ITEM 3.2B1�r E M 3.2B SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSE O CITY HALL November 26, 2012 *6:00 PNS Call to Order. Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:15 Ply. Roll Carl: Mayor Jessica St k mp; Councilmembers .- Vern Heidner, Dan Schar, r, Doug Schroeder and Torn Dark nw ld. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Gary Groen,, Finance Director; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ross Demant, Pres and F r ati n Manag r; Kurt N id rr l r, .Utility Operation Sup r is r and Tari Luff, City Clerk. City Administrator Johnson requested to more item 2 to item 4. The City Council agreed, 1. Budget Griew:. A. Water R _c;pwpr C. Building S&W City Administrator Johnson and Finance Director Groen reviewed the water, sewer, and building safety budgets. There was discussion on the rate study provided by Ehlers. City Administrator Johnson said City staff will add the changes on the electronic file received by Ehlers. The City Council reviewed the summary of Metro west Inspection Services year to date. There was discussion on Building Inspector contracted versus employee. Cly Heidner asked if the utility plant updates that are recommended were reviewed by an engineer. Utility Operation Supervisor r I l iderrneier said no. Chi Heldn r requested engineering review before implementing the process update. The Council concurred. City Planner Licht presented the staff report on water Shut off Ordinance. The City Council agreed to add the proposed Ordinance to the December 10, 2012 City Council consent agenda. . CIP review. Finance Director Gruen reviewed the adjustments the Council made to the 2013#2017 Capital Improvement Plan at the previous CIP w rl sessi n. The Council concurred with the adjustments as presented. No additional adjustments were proposed. CM S harber asked the status of the path from Queens to Riverpointe. City Planner Licht said the city still needs to meet with the propel owner. Parrs and Recreation Manager Demant reviewed the soccer field development project. There was discussion on setting a maintenance fee for TRSA and other group's use of the fields. City staff= will bring back a recommendation for use fees. General Fund review and Tac Lyt City Administrator Johnson stated that prior to the final budget presentation in December, she granted the Council to again review the budget and make a adjustments as they feel appropriate. She stated the department heads aro all present to answer questions. Finance Director Groen reviewed the General Find budget. The Council questioned mining revenue and liquor license fees. After discussion it was agreed that the mining revenue budget will decrease by $8,000 and the liquor license fees will increase by $8,000. City Administrator Johnson presented information on a pay market rate adjustment. Following discussion, the City Council approved allowing step increases per the existing compensation Aran effective January 2013 contingent upon satisfactory performance review. The City Council decided to review tine market rate adjustment again in March 2013, The City's contribution to insurance will remain the sane as 2012. _ _ Any. other items._ Mayor Stockamp asked Finance Director Groen to provide a memo the week of December 11t to each of the Commissions on their budget. 51 Adjourn. CM Dar n rd motioned to adjourn,, Seconded by CM Schroeder. All In favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at10:17 P E Mayor Jessica Scor ATTEST: Tarr Loff, City Clerk *Immediately following the adjournment o the City Council meeting at 6;00 PX 2