ITEM 6.2Request for Ot. C1 fgoTY OF City Council Action MINNESOTA AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: recommend the Cit} Council approve the 2013 Capital Improvement Plan iP . ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL of A CONTRACT? I ISA PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No I No 13ACKG R UNDIJUSTIF[CATI N: The City approved its first formal Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for the year 2012. The CIP is updated annually to include new projects and equipment purchases along with the review of those that were previously planned. The CIP process provides ars annual review ofchanges and additions to the previous gear's plan. The Capital Improvement ent Plan includes the proposed projects or equipment purchases, with an estimated cost of more than $7,500, for the fire year period, 2013-2017. Each project in the CIP document includes a description of the project or equipment, the year anticipated, the estimated cost and proposed source of financing. The City Council and staff reviewed the 2013 - 2017 CIP at a special City Council meeting on October 22 and the final revisions to the CIP were reviewed at a special meeting on November 26. Even with the approval of the CIP, each project or equipment purchase for 2013 will be reviewed by the appropriate council subcommittee and will require council approval. The 2013 CIP is complete and approval is requested. SUPPORTING TII DOCUMENTS: XATTACHED Q NONE o Sum ary oage. POSSIBLE MOTION ...,......._.._....._...._._...._..._..�.................... I ............. _..._.....----......._.._,....._.....---'--..._...._..._._... ,.,..... ...... .. ...._...._.. ..... ... .. ...... ......... ......... .... , .. Please word motion as your would like It to appear In the r 1nutes. Motion to approve the 2013 Capital Improvement Plan. BUDGET" INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: YES A u ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED o TABLED o OTHER List charges) COMMENTS: City of Otsego, Minnesota Capital Improvement Plan 2013 aiz1, Zai FUNDING SOURCE SUMMARY Soul -cc 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total 201 Pavement Management Fund 610,000 397,000 411,000 276,000 500,000 2,202,000 202 Trail Management Fund 35,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 135,000 203 Park Development 60,000 640,000 2,120,866 2,828,866 205 Park Capital Eqpt Fund 15,000 219,250 234,250 206 Capital Eqpt l evolVing Fund 190,330 580,000 364,500 275,000 236,000 1,645,830 203 Community Facitifies Fund 420,000 524,700 944,700 209 Street l econ twtion Fuad 05,000 146,000 446,000 677,000 214 Fire Capital Rmrve 2,050,000 21350,000 220 Stormwater - Out of District 57,766 12,765 22,766 22,765 22,765 138,825 222 Stormwater UfiliV Fund 71,225 70,860 70,410 69,870 69,330 351,695 403 Collector Street Fund 150,000 150,000 403 Otsego Cfeek Watershed 61,000 75,000 136,000 414 Revolving Capital Impar 520,325 187,000 35,000 742,325 441 Otsego Municipal Bldg Fund 500,000 500,000 601 Water Fond 343,125 336,430 10,205 593935 274,666 11028,360 602 Sevier Fund 174,225 35,860 89,410 34,870 128,330 462,695 smme is 115,000 156,000 1,250,000 11521*000 Federal Grants 8.00,000 800,000 IDSA State Aid 200,000 1,560,000 400,000 2,150,000 Other Aids/Grants 83,517 83,517 Other local Sources 7,000 7,000 Proceeds of Long Terra Debt - Tac Lever 1,250,000 fs2501000 Unfunded 136,000 1,900,000 2,035,000 GRAND TOTAL 3,667,995 4,970,615 61433,290 31143,440 4,133,723 22j374,063 71mrsd y, c nib i' 06, 2012 City of Otsego, Minnesota Capital Improvement Plan 2013 thl-L, 2017 PROJECTS BY YEAR Project Name Departmeiit Project # Priority Project Cost 2013 City Carpus Signs Administration ADM -13-001 rrla 24,000 Prairie Center Remodeling City Facilities FAC -12,002 n/a 3260,000 Dernolitlon of Old Town Hall City F cilittos FAC -12-009 n/a 30,000 Public Woks Fence & Trash Enclosure City FaGcilitte FAC -13-001 n/a 25,500 2004 G.0, Improvement Bond ( u da) Finance FIN -13-001 n/a 208,825 2010 G.O. Equipment Certif aces of Ind ebtednm Finance FIN -13-002 n/a 53,075 Public Works Building Bonds Finance FIJI -13-003 n1a 474,500 Finance System Software Upgrade information Technology IT -12-001 n!a 15,200 Trail { Queens To Riverpointe Area Parks & Recmatton P& -12-048 nla 135,000 Paris Signage Parks & Recreation P-13,001 n1a 13,800 Prairie Park Soccer Fields & Parking Lots Paries & Racmation P 1 -PP12-064 n18 345,000 Nest WWTF Roof Replacement Public Utilities UT1L-12-001 n/a 138,000 East Pumphouse 42 and Wetlhouse #4 Pudic Utilities UTIL-1 -002 n1a 12,500 Stormwater Collection System (In District) Public Utilities UT1L-12,064 n1a 50,000 StorrnwaterCollection System (Otsego Cfeek) Public Utifies UTIL-12-065 n/a 25,000 Stormwater Coll Sys (Ka dl r C ulve rVC SAH 39 Ditch) Public Utilities TIL -12,066 n1a 40,000 West District Well Capacity Public Utilities UT1L-12-074 n1a 325,000 Collection System Repairs Public Utilities UT1L-13,001 n1a 15,000 N eedha m Avenue Dralaage Publ Utilities UT1L-13-002 n1a 44,000 Annual Stormwater Maintenance "Out of Dlstdct" Public, Utilities UT1L-13,003 n/a 12,765 Upgrade Gasboy System Public Worms PW -12-021 n1a 120130 Light Duty Trucks.[Vehlcles Under 15,000 GVW Public Works PW -12-100 n1a 52,000 Asphalt Maintennce Equipment Publ Works PW -124 01 n1a 35,000 Moving Equipment Public Works PW -12-104 n1a 65,000 Annual Trail Management Public Works P ST12-068 n1a 35,000 Annual Street Seal Coating Public Works PI+ ST1 .059 n1a 600,000 Annual Street Crack Filling Public forks Pl ST12-060 n1a 50,000 Annual Street Striping Public Works PW ST12-061 n1a 30,000 Annual Street Preventative Maintenance Public Works P WST12-062 n1a 38,000 Labeaux Avenue Frontage Road Public Wort PW ST1 -067 n1a 197,000 85th Street Extension - Nashua to Mason Public Works PW ST12-070 n1a 160,000 70th Street Extension - Marlin Farms to Oakwood Public Works Phil ST12-075 n/a 200,E Total foci 2013 3,687,995 . I. ... -. City Entrance Signs () Administration ADM -12-001 r11a 80,000 Building Inspection Vehicle (81),19) Building Safety BLO-12-001 n1a 25,0{}0 2010 G.O. Equipment Certificates of Indebtedness Finance FW -13,092 n1a 62,150 Darkenwald Landing Parks & Recreation P 1 -DL12-038 n1a 480,700 Prairie Park Picnic Shelter Parks & Recreation P R-PP12-041 n1a 60,000 Prairie Park Sledding bill Parks & Recreation P R-PP13-001 n/a 44,000 School Knoll Park Pre -K Play Structure Parks & Recreation P R -S# 2-945 n1a 15,000 Emergency Sirens (2) Pudic Safety PS -12-001 n1a 27,000 Page t 71tursda�, December 06, 2012 Project Name Department Project Priority Project Cost Stormwater Collection System {in District) Public Utilities UTIL-12,064 n1a 50,000 Stormwater Collection System (Otsego Creek) Public URtie UTIL-1 -065 Na 76,000 Storm a to r Collection 8y tern (0 ts ego Farms) Public Utilities UTIL-12,066 n1a 10,000 West District Well Capacity Public Utilities UTIL-1 -074 n1a 325,000 Collection System Repairs Public Utilities UTIL-13-001 n1a 15,040 Annual Stormwater Maintenance "Out of District" Public Utilitles UTIL-13-003 rda 12,765 Sign True Public Works PW -12-006 n1a 60,000 Light Duty TruckslVehicles Under 15,000 GVW Public Worcs PW -12-100 n1a 126,400 Heavy Duty TrucksNehldaz Public f ort PW -12-102 Na 180,000 Heavy Equipment Public Wanes PW -12-103 rrla 190,000 Annual Trail Management Public Works PW ST1 -058 n1a 25,000 Annual Street Seal Coaling Public Works PW-ST12-059 rile 260,00 Annual Street Crack f=illing Public Works P ST12-060 rva 70,000 Annual Street Striping Public Worcs PW-ST12-061 rda 28,000 Annual Street Preventative Maintenance Public Works PW ST12•0 2 n/a. 3%G00 CSAH 39 Service load Public Work PW ST1 -0 nla 202,000 Micro -Surface Streets Public Works P ST12-073 nla 150,000 70th Street Extension - MarUn Farms to Oakwood Public Works PW ST12-075 n1a 2,200,000 H� h ray 1011144 Project ConVibut.ion Public Worcs P ST13-001 n!a 40,000 'fetal for 2014 4,970,015 2015 i ! Public Works Building Expansion City l=a liUes FAC -42,003 n/a 1,900}000 2010 G,O, Equipment Certificates of Indebtedness Finance FIN -13-002 rola 51,025 Wildflower Meadows Park Parks & RecreatJon P I -12-055 n1a 640,000 Stormwater Collection System (in District) Public Utilities UTIL-12-064 nfa 50,000 Stormwater Coll Sirs (Culverts - Out of District) Public Utilities UTIL-12,067 n1a 10,000 Lift Station Pump Replacement ement Public Utilities UTIL-12-100 n1a 54,000 Collection System Repairs Publlo Ukil#ties UTIL-13-001 rVa 15,000 Annual Stormwater Maintenanoe "Out of District" Public Utilities TIL -13,003 n1a 12,765 Light Duty Tru slVehicles Under 15,000 GVW Public Works PW -12-100 n1a 35,000 Asphalt f aintenan a Equipment Public Works PW -12-101 n1a 9,500 Heavy Duty Trucks/Vehicles Publ€cc orks PW -12-102 n1a 200,000 Meavy Equipment Public Works PW -12-103 n1a 20,000 Mooring Equipment Public Works PW -12-104 n1a 42,000 Light EqulprnenYM Public Works PW -12-105 n1a 58,000 Annual Trail Management Public Works PWST12-058 n1a 25,000 Annual Street Seal Coating Public Works PU ST12-059 Ala 265,000 Annual Street Crack Filling Public Works PV T12-550 n1a 76,000 Annual Street Striping Public Works PV ST 2.061 111a 20,000 Annual Street Pr vent Vve Maintenance Public Works P ST12-052 n1a 41,000 70th Street Extension - Martin Farm to Oakwood Public Works PV ST12-075 n1a 440,000 Preventative Maintenance - Street Reoonstruction Public Work PI ST1 -07 nla 2,500,000 Total for 2015 0,433,200 2016 2410 G.O. Equipment Certificates of Indebtedness IRinanoe FIN -13-002 490675 l+ aterl=ront East Park Paries & Recreation P # -12,047 nla 35,000 Public Safety Fife Department Public Safety PS -12-003 n1a 600,000 Fire Station Public Safety PS -12,405 n1a 1,760,000 Meter Replacement Project PublIcUtilllties UTIL-12-045 nla 50#440 SCADA Computer Replacement PuVe Utilities UTIL-12,446 n1a 15,000 Stormwater Collection System (In District) Public Utilities UTIL-12,064 111a 50,000 Stormwater Coll Sys (Culverts - 0 u of 0istdct) Public Ut liges UTIL-12-067 n1a 10000 Page 2 Thursday, December 06, 2012 Project Name Depailiiieiit Project 9 rflority Project Cost Annual Stormwater Maintenance "out of District' Public Utlili5es UTIL-13,003 a 12,705 L, ht Duty Trucks/Vehicles Under 15,000 GVW Public Works PW -12-100 n1a 70,000 Heavy Equipment Public Worcs PW -12-103 n1a 150,000 LI ht Equipment/Mi c Public Works PW -12-105 n/a 55,000 Annual Trail )Management Public Works PW-ST12-058 n1a 25,000 Annual Street Seal Coating Public Wolk PW ST12-'059 n1a 135,000 Annual Street Crack Filling Public Woks P T12-064 n/a 70,000 Annual Street Striping Public Woks PW ST12-061 n/a 29,000 Annual Street Preventative Maintenance Public Worcs P T12-062 n/a 420000 Total for 2016 3,148,440 2017 Phone System Upgrade Adminlst{ation ADM -12-002 n1a 20,400 2010 G.O. Equipment Ceftificates of Indebtedness Finance FIJI -13-002 n1a 48,325 West Lefebvre Creek Park Parks & Recreation P fd-12,056 n1a 040,000 lodn Landing Parr Project Parks & Recreation P P-NL12-032 rda 477,440 Praire Park Playground Equipment Parks & recreation P R-PP1 -002 n1a 80,400 Pfairie Park Sallfield Li hfl Parks & Recreation Pfd-PP12-035 n1a 500,400 Prairie Park rough Grade ParlkJn0 Area & Ballfields Parks reoreation PI-PPP6 n1a 526,840 Praide Part NW Parking Lot Parks s Recreation P& -PP12-053 rda 152,400 School Knoll Park Playground Equipment Packs & Recreation P - K12-003 n1a 55,733 (Meter Replac m nt Project Public t. 611tles UTIL-12-045 n1a 50,400 tormwater C ollectlicn Sys te m (In DIstrct) Public Utilities UTIL-12-064 rJa 50,000 Starmwater Coll Sys (Culverts - Out of District) Public ,.Utilities UTIL-12-067 rda 10,000 LS #f (West WWTF) Public,. Utilities UTIL-12-075 n1a 75,000 Water Tower# 1 Interior Painting Public Utilities UFIL-12-078 n1a 170,400 Water Tourer 1 Exterior Palnfing Public Utilities UTIL-12-0 9 n/a 45,000 Lift Station Pump replacement Public Utilities UTIL-1 -100 n/a 34,400 Annual Stormwater Maintenance "Out of Di tdcr Public Utilities UTIL-1 -003 n/a 12,745 Heavy Equipment Public Works PW -12-103 n1a 180,000 (Mowing Equipment Public Works PW -12-104 rrla 11,000 Li ht quipmentlM sc Public Worms PW -12-105 n/a 25,000 Annual Tram Management Public Works PU ST12-058 R/a 25,000 Annual Street Seal Coating Public Works PW T12-059 rda 350,000 Annual Street Crack Filling Public Works PILI ST12-060 fl/a 76,000 Annual Street Striping Public Work P ST12-0 1 n1a 30,000 Annual Street Preventative Maintenance Public Works PI ST12-0 2 n1a 44,000 78th Street Extension - Quaday to Guam Public Works P 41 ST1 -063 n1a 360,000 Nashua Avenue Reali nment at CSAH 39 Public Works P ST12-069 n1a 85,400 Total fo 2017 4,133o723 GRAND TOTAL 22,374,063 Page 3 ThursdaY, December 06, 2012