ITEM 6.2Request for OtSTY 0 2g0 City Council Action DEPARTMENT INFORMATION ..nMr.wvr...w....n..v..M.._V.�i............:.._..._._..v.Y..._.__._...�_.:......�..............Nv..M M........._tnN..N..v...:...._..v._............._.......n........n.n......._..__n.__..._..__.._...._._ ..._..............._....._.kw:__..__.....Nv..N...Nt.......Nx......_N.................__....... N ... ..n-..... ........ .................. ......... v ...... ....... .. ORIGINATING DE.RT ETR.E_IN ._Y...... DATE: Administration Lori Johnson, it r Administrator November 26, 2012 P E EI TER(s): REVIEWED BY. ITEM : Lori Johnson, City Administrator - 6.2 Prairie Center Reuse AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Recommend formation f a Prairie Center Reuse Subcommittee for the sore purpose of reviewing possible future uses and building improvement reeds at Prairie Center with the Subcommittee consisting of Park and Recreation Liaison Councilmernber Doug Schroeder, Park and Recreation Alternate Liai The Subcommittee will, of course, work under the guidelines set by the Council. The focus may be a narrow as reviewing the building layout and recommending building improvements to as broad as raking recommendations on use policy to the Park and Recreation Commission and City Council. Some f the tads the Council may choose to assign to the Subcommittee include the following: Identify possible building uses Identify spatial reeds Recommend building layout and proposed interior changes Recommend structural/physical improvements Recommend cosmetic charges Draft a facility use policy Other as defined by the City Council The Administrative Subcommittee reviewed the formation of the Prairie Center Reuse Subcommittee, its composition, and duties at its meeting on November 14 and recommends approval as outlined in this memo. . The staff project manager for the Prairie Center Reuse Subcommittee will be Ross Dernant. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: o ATTACHED XaNONE POSSIBLE MOTION _........................................................................................._m�.-:.�....::.-::...::--.:::-.....::.::::.::-._.-...:.::.-:::::..:.:.._:.:::::::... ...... :..__:..::::x.::::...:.::..._._.....:..::_:: ............ :..:...:..:..:....:.::.::.__:..:::..:_:_:.:_._..:_....:............. ._.....:..:....ry._...:...::...._...._:.._....... ..... .... Please word motion a you would like it to appear In the rr��nutes. Motion to approve formation of a Prairie Center Reuse Subcommittee for the purpose of (fill in tasks the Council wants the Subcommittee to complete from the list above) with the Subcommittee membership consisting of Mayor Jssica Stockamp., Co ncilmer b r Doug Schroeder, Park and Recreation Manager Ross Demant., t, iter Cleric Tari Loff, and three additional members selected by the four Council appointed members. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: u `SES No funding required for the Subcommittee. Project funds are included in the CIP. n NO ACTION TAKE 1 12111111 u APPROVED AS REQUESTED DENIED TABLED a OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: