ITEM 3.5�� CITYOF 0 ot 14IN1#ESOTA# DEPARTMENT EI T INF R ATI Request for City Council Action ...................... OF [ � }AT DEl'ARTI #E VT; _.w._n_._.....---n.n------ n.........ry..__...._:....:....n.:...:..-........... :............. ....._........,.................................._. E UE TO : - - _ ry ...... . MEETS DATE: Public Worts Ron Wagner,. City Engineer 12-19-12 PF ESEI TE ( : REVIEWED BY: [TEM #: Consent Agnda Lori Johnson, City Administrator 3.5 Change rder #1 Repair of reasonable cost. Staff has determined cost of gutter and downspouts of commercial grade and size is approximately $9/If. Including profit and bond costs for Erickson Builders the amount appears Various City Building AGENDA ITEM DETAILS ... .. . REO MENDAT[ON: Staff recommends approval of Change Order #1for RepairofVarious City Buildings. ARE `SOU S EE KING APPROVAL. OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC H EAR I NG REQUIRED? No No BAS ROUE#D1JU TIFI ATI : Well douse #3 located along 77th t near the Nest Waste Water Treatment Facility does not have gutters or downspouts. Beneath the eaves of the building concrete sidewalks are located and can become Very slippery from ice buildup especially in the spring of the year. For safety reasons staff is requesting installation of gutters and downspouts while Erickson Builders is working nearby on like items. The City has received a cost to install the gutters and downspouts from Erickson n Builders in the amount of $1,,458.60. City staff has called other contractors in an effort to determine i this is a reasonable cost. Staff has determined cost of gutter and downspouts of commercial grade and size is approximately $9/If. Including profit and bond costs for Erickson Builders the amount appears reasonable. Building permits for both waste water treatment facilities totaled $2,657.74. League of IVIN Insurance's portion of that cost is $1,899.78 and the City will be reimbursed. The City's portion is $775.96. Metro Vilest, the City's consultant building official will be completing the building inspections. Erickson Builders has paid for and obtained both building permits and included in this change order is payment o $2,657.7{4 for those permits. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED NONE 1E Change Order#1 Building Permits for the West Wste Water Tratment Facility Building Permits for the East Waste Water Treatment Facility MOTION: (Please word motion as you would life it to appear In the minutes.) Motion to approve Change Order #1 in the amount of $4,116.34 to Erickson Builders for Repair of Various City Buildings BUDGET INFORMATION �T[ TAKEN MoMmem9m ,I I INS, 111111, APPROVED AS REQUESTED Q DENIED Q TABLED n OTHER (List changes) I ENT : Order No. Hakanson Anderson Date 12/10/12 11,71 Assoc., Inc. coACT` cAf� Project: Repair of Various City Buildings Owner: City of Otsego To: Erickson Builders (Contractor) You are hereby requested to comply with the following charges from the contract plans and specifications'. Furnish and install 1001 of gutter and ' of downspouts for We[I louse #1 Re b ursernent. for b ui[dinag permits for both East and West Waste Water Treatment Facility Work ESTIMATE of COST Added [teas Chance Order ITEM Not ITEM NAME UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 Gutter and Downspouts til= 13 $10 $1 ,300.00 2 10% Profit and Overhead LS 1 $130 $13U0 Bond Cost 2 LS 1 $23.0 $23.60 Building Permit Cost LS `l $2,675.74 $2,675.74 Total $4,134.04 Original Contract Amount Change in Contract due to Change Order Total Contract Amount Issued by; Approved by: Accepted by: $2611318.00 41134.34 $265,452.34 Project Engineer Otsego City official Date Date Contractor's Authorized Representative Date Due to the change order, the contract period will remain the sane C:\Users\RonW\lDocumentsNot9Ol-2012CO-Repair of Various iter Building.do CITY OF OTSEGO 8599 NASHUA AVENUE N TS G , MN 55330- 63) 441-2593 X: (763) 441-8823 REPI INTER ON 12/5/2012 ADDRESS 7551 LANCASTER AVEN ["IN 118177001010 LEGAL I) ESC PLEASANT CREEK FARMS ,T 00 1 BLOCK 00 I P R IT TYPE t BUILDING PROPERTY TYPE MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION TYPE ROOFING & SIDING VALUATION 176579.00 APPLICANT ERIC SON BUILDERS S COINC 14165 JAMES ROAD EAST OG S, MN 55374- (763) 5 7 - (76 497-9209 Minnesota State License : BC054548 OWNER CITY OF OTSE(30 899 NASIILJA AVE NE TSE ,55330- AGREEMENT 5;3:30- AGR EMENT AND SWORN STATEMENT The Nv rk for which this permit is issued shall be performed according to: 1 the conditions of this permit; the approval plans and specifications; the applicable City approvals, Ordinances and Codes, and the State Building Cole. 'rhes permit is for only the work described and does not grant permission for additional or related work which requires separate permits. This permit Nvill expire and become null and void if construction authorized is not commenced ed wit in 180 days, or if construction is suspended for a period of 180 days at any time after work has commenced. The applicant is responsible for assuring all required inspections aro requested in conformance with the State Building Code. I 111111111111111111 IIIIII I III I DATE ISSX: 12/04/2012 PERMIT PEE MN STATE SURCHARGE, VALUE TOTAL PAID WITH CHECK 3109 SEPARATE ATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK C. OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE. 1 }567.45 88.29 1965534 CITY OF OTSEGO $$99 NASHUA AVENUE NE OTSEGO, MN 55330- 763) 441-2593 TAX: (763) 441-8823 APPLICANT ERICKSON BUILDERS CO INC 14 165 JA jN11 ES ROAD EAST X763) 497-9209 if innesota State License 4 BC054548 OWNER TSE, CITY OF 17330 53RD ST NE 'rE O, NIS 55374- C'I E E AlENT AND SWORN STATEMENT The work for which this permit is issued shall be performed according to: 1 the conditions of this permit; 2 the approval plans and specifications; 3 the applicable City approvals, Ordinances and Codes; and the State Building Code, This permit is for only the work described and does not grant permission for additional or related work which wquires s pirate permits. ""'his permit will expire acid become null and void if construction authori ed is not commenced within 180 days, or If constru ction i s suspended for a period o f 18 0 days at ars time after work has commenced. The applicant is responsible for assuring all required inspections are requested in miformance with the State Building Code. ATE ISSUED: 12/04/2012 PERMIT FEE MN STATE SURCHARGE, VALDE TOTAL PAID VITH CHECK 3109 SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE. 977.63 42.37 1,020.00 RURTI TED ON 1215/2012 ADDRESS 5850 RANDOLPH AVE NE PIN 118168000010 LEGAL D ESC RIERPCINT LOT 001 BLOCK 000 PE1 +] 1T TYPE BUILDING PRC P E R"I' Y TYPE MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION TYPE ROOFING & SIDING VALUATION S 84 739.00 APPLICANT ERICKSON BUILDERS CO INC 14 165 JA jN11 ES ROAD EAST X763) 497-9209 if innesota State License 4 BC054548 OWNER TSE, CITY OF 17330 53RD ST NE 'rE O, NIS 55374- C'I E E AlENT AND SWORN STATEMENT The work for which this permit is issued shall be performed according to: 1 the conditions of this permit; 2 the approval plans and specifications; 3 the applicable City approvals, Ordinances and Codes; and the State Building Code, This permit is for only the work described and does not grant permission for additional or related work which wquires s pirate permits. ""'his permit will expire acid become null and void if construction authori ed is not commenced within 180 days, or If constru ction i s suspended for a period o f 18 0 days at ars time after work has commenced. The applicant is responsible for assuring all required inspections are requested in miformance with the State Building Code. ATE ISSUED: 12/04/2012 PERMIT FEE MN STATE SURCHARGE, VALDE TOTAL PAID VITH CHECK 3109 SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE. 977.63 42.37 1,020.00