ITEM 5.2Request for otS2g'OCITY OF City Council Action Ili I N N E S OTA AGENDA ITEM DETAILS .. ........ RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends, approval Resolution 12-83 accepting the Feasibility Report and setting a publit hearing forthe LaBelaux Avenue Street Improvement Project, ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL, OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED,? No Yes BACKGROUND/jUSTIFICATION: LaBeaux Avenue between 75 th St and 80th St is a gravel street that has had severe frost boils and soft areas during spring months over recent years to the point where access to and from homes has been an issue. City Council authorized the preparation of a Feasibility Study to determine what needs to be completed to remedy the issues, determine a cost estimate and allocate costs. A public hearing to present the study to, the residents and possibly, continue toward a project with the potential for 101h assessments in MN accordance with State Statue 429 is requested to be set for February at 7:00 pm at Prairie Center —Council Chambers, 88,99 Nashua Avenue. SUPPORTING, DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED, NONE List: Resolution 12-83 Feasibility Report Motion-, Motion to approve Resolution 12-83 accepting the Feasibility Report and setting a Public Hearing for 1 discussion ofLaBeaux Avenue Street Improvement Project on February 10th at 7:00 pm at Prairie Center Council Chambers, 8899 Nashua Ave. -41OUDGET INFORMATION JNDIN G: BUDGETED. o YES a NO kCTION TAKEN A P PROVE 0 AS R EQ U ESTED o DENIED TABLED o OTHER (List changes) )MMENTS- WHEREAS,, pursuant to a resolution of the councIl adopted March 12, 20:12, a report has been prepared by Hakanson Anderson, Associates, Inc. with reference to the th5 oth improvement of La,Beaux Avenue from 7Street to 8 Street and this report was received by the council on December I Othl; 2012; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: The council will consider the making of such improvement in accordanc with the report and the assessment of benefiting property for all or a portion of the co of the; improvement pursuant to M�innesota Statutes Chapter 429; with the estimated tot� cost of the improvement being $196,224. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the I lt day of February, 2013 in the council chambers of the city hall at 7:00 p.m. and the; cler shall glive mailed and published notice of such hearing and 'improvement as required bi, 1 oth Adopted bythe council this ' day of December, 201 Jessica Stockamp, Mayor T'ami Loff j, Clerk FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR PROPOSED STREET RECONSTRUCTION LABEAUX AVENUE — 75 TH STREET TO 80TH STREET NEMM� % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It r1i kti 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 Telephone: 763-427-5861 I hereby certify that this plan, specificafion oir report was prepared by me or under my a State of direct supervision and that I am dul'y Licensed Professional Engineer undei Minnesota Statutes Sections 326.02 to 326.16. Ronald J. W;90',�/& 26052 12/6/2012, Reg. No. Date TITLE SHEET 1--A,BLE OF COUTEUT%'s. I. INTRODUCTION ............................................ .............. 4 ............................. I II. PROPOSED PROjECT ............................................................ : .................... 1 111. INITIATION ............................................................. i.. i.... . ............................ 2 IV. FEASIBILITY .............. i i m.. o ............................................................................... 2 V. RIGHT—OF—WAY / EASEMENTS.......... ...................................... 4.2 VI. PERMITS ...................................................... o ............................................. 2 V11. COM P LETIO N. m. o,.. m o ...................................................................................... 2 VI 11. PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE ...... ........... .................................... 3 IX. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST.. ................................................................ 3 X. PROPOSED FUNDING ............................................................ ..................... 4 Xt ESTIMATED, ASSESSMENT .............................................. ..................... 5 X11. CONCLUSION AND MAN11141"Olffl-, LOCATION MAP 1 ................................................... ................................................ A RURAL SECTION ................................................... ........... o ...................................... B PROPOSED ALIGNMENT* 1 0 1 A, I a, 9 0 1 0 0 ol 0 1 a 2 0 0 1 a I I A N 0 a a, m 0 1 m m I I I 1 0 11 1 1 1 F a t 1 0 9 z I A, 0 m 1 9 1 1 a a 1 0 1 0 m v T v I I I c BENEFITING PROPERTIES ............. F ............................. o .......................................... D P I ROPOSED STREET RECONSTRUCTION LABEALIX AVENUE — 75TH STREET TO 80TH STREET CITY OF OTSEGO, MN AI W do OW 40e 1W W AP ok 4P INO do 4P 0 no I I M 704 is ILTERVAPIG71 Mgt The proposed street improvement prorin(;t consists of additional reconstruction of th i LaBeaux Avenue, from 75 Street NE to 8u Street NE. Additional improvement work includes removal of old driveway and street culverts and regrading of di tcn and placement of new culverts and storm sewer. The proposed street typical section 'is, 'in general conformance with Gity Street Standards. Surface water within the project area will be conveyed to Otsego Creek through a combinat"ion of' driveway culverts, and ditches. The feasibillity report was initiated by the City Council due to, issues re( garding -,Aunoff, frost boils, wash boarding and dust. BEENUMM", 'M From an engineering standpoint) the project is feasible, and will benefit the property being served. It can be accomplished as proposed, and, need not be constructed in conjunction with any other project. The City and the persons assessed 0 should, review the project for benefit to determine the economic feasibility of the p roposed improvements. Ill iiiiiii 11 k The existing streets and proposed street upgrades are located within the existing 1 40 foot wide rightlillilliof4ay. If additional utility and drainage easements are required based on the final design, these permanent and temporary easements will need to be 2 1 provided to the City of Otsego. Illpiq r Mue UMM This project is proposed to be completed during the 20,13 construction season. t) &.T,1141111101 The preliminary project schedule for the street improvements for LaBeaux Avenue: Table I City of Otsego La,Beaux Avenue relimiriary Project Schedulq 20:12, 2013 1 its Council Receives Feasibility Report December 10 and Schedules Public Hearing 2. City Council Holds Public Hearing February 11 3. its Council Orders Project and Authorizes Engineer to Prepare Plans February 25 and Specifications 4. Engineer, Submits Plans for City Council Approval and Receives Authorization to March 25 Advertise for bid 5. it Council Receives Bid and Awards, May 13 Contract 6. Contractor Begins Construction June 7., Contractor Completes Construction August 8. Assessment Hearing September Included in this report is a detailed estimate of construction costs or the street improvements. The costs quoted herein are estimates only and are not guaranteed prices. - i - ne quantities are, estimates also. The contractor Will be paid only for work completed. The cost estimates are based on previous projects costs. -oposed typical On the following page are the cost estimate tables for both pi sections, Table 1. estimates the cost for the paved rural section. K Table 11 City of Otsego LaBeaux Avenue NE Total - Bid Schedule 'IN" Bid Scheftle "UF - Storm Sewer ----- ----- Description Estimated Quant#y Unit Price $1269900 Estimated Unit Price Common Excavation (P) Topsoil T6 Stoq�pile,(M� Muck r: r' (EV) Sa lvag e To p s oi I Fro m Sto ckpi I e (LV) Select Borrow (P) Seeding - Tvite Ditch W�pte Base (100% Crushed) M7yM LV3 Non-Maxing_ppurse MAure (B) $1,25 Com m ercial Fe r-filize r, 10-10-10 M,Mulch Material Bitum i nous Material For Tack, Coat M'1 M'Iclass 2 Aggregate Shouldering ='Traffic Control iRightofWay off ='Salvage and ReMstaij StreetSWn $100-00 Total - Bid Schedule 'IN" Bid Scheftle "UF - Storm Sewer $1269900 Estimated Unit Price Common Excavation (P) Topsoil T6 Stoq�pile,(M� Sa lvag e To p s oi I Fro m Sto ckpi I e (LV) Seeding - Tvite Ditch $1,25 Com m ercial Fe r-filize r, 10-10-10 M,Mulch Material M'1 8" CMP Culvert, �18"CMPApron off . ....... .... 15"' CMP 4ron $100-00 Total - Bid Schedule "B" $36,620 Total - Bid Schedules "A" & IF B11 $163,520 Overhead & Contingency (20%) $32,704 Total ProjeGt COSI $196,224 Preliminary Cost Estimate R,ura,l Section X. PROPOSED FUNDING , Maitle �411 gram! dip . .. ... .... .. No W Table III Benefiting Propertv Assessment Sui�nmary LaBeaux,Avenue — 75th Street NE to 80t� Street NE Rural Secti ! on The assessment portion of the project would be approximately 39% of the total project costs depending on the final typical section. A Proposed Property Owner PROPERTY ADDRESS Assessed Amount Ahrens Family 2008 Rev Tmst .. ........ I .. ..... . .. 7976 LABEAUX AVE NE, OTSEGO MN 55301 $4,758.75 GaVord & Barbara Ahrens Trtee Jeanne M Hackenmueller 118-112-0 0 102,01 7962 LABEAUX AVE NE, OTSEGO MN 55301 Karen M Brown 7932 LABEAUX AVE NE, OTSEGO MIN 65301,, Sueann Nelson 118-112-001040 7900 LABEAUX AVE N;E, OTSEGO MN 553011 $4,758.75 B Han L Beaudry 118-112-001050 7876 LABEAUX AVE NE, OTSEGO MN 55301 Gary E & Kathryn G Wurzinger, 118-112-001060 7846 LABEAUX AVE NE, OTSEGO MN 55301 Richard D & Susan K Levassieuf 7818 LABEAUX AVE NE, OTSEGO MN 55301 ............... . . . . . . ......... . . ..... . . .... . . .......... Gwendo" M, Lapp 7780 LABEAUX AVE NE, OTSEGO MN 55301 Jacob M Saari 7708 LABEAUX, AVE NE, OTSEGO MN 55301 Glenn & Margaret Undeffelser 118-112-001100, 7706 LABEAUX AVE NE, OTSEGO MN 55301 Bryce Skappel . ....... . . 118-112-002 0101 7676 LABEAUX AVE NE, OTSEGO MIN 55301 Kenneth Levassew 118-5112-002 020 11 ....... . . ..... 7634 LAB EAUX AVE NE, OTSEGO MN 55 -301 Donald Torgerson & Stephanie G . . 1 1� 8-,112-0 02 030 7614 LAB EAUX AVE NE, OTSEGO MN 55 301 .. . . ......... . ......... _ ------ . . . ..... . ... . ... Kurt A & Resa D Lehman 11; 85-112002040 7582 LABEAUX AVE NE, OTSEGO MN 55301 $4,758.75 Edc G Tbels . . .... . . . ... . ........ . ... . 118-112-00205 0 7542 LABEAUX AVE NE, OTSEGO MN 55301 B rad ley & C a rol Fe mholz 118-112-002060 7614 LABEAUX AVE NE, OT, SEGO MN 55301 TOTAL $76s!40 A This report analyzed the feasibility of reconstruction of LaBeaux Avenue, from 7 th oth 5 Street NE to 8 Street NE. The improvement is technically feasible as described in this report. a The project would be funded by assessing the benefiting properties as well a receiving funds from the Otsego Creek Fund and the City of Otsego., We recornmen� this report be forwarded to the petitioners of this project for their consideration. A