ITEM 7.3B Fund Transfer0 OtCI�ezoF MINNESOTA CDO DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Administration Adam Flaherty, Finance Director June 13, 2016 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Adam Flaherty, Finance Director City Administrator Johnson 7.3 (B) AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by staff that the City Council approve the transfer of funds from the General Fund in accordance with the Citv's fund balance ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No I No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The City adopted a Fund Balance Policy in April 2011. Within said policy, Section 03.03.07, Paragraph "C" establishes the minimum fund balance for the City's General Fund as 45% of the subsequent year expenditure budget. The policy also outlines the procedures when the actual fund balance exceeds the defined minimum. In the instance where fund balance exceeds the 45% level, the excess will be transferred to the Revolving Capital Improvements fund with the City Council reviewing the future use of said funds. The City Council and staff reviewed this transfer as part of the 2017 budget discussion at the May 9, 2016 special meeting. The discussion revolved around transferring the excess funds for the 2015 year- end to the Capital Equipment Revolving Fund. This was the result of information presented by the Finance Director illustrating that the Capital Equipment Revolving fund is projecting future deficits. The Finance Director has reviewed the cash flow projections for the Revolving Capital Improvements fund. The determination is that the current cash balance exceeds identified expenditures within the Capital Improvement Plan as well as a handful of other potential expenditures of which currently have no identified funding source. A cash flow summary illustrating this review is attached. With current funding levels and expenditures identified in the Capital Improvement Plan, the Equipment Revolving Fund will experience a cash deficit by the end of 2017. At this time, there are no other viable funding sources for the expenditures within this fund other than property taxes, which is the current source. The transferred funds would provide the fund with sufficient cash flows (under current projections) through 2018. This would allow the City Council more time to determine a longer -term approach for the City's vehicle and equipment needs. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ATTACHED NONE • Fund Balance Policy • Calculation of Proposed Transfer • Cash Flow Summary — Revolving Capital Improvements Fund • Cash Flow Summary —Capital Equipment Revolving Fund (Current) • Cash FlowSummary—Capital Equipment Revolving Fund (With Transfer) pnGSIRI F MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. -Motion to approve the transfer of $460,212 from the General Fund to the Capital Equipment Revolving Fund to be reported in the 2016 financial statements. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: n/a n/a POLICY 03.03 t r FUND BALANCE POLICY Section 03.03.01 Purpose and Intent 03.03.02 Classification 03.03.03 Committing Fund Balance 03,03.04 Assigning Fund Balance 03.03.05 Unassigned Fund Balance 03.03.06 Order of Resource Use 03,03.07 Appropriate Fund Balance Levels SECTION 03.03,01: PURPOSE AND INTENT: A, The implementation of Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) No. 54 is effective for local units of government for the financial reporting year ended December 31, 2011. GASB Statement No. 54 is titled, "Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions" and creates new classifications for reporting the components of fund balance. B. Fund balance needs only to be classified in these categories for external financial reporting purposes. However, in order to capture the information necessary for these classifications, both the City Council and City staff will have significant roles in the classification of the unrestricted fund balance components. C. To affect the reporting of the various components of fund balance will also require input from the City Council and City staff and in many ways will facilitate and document the continuation of long range planning for the City. SECTON 03.03.02: CLASSIFICATON: A. With the 2011 implementation of GASB 54, the fund balance of the governmental funds will be classified in the year end financial report as follows, expanding the classification from three to five categories: 1, Nonspendable 2. Restricted 3. Unrestricted — committed 4. Unrestricted — assigned 5. Unrestricted — unassigned B. Incorporated by reference with this policy is a table that includes each classification, its definition and some examples to help explain the definition and purpose of each classification. C. Both the nonspendable and restricted fund balance categories result from requirements or restraints that are placed on the City's assets by external factors, whether it is the nature of the asset affecting the ability to expend the resource or externally imposed restrictions of others. Examples of nonspendable fund balance would include inventories, prepaid items, and permanent principal of an endowment fund. Examples of restricted fund balance would include fund balance restricted by statutes, unexpended bond proceeds, debt covenants, taxes dedicated to a specific purpose, etc. D. The unrestricted fund balance has three components and is reported as committed, assigned or unassigned based on the actions of the City Council and/or staff. SECTON 03.03.03: COMMITTNG FUND BALANCE: A. Council resolution, which is the highest level of decision -making authority in the City, will be required to "commit" available fund balance to a specific purpose. B. Once City Council action has been taken, the "committed" funds cannot be used for any other purpose unless the commitment is rescinded by the same type of council action. C. Council resolution will be required prior to the year end but actual amounts committed may be determined following the year end as the final balances are determined. SECTION 03.03.04: ASSIGNING FUND BALANCE: Authority to "assign" available fund balance may be delegated to City staff after year end. Actual amounts may also be determined after year-end. In governmental funds, other than the General Fund, the assignment must follow the intent for the specific purpose of the individual fund. As a result, all remaining fund balances of special revenue, debt service and capital projects funds are classified as assigned. SECTON 03.03.05: UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE: The components of unassigned fund balance will include all remaining fund balances not classified elsewhere. SECTION 03.03.06: ORDER OF RESOURCE USE: As expenditures are incurred, the resources will be applied in the same order as the hierarchy above and the following: A. Restricted funds will be used to finance expenditures prior to the use of any unrestricted funds. B. The unrestricted monies will be applied in the same order as the hierarchy as well with committed funds first applied to the expenditure, then any assigned funds will be applied and lastly the unassigned fund balance will be used to finance the balance of the expenditures. SECTION 03.03.07: APPROPRIATE FUND BALANCE LEVELS: A. The "fund" is the basic accounting entity of the City and the City may have several "funds" depending upon the use for which each has been established. The fund balance represents the available net assets, or assets less the liabilities within each fund of the City. Fund balance requirements of a particular fund may vary significantly based on the purpose of the fund and the resources financing the activities accounted for within the fund. B. The General Fund is the most important fund of the City and accounts for all activities not required to be accounted for in a separate fund. The General Fund, like all other governmental funds, must maintain a minimum fund balance to provide adequate working capital/cash flow so all expenditures will be paid as they come due. The reason the City maintains a fund balance in the General Fund are as follows: For Working Capital/Cash Flow: The expenditure activities of the General Fund are financed primarily by general property taxes and state aids. The general property tax revenues and state aids are received at specific dates during the calendar year. Currently the general property tax settlements, which accounted for 82% of the General Fund revenues in 2011, are received by the City in July and December each year. As the general property taxes are the major revenue source of the General Fund, the fund balance must be sufficient to finance the expenditures for a five to six month period between the property tax settlements. 2. For a Revenue Shortfall: The fund balance in the General Fund should be sufficient to absorb revenue reductions from state sources or other sources as well. While the state aid received by the City is currently less than 5% of the total budgeted expenditures, it is expected the impact of revenue reductions from state sources will have a minimal impact on the budget in any given year. 3. For Unexpected Expenditures: The fund balance of the, General Fund should be sufficient to absorb any unexpected expenditures that would not be financed by other revenue sources of the City. While the scope of these examples would be difficult to quantify, the City must have sufficient fund balance to absorb unanticipated expenditures within the scope of the General Fund. The City also maintains general property and liability insurance to replace losses of City property with only a minimal deductible in the current policies which serves the purpose of reducing the City's exposure to catastrophic events. C. Minimum Fund Balance: General Fund: a. The minimum fund balance requirements of each fund of the City will be evaluated on an individual basis taking into consideration the working capital/cash flow requirements, the ability to absorb a revenue shortfall or unexpected expenditures. b. The General Fund minimum fund balance policy is established based on the current flow of revenues. If or when such revenues flows are changed or the percentage of General Fund revenues derived from general property taxes changes, minimum fund balance requirements may also change. As the level of activity (expenditures) in the General Fund increases, it is expected the minimum fund balance should increase also. The Office of the State Auditor has established a written policy indicating the fund balance should be approximately 35 to 50% of the budgeted expenditures of the subsequent year or no less than five months of the budgeted expenditures. C. The City Council has established the minimum fund balance in the General Fund as forty five (45%) percent of the subsequent years expenditures. If year end fund balance levels exceed the forty five (45%) percent level, the excess fund balance will be transferred to the Revolving Capital Improvements Fund and reported as such in the year end financial statements. The City Council will review the future use of any amounts transferred to the Revolving Capital Improvements Fund and may determine that the monies may be used for any public purpose and may be committed, assigned or remain as unassigned. If the fund balance is reduced below the forty five (45%) level established, the council will determine if the monies necessary to achieve the minimum fund balance will be identified within other funds of the City or a future property tax levy will be increased to finance the deficiency. d. The minimum fund balance policy will be reviewed every year during the annual budget process or more frequently if General Fund financing would change. 2. Other City Funds: The City Council and City staff will review the fund balance requirements of all funds at the conclusion of the annual audit, Recommendations from the auditors and finance department will be presented to the City Council for their -review and approval. ADOPTED APRIL 11, 2011 0 N c 4! 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