ITEM 3.2Ai�r IE M 3 r 2 OTSEGO CITYCOUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER November 26, 2012 6:00 P Call to Order. Mayor Jessica Stocks nip called the meeting to order at 6:00 PNS r Roll Call: Mayor , essic St ck m p; uncilrnernb rs: Vern Heidn r, Dan S h rber, Doug Schroeder and Torn Darkenwald. Staff: Lori Johnson, C ty Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney; Ross D mant, Parks and Recreation Manager; Brad Bel air, Maint Supervisor and Tani Luff, City Clerk. Pledge ofAlle Bance: mayor Stockarnp led in the Pledge ofAllegiance, .1 Open Forum. Special Presentation: Thank you certificates to the By Scouts for the Otsecio Pumpkin Patch_ event. The City Council and Parks & Recreation manager Ross Demant presented certificates of appreciation to the Boy Scouts for their help with the Otsego Pumpkin Patch event. Heather Bid m, New River Medica[ Center Representative, gage a hospital district update. Consider acianda pprl. CM Heidner motioned to approve as writtem, Seconded by CNS Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial iterr�s . 3.1 Approve Claims List. 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A. October 22, 2012 SCC Meeting 6PM. B* October 22, 2012 Meeting. C. October 22, 2012 SCC Meeting. D. November 5, 2012 SCC Meeting. Ex November 13, 2012 Meeting. F. November 13, 2012 SCC Meeting. 3=3 Received Commission Meeting Minutes. A. HPC October 9, 2012, B. Parks and Recreation October 1, 2012. Planning Commission October 1 , 2012. 3.4 Accept HPC annual report. 3.5 Approve pick-up Truck purchase. 3.6 Approve Signage Change. CM Heldner motioned to approve. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in farm. Motion carried. . Public forks. .1 Consider Mover purchase. M Shrber said he will be abstaining on this item. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant presented the staff report. CM Darkenwald requested an explanation of the statement in the staff report that stated that if the mower was purchased, it would sage the City $7,000 a year. Parks and Recreation manager Demant said currently the City pays approximately $15,,000 a year to a contractor to the boulevard. The City would be able to rnew the boulevards for less cost than the contractor including staff, maintenance and depreciation of the mower. CM Heidn r asked what the life of the mower is. Parks and Recreation manager Dernant said possibly 10 years. CM H idn r said this horn was reviewed by the Public works Subcommittee the Subcommittee recommends approval CIA Dar enwald motioned to approve purchase of the gide area mower in the amount of $64,,864.60. seconded by CM Schroeder. motion carried -o. CM sharer abstained. 51 community Development: 5.1 Codify Ordinance. City Planner Licht presented the staff report. CM Scharber asked if many members resign during the four year term., city Planner Licht said no it is pretty stable. Mayor Stockarnp asked City staff to send the ordinance information to the commissioners. CM -leldner motioned to adopt and punish In summary form ordinance 2012-16 amending the city Code regarding boards and commission and adopt Resolution 2012-78 regarding advisory commission teras. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Notion carriedA t Administration,, .1 Consider Ordinance 2012-17 amendment to chancie the City Codi grovisions. regarding revocation rid suspension of license. City Attorney MacArthur presented the staff report, Mayer Stockarnp asked City staff to send the ordinance amendment to all the establishments, N Scharber motioned to approve ordinance Noi.,.,2012-17 an Ordinance amending the city Code regarding penalties for liquor license violations., seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor, Motion carried. .2 Prairie center Reuse Subcommittee, City Administrator Johnson presented the staff= report. city staff is recommending a seven member subcommitt for the purpose of reviewing possible future uses and building improvement needs. This committee would make thein recommendations to the city Council once complete. CM H idn r said the Council has to determine how much outside use will be allowed and that the future needs of the recreation department need to be considered. The subcommittee will cork with the city Attorney on the use policy language. The city Council agreed to focus on the uses along with the spatial needs and layouts M Scharber recommend contacting other communities rid see what they have done in their community centers, Parks and Recreation Manager Demant agreed and said the committee will tour other facilities and see what they have done. cN s har er motioned to approve formation of a Prairie Center Reuse Subcommittee for the purpose of identifying possible building uses,, identifying spatial needs and recommend building layout and proposed interior changes with the subcommittee membership consisting of Mayor, Jessica sto amp. Cid Doug Schroeder, Pars and Recreation Manager toss Demant,, city Clerk Tangy! Leff and three additional members selected by the four Council appointed members. Seconded by CM Heldner. All in favor. Motion carried. 7, _ _ iter Council Reports and Updates. Mayor Stockar p said she has received a complaint that Cowboy Jacks has been continuing to e open until 2 pm. City Administrator Johnson said she contacted the Wright Counter Sheriff Department as they have been monitoring the closing til el Sergeant Walker indicated that no violations have been noted by the deputies. Per Council direction the City staff; contacted the State inspector for this area who will investigate. 81 Staff Reports and Upd,a a l City Administrator Johnson gave an update on a two business requests for financial assistance. City Administrator Johnson said this is CM charber"s last meeting because he will not be at the December loth meeting. She thanked hila on behalf of the entire staff and stated it has been a pleasure to work with hire, CM Iarkenald thanked CM Scharber for his service and the city Council agreed, 9. Adjourn. CM Scharber motioned to adjourn, Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried, Adjourned at 6:53 PM. Mayor 3essica Stockamp TrES 1': "ami Luff, City Clerk