ITEM 7.4 Workers Comp4 Otkgo MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Administration Adam Flaherty, Finance Director June 13, 2016 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Adam Flaherty, Finance Director City Administrator Johnson 7.4 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by staff that the City Council approve the renewal of the City's workers compensation coverage for July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? No IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No BACKGROUNDMUSTIFICATION: The City obtains workers compensation insurance coverage through the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT). The coverage period for the renewal runs from July 1, 2016 —June 30, 2017. LMCIT provides a quotation for a "deposit premium" based on payroll information provided by City staff, which for this renewal period was based off of preliminary 2017 budgeted personnel costs. This deposit premium serves as the City's cost until the LMCIT conducts a final coverage period audit, typically 6 -12 months following the end of a coverage period, which determines whether there is a refund to the City or a final premium payment due. The premiums are partially based off of actual claim experience in the 3 oldest coverage periods out of the 4 most recent coverage periods. This means the 2016-17 premiums are based on 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15 actual claim experiences (aka Experience Modification). The quoted premium for 2016-2017 is $58,250. This is a 64% increase from the 2015-2016 quoted premium of $35,378. The reason for the increase is that the City's Experience Modification went from 0.73 in 2015-16 to 1.00 in 2016-17. This was the result of a significant claim to the policy in 2014-15. LMCIT offers three premium options: 1) Regular Premium; 2) Deductible Premium; 3) Retrospective Rates Premium. The City has historically chosen the Regular Premium, which can only change based on actual payroll numbers during their final audit, and actual claims will have no effect. Both of the other available options provide for cheaper premiums if the City has good claim experience in the given period, but also has the possibility for paying higher premiums if the City has significant claims. These options can be found on the attached LMCIT quote. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ATTACHED NONE • LMCIT Notice of Premium Options for 2016-17 POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. -Motion to authorize the Finance Director to accept the coverage offered from LMCIT with the regular premium option for 2016-2017 coverage period. R1 inr,FT INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: Each Respective Fund and/or Department Yes XXX-XXXXX-150 League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust Group Self -Insured Workers' Compensation Plan 145 University Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55103-2044 Phone (651)215-4173 Notice of Premium Options for Standard Premiums of $50,0004100,000 OTSEGO, CITY OF 13400 90TH ST NE OTSEGO MN 55330-7259 Agreement No.: 0200087525 Agreement Period: From: 7/01/2016 To: 7/01/2017 Enclosed is a quotation for workers' compensation deposit premium. Note: Renewal Coverage will be bound as per the expiring coverage arrangement, including coverage for elected and appointed officials, with the premium indicated on the quote, unless the member or agent sends a written request not to bind renewal coverage. ESTIMATED DEPOSIT PAYROLL DESCRIPTION CODE RATE PAYROLL PREMIUM SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE FOR DETAILS Manual Premium Experience Modification 1.00 Standard Premium Deductible Credit 0% Premium Discount Net Deposit Premium OPTIONS 63840. 5590. 58250. Please indicate below the premium option you wish to select. You may choose only one option and you cannot change options during the agreement period. 1. Regular Premium Option NET DEPOSIT PREMIUM 58250. LM4514 (3/02)(Rev.1/16) The "City" OTSEGO, CITY OF 13400 90TH ST NE OTSEGO REMUNERATION 357866, 48922. 222549, 61048. 636223. 12000. 221S42. 13850. 18200. League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust Group Self -Insured Workers' Compensation Plan 145 University Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55103-2044 (651)215-4173 Agreement No.: 0200087525 Agreement Period From: 7/01/2016 To: 7/01/2017 MN 55330-7259 CONTINUATION SCHEDULE FOR QUOTATION PAGE RATE CODE DESCRIPTION 9.20 5506 STREET CONSTRUCTION 4.21 7520 WATERWORKS 4.66 7580 SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT 3.69 8227 CITY SHOP & YARD .69 8810 CLERICAL OFFICE EMPLOYEES NOC 4.98 9015 BUILDINGS-OPER BY OWNER 5.01 9102 PARKS .52 9410 MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES .40 9411 ELECTED OR APPOINTED OFFICIALS Manual Premium Agent: 411592207 00512: LIBERTY INSURANCE AGENCY 818 2ND ST S STE 120 PO BOX 397 WAITE PARK MN 56387-0397 EST. PREM 32924. 2060, 10371. 2253. 4390. 598. 11099. 72. 73. 63840. 6/01/2016 LM4680 (8/99) 2. Deductible Premium Option Deductible options are available in return for a premium credit applied to your estimated standard premium of $ 63840. The deductible will apply per occurrence to paid medical costs only. There is no aggregate limit. Deductible Premium Credit Net Deposit per Occurrence Credit Amount Premium $250 1.006 638. 57612. $500 1.906 1213. 57037. $1,000 3.20% 2043. 56207. $2,500 5.50% 3511. 54739. $5,000 8.50% 5426. 52824. $10,000 12.00% 7661. 50589. $25,000 18.50% 11810. 46440. $50,000 25.00% 15960. 42290. 3. Retrospective Rates Premium Option Retro-Rated Est.Minimum Retro-Rated Est.Maximum Minimum Factor Premium Maximum Factor Premium .567% 36197. 1.300% 82992. .528% 33708. 1.500% 95760. .454% 28983. 2.000% 127680. This quotation is for a deposit premium based on your estimate of payroll and selected options. Your final actual premium will be computed after an audit of payroll subsequent to the close of your agreement year and will be subject to revisions in rates, payrolls and experience modification. While you are a member of the LMCIT workers' Compensation Plan, you will be eligible to participate in dividend distributions from the Trust based upon claims experience and earnings of the Trust. If you desire the coverage offered above, please return this signed document for the option you have selected. This quotation should be signed by an authorized representative of the city requesting coverage. Signature Title Date LM4513 (3/02)(Rev.01/15)