ITEM 5.1Request for CITY OF 0tS2g0 City Council Action MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT !NFORMATION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE Public Works Ron Wagner, City Engineer 12-10-12 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ity Administrator Ron Wagner, City Engineer Lori' Johnson CI I AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval Resolution 12-82 accepting the Feasibility Report and setting a public hearing for the Needham Avenue Stormwater Improvement Project. ARE YOUSEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No Yes BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Needham Avenue south of 85t h Street has had standing water continue to worsen over the last several years. A resident'has requested help from the City, to remedy the situation. City Council then authorized the preparation of a Feasibility Study. A public hearing to present the study and possibly continue toward a project with the potential for assessments in accordance with MN State Statue 444, is t requested' to be set for January 28 1t- 1 at 7:00 pm at Prairie Center ® Council Chambers., 8899 Nashua Avenue. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED Ei NONE List: Resolution 12-82 Feasibility, Report Motion: Motion to approve, Resolution 12-82 accepting the Feasibility Report and setting a Public Hearing for discussion of Needham Avenue Stormwater Improvement, Project on January 28th at 7:00 pm at Prairie Ce nte r — CO Un iI Cha m be rs, 8899 N a sh ua Ave. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING.- BUDGETED: YES N/A N/A aNO ACTION TAKEN a APPROVED AS REQUESTED DENIED o TABLED FiOTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: 1111'HEREAS,, pursuant to a resolution, of the council adopted March 12, 2012, a report has been prepared by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. with reference to the improvement of Needham Avenue; South of 85th Street NE, and this repoil was, received by the council on December 1 Oth, 2012; 0.10111 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. The council will consider the making of such improvement in accordance with the report and the assessment of benefiting property for all or a portion of the cos) of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429 with the estimated, total cost of the improvement being $44,144. 2. A public, hearing shall'be held on such proposed improvement on the 2 8th day of January, 2013 in the council chambers, of the city hall at 7:00 p.ml. and the clerk, equ* d by shall give mailed and'publi'shed notice of such hearing and improvement as r ire law. Adopted by the council this I oth day of December, 2012, I U111 jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, Clerl 11!!� Pi 11 ll11l1l1l ll�� q� 1�� FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR PROPOSED DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS rTH NEEDHAM, AVENUE — SOUTH OF'8u STREEI 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 Telephone-, 763-427-5860 I hereby certify that this, plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under State of Minnesota Statutes Sections 326.02 to 326.16. 26052 Ronald J. W#n,e"l- Re g. No. TITLE SHEET TABLE, OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ..................... ............................................. 4 ...................... 1 11. EXISTING CON 1 111. PROPOSED PROJECT .......... I IV. INITIATION ..................................................................................................... 2 V. FEASIBILITY .................... o ........................................................................... 2 VIE RIGHT—OF—WAY / EASEMENTS., ...................................................... VII. PERMITS ............................. #•..' ■ ■ ■ ■. ■'. P F ■ N N': # . M 4 P i . P k P ■ P i. ■ ■, P ■ P, ■. ; ■ ■ ■: P ■ ■ ■ ■ M: ............. w .......... •2 VIII. COMPLETION ................................................. I ........... m ..................... No ............ 2 IX. PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE ....................................................... 3 X. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST .......... t M. r, m o a a m m so m m m a m m o m , m n a . a m a m a o m o m v a , . . m m m v v v , m m m v v I a I q 1 3 X1. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT ........ ................................................................. 4 XI 1. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ................................... ............. 7 02= LOCATION PROPOSED STORM SEWER ...................................... ;so ........... BENEFITING PROPERTIES............ min mum woo . pos. mwasom mum mum mum Sol son ONE malfollic PROPOSED DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NEEDHAM AVENUE, — SOUTH OF! 85TH STREET N,t i CITY OF! OTSEGO, MN Some of the residents along Needham Avenue have contacted the City regarding a drainage i I ssues over the past several years. Due to the number of contacts, City Council authorized a Feasibility Report be completed to determine costs and potential funding sources. The proposed drainage improvement project consists of a ditch and storm sewer system along Needham Avenue., The storm sewer would connect to an existing catch th basin at the southwest corner of 85 Street NE and Needham Avenue (see Exhibit B). To convey the water to the proposed storm sewer, re -grading of the ditch and replacing %W 4P MP Am PR The! feasibility report was initiated by the City Council due to issues regardin A water pond' i ng. V. FEASIBILITY The project is feasible from a technical standpoint and generally meets all local, -egional and state standards for; municipal improvements. The existing streets and proposed ditch upgrades are located within the existin: 66 or wide right-of-way. If additional utility and drainage easements are require based on the final design, these permanent and temporary easements will need to b provided, to the City of Otsego. At this time, no, permits, are required for this, project. 6 This project is proposed to be completed during the 2013 construction, sea,sofni I. PRELIMINARY PROjECT SCHEDULE The preliminary project schedule, for the drainage improvements for Needham Avenue: Table 1, City of Otsego Needham' Avenue Prelml mlinary Project Schedlull MW 1 City Council Receives Feasibility Report December 10 and Schedules Information Meeting 2. City Council Holds Information Meeting, January 28 3. it Council Orders Public H'earing February 11 4. its Council Orders Project, and Authorize s- Engineer to Prepare Plans February 25 and Specifications 5. I Engineer Submits Plans for, it Council Approval and Receives Authorization to March I I Advertise for bid 6. City Council Receives Bid and Awards April 27 Contract 7. Contractor Begins Construction May 8. Contractor Completes Construction June 9. Assessment, Hearing August Included in this report is a detalled estimate of construction costs for the drainage im provernents. The costs quoted herein are estimates only and are not guaranteed prices. The quantities are estimates also. The contractor will be paid only for work completed., The cost estimates are based oin previous projects, costs. IQ I The estimated costs for the drainage improvements for Needham Avenue are as follows: Table; 11 City of Ots,ego Need'hamAvenue, Preliminary Cost Estimate kilt W01" ILWIIH IM 111.�� Description R e rn olve Em's ti ris PVC P 1 Re Estimated Quantity IRBY,= Estimated ---Qua tity Extension $1500.00 1511 RC Pipe Apron Remove Culverts RR r0 EE 1 21T RC Pipe Apron Traffic Control of f Salvage and Reinstall Street Sign Seeding --T'y—p��e �La�wn Restora,tion �24" RC Pipe Sewer Des! n 3006 CL III (all depths) $2,500.00 RC Fyipe Sewer Des in n 3006 CIL 111 (al I depths) Mulch Material Type 1 Uonnect =oxls7ing worm Sewer Total - Bid'Schedule "N' $71,719 Bid Schedule "B" - Storm Sewer IM Description R e rn olve Em's ti ris PVC P 1 Re Estimated Quantity IRBY,= Catch B-asin 24" RC Pipe Apron 1511 RC Pipe Apron RR 1 21T RC Pipe Apron of f �24" RC Pipe Sewer Des! n 3006 CL III (all depths) RC Fyipe Sewer Des in n 3006 CIL 111 (al I depths) Uonnect =oxls7ing worm Sewer I Total - Bid Schedule "go $24,980 Tota 1- Bid S,c lie du,le s "N' & " R' $32,699 Overhead & Con,tingency (3694) $11s445 Total Project Cost, $44,144 40 AW da a am Ab Alk do El appropriate assessment. The estimated cost per assessment is summarized in Table 111. The assessment portion of the project is 100% of the total estimated project costs. A I ■ (a (01Rl0 0 tq co 0 ICY) 0 cr) ty) ce) to Ln Ln Ln tr) V) U) 0 U) z z z z z z 0 0 0 10• 0 010 0 0 CD W LLJ uj ui Lli uj L11 Lki ui w U) (1) 2 U) Ct) 0 0 0 0 0 0 L)i w ui w w w ui ui W w w Z Z Z Z Z z z z w z z w w z w w U L w w w w > > > 0 0 01 0� 0 010 to w w w w w w le X �e y z z z z z z 0 LO toco Co m w IN v co Co to CIO 03 CII) CO cq 0 0 CN 0) co (N ca 0 4' >L CL 4) 0.0 IM 10,0) to 0 Q W C- C :5 0 < I 0 This report analyzed the feasibility of drainage improvements for Needha Avenue south of 85 th Street NE. The improvement is technically feasible as describe in this report. The project i's proposed to be funded solely by the benefiting properties. R� A", f T"P1011 A::` \\� \\� � ���� \:2\^� ^��:��,��\ 500 0 500 1000 m6m,mmmmmmmi SCALE PI HET EXHIBIT A *T435 C,4 a w 0\11 U - t4 i -. 0 Ld It LO 7- N CL I N N ONIISIXI ;. Ot*M ICL 94'LV6 c La ICL M3N 19 -1d76 -ANI ,Zt ig'17176-ANI "'ZI > La'LV6 M3N 6Z'PV6-AHl Zl 0 'X3 6Z"VV6-At41 ZL t'L 06'l16 9 MTM 6L'�176-ANI 'X3 6L'ZV6-AN1 ,91 IA3N 69'ZP6-AN1 Sl z 'X3 69*ZV6-ANSI .9'1 LLJ I I, IO'ST6 Iy VO'Sl 6 CL L MM �'6-AMI 'X3 WgU-ANI co LOVol C14 rip 91OP6.-NIH t H IN'S 0 '816 see M3N 6Z'996 -ANI '9L u 'X3 OVRq6-ANI "Ol C:) A i139I 6t CL Lj. wv ilib M311 Zli'M-ANI ,,VZ 'Y3: VZ*6�6-ANI .9t Ll V3 u M3N 013U -ANI y,VZ' Ll 'X3 ZO'M-AN1 "91 Mi 3N LTS26-ANI .,91 'XI Z 6' -ANSI sl M3N, 09 -M -ANI ,gi 'X 3 WM-ANI .91 M3N 9`96-Affl .91 'X3 ZO"6T6-ANI �Gl hUN 99-gi6-ANI y,G I 'X3, 99'RT,6-ANI .!;I V) Li Ll - C,4 a w 0\11 U - t4 i -. 0 Ld It LO 7- N CL I N N LEGEND (a) BENEFITING PROPERTY 150 0 150 300 SME IN FEET E if X"HIBIT C OT435 11 MWA all 4, LOU CLHAR�ES-�FIINCK,` ALJkN 1 4 R 5'3 ACs vu'. GKART[i ., A O APRES (2.93 f ...... .................... . .... . . TAWAS R M &A M ti U D;s 0 I ACRES� (2.93%) LUKE & KAM WRIGHT I ACRES (2.93V V VIN Jl­ LIHOA M WOL io *0 I ACRES (21093 '-�V.59 ACRES' H Lim, fACRES (ZVV�� RE O.TW SQ/7 N BERT J it ckb 64AR�EY ME s 1A 1404AC ES�qMv) 41 v LEGEND (a) BENEFITING PROPERTY 150 0 150 300 SME IN FEET E if X"HIBIT C OT435