officers from its membership at its firs meeting in March. 2. The officers of the Police Commission shall be: . Chair b. line -Chair. C. Se ret ry. 3. Duties of the officers" a. Chair. (1) The Chair shall veside at all meetinqs of the Plan ' Commission and shall reserve order and decorum and shall decide all questions of order. The Chair shall appoint.a.nv necessarycommittees and shall anpoint any committees requested bar a ma*olity of the members. . Vice -Chair. The like -Chair shall preside at all meetings ire the absence of the Chair and perform such duties as -requested by the C. -Secreta.-.. The Secretary shah orovide for -permanent records of the Police Commission groceedings, which shell include minutes of its meeting, its findi of fact recommendations,and the action takers on each matter which it considers* and are to be submitted to the C_Cier. 12 D. A quorum of the Police Commission shall consist of four members. E. The conduct of the Police Commission meetings shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order. 3-3-5: DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS: The duties and functions of the Police Commission shall be as follows: A. To develop citizen complaint procedure on matters regarding oiioe services., B. To Dromote Dublic interest in and an understanding of police work. C. To serve as a forum for the citizens of ots o to voice their opinions re ardin oommuni safet"nd police services. D. The Police Commission shall advise the City Council on the duties and responsibilities of the Wright Count Sheriff and the D uties of the Wriht County Sheriff's Office in providing police service to Otsego. E. This is not a Police Civil Service Commission with those o erg granted such commission under State laver, 3.-3-62-,NSATION: As COr n nsatlon for services rendered as a member of the Police Commission each member and desLqnated alternate sshali receive X0.00 for attendance at each regularly scheduled or special meetln . Section 4. Chapter 3 of the City Code is hereby amended to add the following provisions: HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION Section: 3-4-1: Establishmen 3-4--.2.-,F, Membership and Terma 3-4-3: Meetings, officers and Procedures 13 3-4-4: Duties and Functions Compensation 3-4-1: STABLI EI T: A Herita a Preservation Comma sion is hereby established in accordance with the rovi ions of Chapter 20 Section 96 of the Cit Code. - -2: MEMBERSHIP AND TERMS-;, A. The Heritage Preservation Commission shall consist of seven -members all of whom are appointed by..m.aiority vote of the City Council. B. The terms of each member of the Heritage Preservation Commission shall be three ears sta eyed and overlapping -as 12resently established beginning March I of the first year and shall expire on the last da of Februa of the last year of the resi2ective term. C. Anv and all adult resident propertv owners of the City of Otsego meeting -the, criteria yet forth In Section 20-96-3 of the Citv Code are epi able to be appointed to the Herita a Preservation Commission at the discretion of the Cit Council by majority vote. D. The City Council shall also appoint one of its members as a non-voting ex - officio member of the Heritage Preservation Commission who shall attend Heritage Preservation Commission meetiagsand act as a liaison between the City Council and the Heritage Preservati nCommission. E. The Zoning Administrator shall serve as the City staffliaison to the Herita e Preservation Commission. F The City Council r ay also appoint alternate member(p) to a term determined by the City Council from time to time as the=y deem necessary. The alternate shall attend all regular and ecial meetings of the Herita a Preservation Commission and shall act as a replacement at an specific meeting in the event of the absence for whatever reason of any regularly....appointed member of the Herita a Preservation Commission. G. In the event of a vacancy during the term of anv member of the Herita Preservation Commissionth..e vacangy shall be filled bv..appointment by the Cit Council and shall run until the current term expires. 14 H. Removal: An member of the Herittaa Preservation Commission may be removed ,q-- from office with or with out cause by a four-fifths Grote of the entire City Council. 2. Any member of the Heritage Preservation Commission who misses three (3) consecutive Heritage Preservation Commission meetings s in a calendar year, calculated at the end of each --calendar year, due to unexcused absences, may be removed from office upon a ro rai of the City Council. Excused absences include: a serious ersonal or famBly medical condition death in immediate fafl or unanticipatedwork-related commitment. I shall be the duty of each member to notif the City staff liaison or recording secretary if the member will be unable to attend a meetiri ._ NIAMI ILI, n7wel.;14 W-4 *-JUMMOU *O -M =1 Pill :1 *71 A. Meetinas. i . The Heritage Preservation Commission shall hold a minimum un of one (1) regular meetingnermonth on the second Tuesdav of each month unless canceled by the Chair due to a lack of lousiness items or lack of ac uorum. 2. A special meeting.of fhe Heritage Preservation Commission may be called the Chair or approval of a motion of the ma'orit of. the members stating the purpose of such meeting with written notice vosted at least three (3).days in advance of the meeting. 3. Anv site inspection involving four or more members as a grout) rust be scheduled and noticed as a Special Meeting of the Planning Commission. 4. Alle%nas of the Heritage Preservation Commissionshall be o en to the public and comply with the state Open Meeting Lav requirements. B. Officers. 1. The Heritage Preservation Commission shall elect officers from its membersh�p a its firstmeetingin March. 2. The officers of the Heritage Preservation Commission shall be" a. Chair. b. Vice -Chair. C. Secretary. 3. Duties of the officers: a. Chair. (1) The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Heritage Preservation Commission and shall preserve order and decorum and shall decide a Llguestions of order. (2) The Chair shall ao nt any necessary committees and shall appoint ani committees requested by a majority of the members. h. Vice -Chair. The Vice -chair shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the Chair and perform such duties as requested by the Tarr. C. Secretarv, The Secreta shall provide for permanent records of the Heritage Preservation Commission roceedln s which shall include minutes of its meetln t its finding.offact, recommendations and the action taken on each matter which it considers,andare to he submitted to the City Clerk. o C. A auorum of the Heritage Preservation Commission shall consist of four mem ers. . The conduct of the Heritage Preservation Commission me tiro s shall be overned bv Robert's ert's f les of Order. 3-3-4: TIES AND FUNCT The duties and functions of the Merit e Preservation Commission shall be as set forth in Section 20-96-2 and Section 20#96^ f the City cods. 3-3-5: eo ATION: As compensation for services rendered as a member of the Herita a Preservation Commission each member and desl nated alternate shall receive $10.00 for attendance at each regularly scheduled oraecial meeting.. D Section 5. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. MOTION : SECOND Y: A L L IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 26th day of November, 201121 CITY of OT'SEGO Jessica L. S o d am , Mayor ror ATTEST: Tams Loff, City Clergy RESOLUTION NO.: 2012 -,78 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING E ISED TERMS FOR ADVISORY COMMISSIONS,, WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted Ordinance 2012-16 establishing advisory commissions within Chapter 3 of the City Codex and, WHEREAS, the language in Chapter 3 of the City Code specifies that the terms of those appointed by the City Council the various advisory commission are to expire on the last day of February in the last year of the tern; and, WHEREAS, previous ordinances and bylaws provided for the expiration of teras before the last day of February in the last year of the term necessitating an extension of the terms for all existing appointments; and, WHEREAS, the terms of the various advisory commissions are intended to be staggered so that less than a majority of the commission terns expire in any one year to ensure continuity; and, WHEREAS, appointments have been made to the several of the advisory terms that has disrupted the Intended staggering of terms necessitating adjustments in subsequent appointments to restore order. that: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego The terns of all currently appointed advisory commission members shall be extended to the last day of February following the current expiration date of their term. 2. Future appointments to the various advisory commissions shall fellow the schedule set forth on Exhibit A. LOTION SECOND Y: ALL IN FO: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City council of the City of Otsego this 26th day of November, 2012. ATTEST: Tauri Lo, City Clerk CITY of OTSEG Jessica L. Stockam , Mayor 2 Kt 4-J +-j -1-4 t rl H r-4 w bO Uig horrt y -0W .fi t Kt 1 V y W W (d) � t2 i" E2 E L 3�s"` cu uj >, `>' s— ai 4 0 +-a 0 +10 4--P 4-1 4-1 0 +-1 OO 4-j Y iC +li . -,,.a 12 C\ a- 0- F+ -F O O y � t i- CL CL aL CL _ t a ami � a� � �+�1 � _ t a ui cu LL U- U. L.L L" Ua ai U - CY f U- U- U. U. 4" L) Ny \ # H T -i r y+ % 1rl z rl LLI Ln Lo Ln Ln LU z 00z r -I 4 4 r%4 CL a. z z -I VA ui 0 O i % 1 0 S ' 0 0 [! m CL CL Y Ln i uj-0A M 0 0 0 t l M CL 1 C u LL 4-1 aj CL { m E > E 5 `` ` **�% • 7• t - F L J w Kt t rl H r-4 w bO bo y -0W .fi t Kt 1 V y W W (d) � t2 i" E2 E L 3�s"` cu >, a) C 4 0 +-a 0 +10 4--P 4-1 4-1 +-1 +-j 4-j Y iC *r 4 C\ a- 0- _ t a ami � a� � �+�1 � _ t a ui cu LL U- U. L.L L" Ua ai U - z Ny \ # H T -i r y+ % 1rl z rl rA 4 CL z Ur -I VA ``' 0 O i % 1 0 z O t i uj-0A M 0 0 t l M C o u J6� CL { N yy l � G L L C 4.1 " F a) i.� a1 Ln CL LL LL LL LL U. Irlt 13) -C LLJ Ln LLI LLI Z I 1 1 Ln r-1 1 k 1 Zply yH c r -1u i-1 CL '+I 4O CL CL CL CL z CL LU z 0 o rq o l' 1 o ` Ln s..� CL G iLn w LLJ L� LL L L LL LL lot IL a 4-1 o ,0 4J UJ - a � z a #� 2 E LL aa' M 0 0�I- mt Ln w J cm CL z LLI i mow. 0 Q 0 t 0 Q 5N 4 '*I r1li rq CL CL O O bb -0 .- ca c r. LU ai 6— > cuu m M LJL. fA Ra. DID, [ t/n M G L L CL LL LL LL LL U. LL LL LLJ z LLI Z I 1 1 Ln r-1 1 k 1 Zply yH r"C r -1u CL '+I CL z LU z 0 o rq o l' 1 o ` s..� CL G iLn w lot IL a 4-1 o ,0 4J UJ - a � z a #� 2 E LL aa' M 0 0�I- mt Ln w J cm SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO.: 2012-16 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE REGARDING BOARDS AND ADVISORY COMMISslo sA THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Chapter 3, Section I of the city Code is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION '1 PLANNING COMMISSION Section: 3-1-1 Establishment 3-1-2 Membership and Terms 3-1-3 Meetings, Officers and Procedures 3-1-4 Function -and Duties 3-1-5 Records 3-1-6 compensation Section 2, Chapter 3 of the City code is hereby amended to add the following provisions: SECTION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Section B. 3 -2 -l's Establishment 3-2-2: Membership and Terms 3.2-3: Meetings, Officers and Procedures 3-2-41, Duties and Functions 3-2-6: Records 3-2-6: Compensation 1 Section 3. Chapter 3 of the City Code is hereby amended to add the following provisions: SECTION 3 POLICE COMMISSION Section: 3-3-1: Establishment 3-3-2: Membership and Terns 3-3-3: Legal Advisor 3-3-; Meetings, officers and Procedures 3-3-5: Duties and Functions 3-3-: Compensation Section 4, Chapter 3 of the City Code is hereby amended to add the following provisions: SECTION 4 HERITAGE PRESERVATION VATION CO ISSIO Section: 3-4-1: Establishment 2, Membership and Terms 3-4-3: Meetings, officers and Procedures 3-40 Duties and Functions Compensation Section S. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. MOTION E SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED the City Council of the city of Otsego this 26th day of November, 2012. CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica L. Sockar, Mayor ATTEST Tani Loff, City Clerk Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 412.191, Subd. 4 and 331A.01, Subd.10, this Ordinance is published in summary form. Complete copies of the ordinance are available for inspection by contacting the City Clerk, Otsego city Hall, 13400 gosh Street Otsego, Minnesota 55330 during regular office hours.