ITEM 6.1IT` ot Ce 0 MINNESOTA DFPA 'T FNT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ................ _.....H........_......_._. v.._. _ ORGINATING DEPARTMENT: T: w n n..... _ _n �:. _ __ __n_:..,::..::: ....... , v ..x w ..w._._...._._........ REQUE To : .................v... _ n...._... N . _ DATE: Legal Ander MacArthur November 26, 2012 P# E ENTB s): REVIEWED Br. ITEM City Attorney City Administrator 6.1 Fr)A ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Council approval of attached Ordinance Amendment to change the City Code provisions regarding revocation and suspension of license. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT?IS A PUBLIC HEARING E QUI ED? No No BA O NDIJUSTIFICATION: The Council recently approved a change in the liquor ordinances that would allover sale of both 3.2 malt liquor and intoxicating liquor from lam to 2 m. The Council discussion related to the possibility of charging an additional City license fee for a required State 2am permit. Additionally, the County Sheriff indicated that there may have been such a charge in St. Michael, Staff was directed to research that issue and come back to the Council with any recommended ordinance changes related to such a license, or to the section regarding revocation or suspension of City license. Research indicates that'neither Stn Michael nor ars City researched has an additional fee for sales after lana. Further, there is no langurage within the State statute authorizing the City to charge additional license fees for after lam sales. The State requires a fee for the 2arn sales license. Attached are additional revisions to the section of the ordinance regarding revocation or suspension of liquor licenses that provide that violations of City ordinance or state statutes or regulations occurring after lana gill be reported to the Mate for purposes of their license with the owner. Additionally, language has been added to make it clear that violations of other City ordinances, such as repeater nuisance violations, can serge as a basis for penalties or revocation or suspension of licenser SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: x A17A HED n NONE a proposed Ordinance Amendment ent (Ordinance 2012-17) MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like It to appear In the minutes.) Motion to Approve ordinance No.t2 12-17 An ordinance Amending the City Coale Regarding Penalties For Liquor License Violations. BUDGET INFORMATION LCTION TAKEN o APPROVED AS REQUESTED a DENIED BUDGETED: a YES n NO oTABLED OTHER (List changes) ORDINANCE leo.. 2012-17 CITY of OSLO COUNTY of WRIGHT STATE of MINNESOTA AN ORDNANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE REGARDING PENALTIES FOR LIQUOR LICENSE VIOLATIONS THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of o S G o DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 7 -3.1 I.B. 1 of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows 1. Upon a finding that a licensee of any license granted pursuant to the City' Liquor Ordinance has failed to comply with an applicable statute, regulation o • ordinance relating to alcoholic beverages, or any nuisance or other violation of the City Code resulting from its business operations, the City Council may issue a civil penalty not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00)and may suspend the license for up to sixty 60days. S e etion 2. Section -3 -I I.B. 5 of the City Code is hereby amended to re ad as follows 5. In addition to the penalties set forth above, the City Council may also aet to revoke a license for non-compliance with an applicable statute, regulation or ordinance, including.re eats d nuisance or other violations of the fit Code related to its business o erationO Section 3. Section 7-3-1 I .B .6 of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows 6. If any civil penalty, suspenslb ion or revocation of a City license is found to be specifically related to allowed business -operations after one o'clock (1:00)AM the City Council mpy act to suspend or revoke the sale of li uo after one o'clock1;00 7 I I allowed bythe Cft.i license and shall forward S its findinas and recommendations to the State of Minnesota for acv applicable action. pursuant to the Stats permit for operation after one o'eoe (1:00) Ali, Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. MOTION BY,a SECONDED BY: IN FAVOR, OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 26"' day of November, 2012. CITY of OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Loff, Cit y Clerk 2