ITEM 6.1 Project 16-02IV 0 tSTe F O MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner June 13, 2016 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Engineer Wagner City Administrator Johnson 6.1 Finance Director Flaherty AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Resolution 2016-57 Accepting Bids and Awarding Contract for City Project No. 16-02, Quaday Avenue NE Improvements to Douglas Kerr Underground, Inc. with a base bid of $426,253.34. Staff recommends not constructing the Alternate Bid (Trail and Sidewalk) at this time. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Yes I No BAC KG RO U N D/J U ST I F I CATION: Bids were opened for the City Project No. 16-02, Quaday Avenue NE Improvements on June 8tn, 2016. A total of 6 bids were received as shown on the attached Bid Tabulation and as listed below: 1. Douglas Kerr Underground, Inc. 2. Matt Bullock Contracting 3. Burschville Construction 4. Northdale Construction Company, Inc 5. Veit & Company 6. Geislinger and Sons Base Bid Base Bid + Alternate Bid $426,253.34 $475,753.84 $460,051.75 $510,391.25 $482,471.20 $537,770.80 $483,979.37 $542,274.31 $511,564.25 $566,572.25 $530,633.50 $576,111.50 It was found that Douglas Kerr Underground, Inc. of Mora, Minnesota is the low bidder with a Base Bid of $426,253.34. The Engineers Estimate for the Base Bid was $559,625.00 and the Base + Alternate estimate was $620,316.00. We recommend awarding of the contract to the low bidder, Douglas Kerr Underground, Inc. which has completed numerous other projects with Hakanson Anderson. To facilitate the development of Great River Centre 3`d Addition's Outlot A, public improvements must be constructed. These improvements include a typical commercial street with bituminous trail and concrete sidewalk, watermain and services, sanitary sewer main and services and storm sewer. Currently no street exists to service GRC 3rd Outlot A or adjacent lots. Water and sanitary sewer mains have exist stubbed towards the property south of 85th Street. GRC 3`d Outlot A is being platted as Great River Centre 4tn Addition with Lot 1 Block 1 being purchased by P&F Machining and Outlot A of GRC 4th Addition being retained by the City of Otsego for future sale. P& F Machining and the City of Otsego have entered into an agreement regarding purchase of Lot 1 Block 1. The project is funded through assessments to City and P & F Machining property and a DEED Grant. The City Revolving Fund will finance the project and be repaid through payment of assessments. . The feasibility study was presented to the Council on the 14th day of December 2015 and declares the improvement feasible, with an estimated cost of $635,393. This would include all construction costs as well as contingencies, administration, and engineering. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: x ATTACHED ❑ NONE List: Bid Tab Resolution Engineers Estimate of Cost POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to Approve Resolution 2016-57 Accepting Bid and Awarding Contract for City Project No. 16-02, Quaday Avenue NE Improvements to Douglas Kerr Underground, Inc . for the base bid in the amount of $426,253.34. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: x YES Assessment of P&F Machining ❑ NO DEED Grant City of Otsego Revolving Fund BID TABULATION CITY OF OTSEGO Quaday Avenue NE Improvement Project Bids opened 2:W p.m., Vkdnesday, June 8, 2016. There Were 6 bids received, as Shown herein. Bid Schedule W -Streets Dougfes Kerr Underground Matt Bullock Contracdng Burschylge Constrnetlon ITEM NO, ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNITPRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 1 Mobdiratlon 1 1 IS $55.973. $55,973. 39.180.00 $9.180. $15,000. $15.000. 2 Clearim and Grubbing 1 LS $4.000OD $4000. $46150.00 $4.150. $10.000. $10,000. 3 Remove Curb 8 Gutter too LF $3.38 $358.28 $250 $265OD $4.tX7 $424. 4 Sawing Bit Pavement Full Depth) 136 LF $3.68 $500.48 $BOO $816.00 $4.00 $544.00 5 BlWmirwus Pavement Removal 225 BY $221 $497.25 $185 3866.25 $3.50 $787.S 6 lCommm Excawlion P 2,608 CY $7.80 $20,551.04 $6.00 $15.648.00 $8.50 $22.168.00 7 S de Correctw 900 CY $281 $2.529.00 32-501 S2,250.00 $325 $2,925.00 8 Common Bon- LV 1.296 CY 49.82 $12,726.72 $8.10 $10,497.60 S10.35 $13.413. 9 S,Ivaged Topsoil From Sm L 862 CY $248 $2.137.76 $225 $1.939.50 $280 $2.413.60 10 re ate Base Class 5 Mod 2.251 TON $14.D8 $31,694.06 315.00 $33,765.00 $16.D0 $336765.00 11 Mill Bilumirous Surface 1.5' 17 BY $16.01 $27217 $16.00 $255.60 $18.00 $306.00 12 Bli minus Material For Tack Coat 335 GAL $3.04 $1018.40 $3.20 $1.07200 $3.50 $117250 13 Type SP 9.5 K4ad Course fAixt m 3C 525 TON $6322 $33505.50 $67.00 $35.175.00 S65.85 $34.571.25 14 ITvm SP 125 Non Wear Course MrAtum 3,C 876 TON $60.40 $52.850.00 $63-40 $55.475.00 $6250 $54687.50 15 Retaini Wail 400 SF $28.00 $11.200. $47.45 $18.980. $58.25 -$23.300.00 16 Conrtete Curb B Gutter D.sign 0618 1.570 LF $11.15 $17.505.50 $11.70 $18.309.00 $1240 $19468.W 17 7'Concmta Valley Gutter 172 BY $63.00 $10836.00 $66.15 $113T7.80 $66.00 $11.35200 18 4' Bihnrvnom Curb 435 LF $3.47 SI.5D9.45 $3.65 $1.58T $4.25 $1.848.7 19 Traft Cmtml 1 LS $750.D0 $750DO $1450.00 $1.450. $2.000.00 SZ000.00 20 Si Panei Type C 61 SF S5000 $3.050.00 $60.00 $3,660. $50.00 $3.050.00 21 ISift Fence,T MS 1,493 LF $1.60 SZ239.50 $2.25 $3.359.25 $2.50 $3.732.60 22 Storm Drain Inlet Protection 8 EACH $250.00 $2.OD0.1%1 $110.00 $880.00 $1251X1 $1.000.00 23 Stablb,ed Cons& -ton Exit i LS $1.260.00 $126M $1200.00 $1,200.00 $1600.00 $1500./10 24 Turf Establish ant 1 LS $5.920.00 $5.9m.00 $11.550.00 $11.650. $10.OD0.00 SIC.ODQ00 25 Emsbn Control M,nlwt- Ctsgoly 2 150 BY 3250 3375.tX) $3.30 $495.00 $1.50 $225.00 26 Pavement message 4 EACH $75.00 $300. It..00 3420. 3100.W $400. 27 r Double Solid Lino Yeeow-Paint 800 LF 50.80 $640.00 $0.58 $528.00 $0.90 5720.00 28 4-Solid Line VAf(.-Point 1,800 LF 50.40 5720A0 $0.33 $594.00 S0.45 3810.00 Total Bid Schedule A $276.919.73 $245.835.75 $271.58420 ot394 bid tab-robid.xlsSIO TABULATION BT- i OF 6 BID TABULATION CITY OF OTSEGO Quaday Avenue NE Improvement Project Bid Schedule "B" -Storm Sewer Douglas Ken Underground Malt Bullock Conbsct/ng BURchvllle Conshuction ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY5UNITPRICE EXTENSION UNITPRICE EXTENSION UNITPRICE EXTENSION 29 18' RC Flared Ed Section i EACH $710,60 S550.00 $550A0 $600.00 $6DO.D0 30 15-RCPI Sewer Das n3006CLV a1de 655 LF 516,473.25 $31.00 $20.305.00 $28.50 $180667.50 31 18'RC Pi Sewer Des n3006 CLV al d 399 LF $10.134.60 $33.00 $13,167.00 $30.50 S12169.32 4'Inad,fi- 4 SY S103.80 $55. $220. $50.00 $2D0.33 Conatrut Dreiru aStruturn Dey 2'X3' 3 EACH $4.20255 $1540.f10 $4,620.00 $1.350.00 $4,050.00 Construct D2ina a Str re Des n 48d020 4 EACH $1,865.40�',�,$7.461.60 $1,980.00 $7.920.00 $2,000.00 $8000, �34 Construct Drama eSbutum Des n"20 1 EACH 32938.75 -75 $330000 S330000 $3900.00 $3. Articulated lntedcc Black O nCeO,T A B SY 5187.45t,499.60 5220.00 $1.760.00 $150.00 41,200.00 Total Bid Schedule B $43.524.75 $51,84200 E98,/6r.W Old Schedule "C" - Watermaln Douglas Ken Underground MaUBullock Contacting Bursehville Conshuedoa ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNITPRICE EXTENSION UNITPRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION GnnetTo Existin TMbamuin 2 EA $0.01 Son $1.650.00 $330G80 $U50.00 S 500.And r Reintel H drant 6' - And 6' Gate Valve 1 EA $1.019.92 $1.019.92 $3750.00 $30760+00 E200D.00 $2000.00 H dent 3 EA $3.921. $11.764.05 $4.950.00 $14.850. $4.150.00 S72450. 8- Mtemain Ductile Iron CI 52 1040 LF $35.85 $37.284.00 538.00 $39620.00 $50.00 $52000.00 S'WaW-.InO-.. Imn CI 52 332 LF $28.45 31445.40 $31.00 $10.29200 $44.00 $14.808.00 42 r Gate Valve And Box 4 EA 51,999.35 $7.997-4 E2750. $11.000. S2400. $9,600. 43 6' Gate Valve And Box 4 EA $1,393.95 55.575. $2200. $8.800. $1.500. $6.t . 00 44 Watannain F i 1,520 LBS $2.58 53.921. S5.. 58,360. $6. 59,120. Total Bid Schedule C $77.008.19 $99.87200 »w.tro.w Bid S.hdula"D" -S.UarySeller Douglas Kerr Underground MaUBullock C-Us.tl g BUtschvllfe Construedon ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNITPRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION ConnctTo Exlsti Sanita Sawal 2 EA $0.01 $0.02 $1650.00 $3,300.00 $1,250.00 $z5D0.Casfin r Assombl S715250 $1.152 $330.00 $330. $1.000.DD $t.OD0. 6-PVC Pi Santa hewer SDR 35 330 $14.30 $4719.00 $40.00 $13.2DD.DD $3200 $10.e'PVC Pi Santa Sawer SDR 35 843 LF $15.05 $12.687-15 Eb OO $37,09200 334.00Standard48'Diameter Sac' Sewer Manhole 3 EA $3.414.00 510,24200 $2860.00 E8,S80.W E3,700.00 E77,100.00 Total Old Schedule D $28.800.67 $62.60200 4Y.+.- ot394 bid tab - rebld.AsHID TABULATION BT - 2 OF 6 BID TABULATION CITY OF OTSEGO Quaday Avenue NE Improvement Project Alternate Bid 1-Sldewalk and Trail Douglas Kerr Underground Mate Bullock Contracting Bumchvllle Construction ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNITPRICE EXTENSION UNITPRICE EXTENSION 1 Do-Ex-tion P 324 CY $16,36 $5,300.64 $8.50 $Z764.DO $1725 $5.569. 2 Salvaged Topsoil From Stoc le L -328 CY $248 -$813A4 $225 -5738.00 $280 4918.40 3 Aggraq,Base Gass 5 Mod 350 TON $17.99 $6.296.50 $19.50 $6,825A0 $19.00 38,650.W 4 TypeSP12SWaad C-Moftre(2.13)(Traill 160 TON $55.09 $8.814.40 $57.85 $9.256.00 $65,00 $10400.00 5 Truncated Domes 120 SF $45.00 $5.400. $47.25 $5,670. 548.00 $5.760. 6 4' Concrete Sidevrdlk 645 SY $36. $23.22000 $37.80 $24.381.00 $41.00 $26.445. 7 110 Crosstalk Blocks Ydele-Paint 126 SF 5280 1;.80 54.35 $548.10 $3.00 3378.00 8 tY Solid Line Mite - Paint 332 1 5280 $929.60 $4.95 $1643.40 53.00 59%.CO Total Alternate Bid 1 $49,500.50 SUMMARY OF BIDDING: Douglas Kerr Underground Total Bid Schedule through D 5425253.34 Altem ale Old 1-Slde lk and Trail $49,500.50 Base Bid +Alternate $475,753.84 Enor in Calculation. ot394 bid tab- rebld.1lsB10 TABULATION BT- 3 OF 6 $ 0.339.50 MattBullock Contracting 5460,051.75 350,339.50 $510.391.25 555299.60 Burschv8le ConsWcdon $482.47120 $55,299.60 $537.770.80 BID TABULATION CITY OF OTSEGO Quaday Avenue NE Improvement Project Bids opened 200 p.m.. Mdnesday. June 8, 201 S. There ware 6 bids reramdl, as shown herein. Bid Schedule W -Streets Northdale Consbucdon Vc116 Co. GelsBngerand Sons ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNrr PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 1 Mabintion 1 LS $13.930. $13930. $30,000.00 $30.000.00 $22.000.fX1 322.000. 2 Clearing and Grubb'Gmbbhm 1 LS $T875.00 $787500 $5.10DOO 55,10D. 57,800.00 $7.800. OO 3 Remove Curb 8 Gutter 108 LF $3.55 $376. $2. $243. $4.00 $424. 4 Sawing Bit Pavanrent Full Depth) 136 LF $3.86 $524.96 $2.25 $306. $4.00 $544. 001 5 Biturriraus Pavement Removal 225 BY $2.32 $522.00 S2. $450. $3. $675. 6 Comnnn Exovation P 2.608 CY $8.27 $21 568.16 $19.20 550,073. $8.00 $20,864. 7 S de Correa- 900 CY $2.95 52.655. $id. $12.780. $5.00 $4,5C0. 00 8 Cn B.- L ormw 1.296 CY $10.31 313.361.76 55.40 $6,998.40 S1200 $15,652. 9 $21Vaged Topsoil From Stoc 1e L 862 CY S2.60 $2.241.20 $5.00 $4.310.00 $4.310. 10 Aggrenater Base Class 5 Mod 2,251 TON $15.87 $35,72337 $10.75 $24,198.2 520.00 $45.020. 11 MIr M,,v ous Surface 1.5 17 SY $1 SSI $285- 7 $18.00 $306.00 $16.00 $272.00 12 Bilumirwus Material For Tack Coat 335 GAL $3.19 $1,068.65 $3.60 $1,172 53. $1.172 50 13 Type SP 9.5 Marim Catase Mixture 3.0 525 TON $67.01 $35.18025 S74.O0 $38.850. $64wOO S33600. 14 T SP 125 Non War Course Mixhrre MCI 875 TON 563.42 $55.492.50 $70.00 561,250. $61.aD $53.375. 16 Retainin Well 400 SF $45.30 $18.120.00 $28.00 $114200.00 $45.00 $18.000. 00 16 Concete Curb B Gutter Design BSIB 1,670 LF $11.71 $18.384.70 In 2Be $19.7azoo $15.00 $23.550. 17 7' Concrete VaINY Gutter 172 BY $66.15 $11377.80 $71.00 $12 12 $61.00 $10492 18 4' BiUrni.ous Curb 435 LF $3.64 $1,583. $4.00 $1.740. $4.00 $1,740. 19 Traffic Conbci 1 LS $787 $787.50 $3,150.00 $3150. $1000. I.ODD.00 20 Si Panel, Type C 61 SF $5250 $3.20750 $57.00 $3.477.00 $50.00 $3.050. 2/ BIII Ferx:e,T MS 1.493 LF $2.42 53,613.06 $2.90 $4329.70 $250 $3.732 50 22 Storm Drain lnletPraN b.. 8 EACH $150. 57.200. 5162.00 51 $150.00 $1.200. 00 23 1SWbili.d Construction EAd 1 LS $1.323.00 $1.323wOd $1.570.00 $1.570.00 $900.00 24 Tud Establisianant 1 LS $11,130. $11.130. $10.400.00 $10.40ODD $4600.00 $4.600. 25 Erosbn Control Blanket - cat 2 150 SY $1.26 $189. $1.60 $225. $1.25 $IaT 25 Pavement Messa a 4 EACH $78.75 $315000 $12D.00 $480.00 $76.00 $300.00 27 4' Double Solid Line Yellow - Paint 800 LF $0.04 5672. $1.30 $1,040. $1. $BDO. 00 28 4' Sofid Line White -Paint 1.800 1 LF $0.42 $756. $IAO SI.ADD. SI.BO $1800. Total Bid ScheduleA $263.458.88 $308,74025 $2BI.460.50 at394 bid tab- rabid.1d.BID TABULATION BT - 4 OF 6 BID TABULATION CITY OF OTSEGO Quaday Avenue NE Improvement Project Bid Schedule "B" -Storm Sewer Northdals Cansnucdon Veit a Co. Gelsgngerand Sons ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNITPRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 29 18' RC Flared End SecSon i EACH $625.70 $625.70 $1 493.t10 51.493. 4550. $550. 00 30 15' RC Mica Sewer De ` n 3006 CL V at de 655 LF $34.44 $22558. $34.00 $27270. $45.00 $29.475. 31 18'RC PiW Sewer Design 3OD6 CLV all de 399 LF $36.91 $14727.09 $37.00 $14.763.00 $46.00 $18.354. 32 4' Insulation 4 Sy $56.63 $226.52 $68.00 SZ7200 $30.00 5120.00 33 Constr iDmi- Stnchns Dee n7X 3' 3 EACH $1.801.88 $5,405.64 $2.030.00 $6,090. $2000.00 $6,000 34 Construct Drains Stmcture Desi n48d020 4 EACH 52,043.75 $8.176 $2,675.00 $10,700. $2,200. $8.800. 35 Construct Drains eSuucWre D. n60-402D 1 EACH $3.042.50 $3,04 $3765.00 $376i 3000. $3.000, 36 Mculated InteducIdng Block Open Call,T A 8 SV $IW.63 $1045-04 $130.00 $1,040. $125. S1A00. Total Bid Schedule B 555,805.69 $60.393.00 W.- Old Schedule "C" - Watermaln Northdale Cons"cdon Veit a Co. Geislingerand Sons REM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNITPRICE EXTENSION UNITPRICE EXTENSION 37 Connect To EA.S.q e' Watermain 2 EA $1 37625 S2752 S1,150.00 SZ300.00 5500.00 SI.DOO. 00 3B S.N.And Reinstall H ran 6' Pip, And S' Gate V.Im i EA $2,395.00 $2.395. S3,300.I70 $3,300. E21600.00 $2,50D. 39 Hydrant 3 EA $5,340.73 $16,022.1 $6.400.W $19,200. 55,ODO.aO $15.000. 40 8' Watemwin Ductile Ilan C152 1.040 LF $48.47 550408.80 341DO $42,640. $50.00 $52.000. 41 S' Wau nnain Ductile Imn Cl 52 332 LF $44.91 $14,910-12 S34.00 $11.28a S4S00 575,936. 42 8' Data V.1- And Sox 4 EA S2,059.20 $8.2W.80 $2190.00 $8,760. SZ500.00 510,tX%1. 43 6' Gale Valve And Boz 4 1 EA Si 5T7.60 $6,310.40 $6,628. $7 We 00 SB 000. 44 Wa[ermain Rt8n 1.520 LBS 34.44 E6,748. 56.00 59,720. 35.00 S7,fi00. Tota 18 Id Sc hedule C SID7784.61 5103,236.00 5112,036.00 Bid Schedule "D"-Sanita Sewer Northdale Construcdar Veit a Co. GelslhigerandSons ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNITPRICE EXTENSION UNITPRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 45 ConnactTo Existing Sanit Sewer 2 EA $1.769.35 $3.5383 $743.00 SIAB6.00 $500,00 $1,000. 00 46 Castoo Assembly 1 EACH 3978AS $978.88 SSRUMOD $890.00 $75D. $750. 00 47 am PVC Piw Santa Sauter SDR 35 330 LF $31- $10.305.90 321.00 $E930.00 S50.nO $16,500. 48 8'PVC Plus Sands Se- SDR 35 843 LF 540. 533.779.01 S- 519,389. 161.00 551.423. 49 Standard 48' Oiametar Sanity Sewer Manhole 3 EA li.775.9007 38327.7 53,500. 510,500. 355.00 E765.00 Total Bid Schedule D $56930.19 $39.195.00 369,838.00 ot394 bid tab - rabidxlsBID TABULATION BT- 5 OF 6 BID TABULATION CITY OF OTSEGO Quaday Avenue NE Improvement Project Altemate Bid 1 -Sidewalk and Trail Northdale Construction Veit 6Co. Gelelinge/and Sons ITEM NO. REM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 1 Common Ex— n (PI 324 CY $17.18 $5,566.32 510.00 $3.240.00 $8,00 $2.592 2 SalVagedTo Fram Sto lle . -328 CY $2. -$852. $3. -$1,148. $5.00 -$1,640.00 3 Agiusnate, Base Class 5 Mod ` 350 TON $21.37 $7.479.50 $23.00 $8,050.00 $18.00 $6.300. 4 Type SP 125 Wearing Cause Mixture 2,B rail 160 TON $57.84 $9,254.40 $64.00 $10,240. $5520 $8632 5 Truncated Domes 120 SF $47.25 $5.670.00 $51.00 $6.120.00 $40.00 $4,800. 00 6 4' Concrete Sidewalk 645 BY $47.80 $30.831.00 $41.00 $26,445. $36.00 $23220. 00 7 3W'Cmsawalk Blocks VAfda - Paint 126 SF $2.94 $370.44 $4.50 $567aOC 53.1)0 $378. Od B IIr Solid Line Mite - Paint 332 LF $2.94 $976.08 $4. $1.494.W $3.00 $996A0 Total Alternate Bid i $59,294.94 $55.008.00 545,478.00 SUMMARY OF BIDDING: Total Bid Schedule through D Alternate Bid 1 -Sidewalk and Trail Base Bld+Altemate Error In Cakulation. o094 bid tab - rebid.xlsBID TABULATION BT - 6 OF 6 Northdate Construction Veil d Co. GelsHngerand Sons $483.979.37 $511.564.25 $530.633.50 $59.294.94 $55,OD8.00 $45.478.00 $543.274.31 $566.57225 $576,111-50 RESOLUTION NO. 2016-57 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the construction of City of Otsego Project No. 16-02, Quaday Avenue NE Improvements bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Total Base Bid 1. Douglas Kerr Underground, Inc. $426,253.34 2. Matt Bullock Contracting, Inc. $460,051.75 3. Burschville Construction, Inc. $482,471.20 4. Northdale Construction, Inc. $483,979.37 5. Veit & Co., Inc. $511,564.25 6. Geislinger and Sons, Inc. $530,633.50 AND WHEREAS, it appears that Douglas Kerr Underground, Inc. of Mora, Minnesota is the lowest responsible bidder, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO MINNESOTA: 1. The mayor and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Douglas Kerr Underground, Inc. of Mora, Minnesota in the name of the City of Otsego for the Quaday Avenue NE, Improvement Project No 16-02, according to the plans and specifications therefore approved by the city council and on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the bid bond made with their bids, except that the bid bond of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. Adopted by the city council this 13th day of June, 2016. Motioned By: Seconded By: All in Favor: Those Opposed: Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, Clerk ENGINEER'S COST ESTIMATE City of Otsego QUADAY AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS Rid Srharhila "A" - Straetc R. Trail Item No. Spec. Ref Description Unit Estimated Quantity Unit Price Total Estimated Extension 1 2021.501 Mobilization LS 1 $15,000.00 $15,000 2 2101.511 Clearing and Grubbing LS 1 $2,000.00 $2,000 3 2104.501 Remove Curb & Gutter LF 106 $3.00 $318 4 2104.513 Sawing Bit Pavement Full Depth) LF 136 $4.00 $544 5 2104.505 Bituminous Pavement Removal SY 225 $3.50 $788 6 2105.501 Common Excavation P CY 2608 $4.50 $11,736 7 2105.507 Subgrade Correction EV CY 900 $6.00 $5,400 8 2105.523 Common Borrow LV CY 1296 $4.50 $5,832 9 2105.535 Salva ed Topsoil From Stockpile LV CY 862 $3.50 $3,017 10 2211.501 Aggregate Base Class 5 Mod TON 2251 $13.00 $29,263 11 2232.501 Mill Bituminous Surface 1.5" SY 17 $6.00 $102 12 2357.502 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat GAL 326 $3.00 $978 13 2360.501 Type SP 9.5 Wearing Course Mixture 3,C TON 525 $68.00 $35,700 14 2360.502 Type SP 12.5 Non Wear Course Mixture 3,C TON 875 $65.00 $56,875 15 2411.618 Retaining Wall SF 400 $25.00 $10,000 16 2531.501 Concrete Curb & Gutter Design B618 LF 1570 $14.00 $21,980 17 2531.604 7" Concrete Valley Gutter SY 172 $75.00 $12,900 18 2535.501 4" Bituminous Curb LF 435 $5.00 $2,175 19 2563.601 Traffic Control LS 1 $1,500.00 $1,500 20 2564.531 Si n Panels, Type C SF 61.25 $32.00 $1,960 21 2573.502 Silt Fence, Type MS LF 1493 $2.00 $2,986 22 2573.530 Storm Drain Inlet Protection EACH 8 $75.00 $600 23 2573.535 Stabilized Construction Exit LS 1 $2,000.00 $2,000 24 2575.555 Turf Establishment LS 1 $2,500.00 $2,500 25 2575.523 Erosion Control Blanket - Category 2 SY 83 $2.50 $208 26 2582.502 Pavement Message EACH 4 $75.00 $300 27 2582.502 4" Double Solid Line Yellow - Paint LF 800 $0.20 $160 28 2582.502 4" Solid Line White - Paint LF 1800 1 $0.10 $180 Total - Bid Schedule "A" RM Srharhda "R" - Storm SP_WP_r $227,002.00 y29vV 2503.541 18" RC Flared End Section EACH 1 $1,250.00 $1,250 30 2503.541 15" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V all depths) LF 655 $38.00 $24,890 31 2503.541 18" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V all depths) LF 399 $41.00 $16,359 32 2503.604 4" Insulation SY 3.5 $32.00 $112 33 2506.501 Construct Drainage Structure Design 2' X 3' EACH 3 $7,200.00 $21,600 34 2506.501 Construct Drainage Structure Design 48-4020 EACH 4 $10,000.00 $40,000 35 2506.501 Construct Drainage Structure Design 60 4020 EACH 1 $20,000.00 $20,000 36 1 2515.503 lArticulated Interlocking Block Open Cell, Type A SY 1 7.8 $115.00 $897 Total - Bid Schedule "B" �P' Au,110 S:NAunicipalWOTSEGO\394\DESIGN\ot394 EngEst (4-18-16).x1sx Page 1 of 2 ENGINEER'S COST ESTIMATE City of Otsego QUADAY AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS Item Estimated Total Estimated No. Spec. Ref Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Extension Bid Schedule "C" - Watermain 37 2611 Connect To Existing 8" Watermain EA 1 $1,500.00 $1,500 38 2611 Salvage And Reinstall Hydrant, 6" Pipe And 6" Gate Valve EA 1 $3,000.00 $3,000 39 2611 Hydrant EA 3 $4,800.00 $14,400 40 2611 8" Watermain Ductile Iron Cl 52 LF 1040 $50.00 $52,000 41 2611 6" Watermain Ductile Iron Cl 52 LF 332 $30.00 $9,960 42 2611 8" Butterfly Valve And Box EA 4 $3,500.00 $14,000 43 1 2611 6" Gate Valve And Box EA 4 $2,100.00 $8,400 44 1 2611 lWatermain Fittings LBS 1520 $4.50 $6,840 Total - Bid Schedule "C" Rid Schedule " n,, - Sanitary Sewer -0-I'I u,-1 uu 45 2621 Connect To Existing Sanitary Sewer EA 1 $1,000.00 $1,000 46 2506.522 Casting Assembly EA 1 $1,500.00 $1,500 47 2621 6" PVC Pipe Sanitary Sewer SDR 35 LF 330 $25.00 $8,250 48 2621 8" PVC Pipe Sanitary Sewer SDR 35 LF 843 $30.00 $25,290 49 2621 Standard 48" Diameter Sanitary Sewer Manhole EA 3 $3,500.00 $10,500 Total - Bid Schedule "D" Alternate Rid 1 - Trail and Sidewalk qp4m,w4u 1 2105.501 Common Excavation P Cy 324 $4.50 $1,458 2 2105.535 Salvaged Topsoil From Stockpile LV Cy -328 $3.50 -$1,148 3 2211.501 Aggregate Base Class 5 Mod TON 350 $13.00 $4,550 4 2360.501 Type SP 12.5 Wearing Course Mixture 2,6 Trail TON 160 $90.00 $14,400 5 2531.618 Truncated Domes SF 120 $55.00 $6,600 6 2531.507 4" Concrete Sidewalk SY 645 $45.00 $29,025 7 2582.502 3'x6' Crosswalk Blocks White - Paint SF 126 $1.50 $189 8 2582.502 12" Solid Line White - Paint LF 332 $0.30 $100 Total - Alternate Bid 1 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS TOTAL WALT BID 1 4)55,-1 / 4 Total - Bid Schedule "A" - Streets & Trail $227,002 Total - Bid Schedule "B" - Storm Sewer $125,108 STREET CONSTRUCTION Cost 352,110 110 % of Construction Costs $387,321 Total - Bid Schedule "C" - Watermain $110,100 Total - Bid Schedule "D" - Sanitary Sewer $46,540 UTILITY CONSTRUCTION Cost 156,640 110 % of Construction Costs $172,304 $559,625.00 Total - Alternate Bid 1 $55,174 TRAIL CONSTRUCTION Cost $55,174 110 % of Construction Costs $60,691 $620,316.00 S:\M unicipaMOTSEGM394MDESIGN\ot394 Eng Est (4-18-16).xlsx Page 2 of 2